Anni Finsterer

Anni Finsterer

프로필 사진

Anni Finsterer

참여 작품

Two young men make a connection neither of them expects or knows how to navigate. Casey, a young man from the countryside running from a small-town scandal, finds himself down and out in the big smoke of Sydney. When he meets Tib, a young city lad, struggling with his own scars of isolation, there’s chemistry, not only sexually but also emotionally as both men find something they have been missing. Can they overcome their own insecurities and let the other in or are the walls they have built too strong to knock down?
더 스트레인저
Female Uniformed Cop
살인 용의자와 진지하고 우정 어린 관계를 맺는 잠입 경찰. 그렇게 용의자의 신뢰를 얻어 자백을 유도하려 한다.
We Have Me
When a high school basketball captain is faced with suspension for breaking school property, a young girl with down syndrome takes him under her wing in order to win a dance competition and pay for the damages.
그녀가 사라졌다
Miss Needles
환영과 환청을 겪는 ‘데본’은 꿈에 그리던 이상형 ‘루시’를 만나 달콤한 데이트로 마법 같은 시간을 보낸다. 그런데 꿈처럼 ‘루시’가 사라져버리고, 주변 사람들 모두 그녀가 ‘데본’의 환상일 뿐이라고 말한다. 하지만 사랑에 빠진 순간을 기억하는 ‘데본’은 그녀를 찾아 나서는데…
켈리 갱
Mrs. Gill
폭력과 부패로 가득했던 시대, 온갖 범죄로 세상을 더럽히는 무법자 해리와 부패경찰 알렉스에 맞서 자신만의 방식으로 악인들을 단죄한 전설적 영웅이자 세상이 버린 위대한 범죄자 네드 켈리의 이야기가 시작된다!
A collage of an American poem, exploring the universality of womanhood.
Three Stories Inside a Rental Van
The life of a white rental van is told in three parts via the different people who hire it.
스위트 컨트리
한 목사의 농장에서 일을 하고 있는 원주민 샘에게 다른 농장주 해리의 일을 도와 달라는 청탁이 들어온다. 괴팍한 성격의 해리는 사소한 일로 샘과 그의 아내를 위협하다가 샘에게 죽임당한다. 샘은 아내와 함께 마을을 탈출하고, 그들을 잡기 위한 보안관의 추격이 시작된다. [제22회 부산국제영화제]
Teenage Kicks
Illona Varga
Miklós is at the age when everything feels high-stakes. He is coming to terms with his own sexuality, and when his best friend Dan reveals that he has a new girlfriend, this puts an end to their plans to run away together.
Johnny Ghost
Millicent, a professional musician, wants to get her old commemorative tattoo removed, but the ghosts of her post-punk past wont let her go so easily.'
더 클리닉
Locker Room Woman
만삭의 몸으로 남편과 함께 여행을 떠난 베스는 우연히 들른 여관에서 하룻밤을 지내게 된다. 잠이 든 베스는 아무도 모르게 납치된 후 배에 제왕절개 상처 자국만 남아 있는 채 알 수 없는 곳에서 눈을 뜨게 된다. 그곳이 불법입양센터임을 알게 된 베스는 탈출을 시도하던 중 자신과 같은 처지의 산모들을 만나게 된다. 뱃속에서 사라진 아이를 찾아 헤매던 베스와 산모들은 굳게 잠긴 케이지 속 각기 다른 색의 라벨을 한 아이들을 발견한다. 아이를 찾기 위해서는 자신의 뱃속의 색깔 블록과 같은 색깔의 라벨을 한 아이를 찾아야 하는데… 자신의 배를 가르지 않고 아이를 찾기 위한 방법은 다른 사람들의 뱃속을 열어 색깔 블록을 확인하는 방법뿐. 아이를 되찾기 위한 그녀들의 처절한 사투가 시작되는데…
3 Acts of Murder
Anne Upfield
In 1928 Arthur Upfield, Australia’s premier crime writer, plotted the perfect murder for his novel The Sands of Windee. Meanwhile, one of his friends, stockman Snowy Rowles, put the scheme into deadly effect, even before the book was published. This true story resulted in one of Australia’s most sensational murder trials of the 1930’s and catapulted Upfield’s name onto the world stage.
Prime Mover
Thomas' Mum
A long haul truckie who finds that the reality of his existence is far removed from his youthful dreams of owning and driving his own prime mover.
Thomson of Arnhem Land
In the 1930s tensions between the government and the Indigenous peoples of Australia's north were on a knife-edge. Donald Thomson, an anthropologist, volunteered to go to Arnhem Land to make peace. For over two years, he lived with the Aboriginal people, forging strong bonds, learning and recording their way of life. His report to the government outlined a vision of land rights and other measures to protect a unique yet fragile culture - it was ignored. Ostracised by politicians and fellow academics, Thomson never gave up the struggle for Aboriginal rights. Now, his extraordinary photographs, field notes and artefacts are considered one of the most significant ethnographic collections in the world.
Strange Fits of Passion
The hilarious tale of a sexually-curious, romantically-frustrated bookstore clerk on a mission to lose her virginity. In between encounters with other people, she returns to the one person she can trust and truly relate to, her gay friend Jimmy, whose faith in love is being shaken by the revelation that his boyfriend has been unfaithful.
To Have & To Hold
An Australian widower living in New Guinea starts a relationship with a woman very similar to his much-beloved wife, but their life together turns out to be far from the imagined romantic ideal.
Lessons in the Language of Love
Two people meet, they connect. One disconnects, the other can't and then it's all over. The definitive guide to a language harder to learn than Votyak but much more important.
Cody: A Family Affair
Cody and Fiorelli try to catch diamond smugglers, but the gems are not where they were supposed to be. Cody embarks to infiltrate the dealers who brought the diamonds in from South Africa. He also searches for a missing teenager.