Tibor Máthé

참여 작품

The Butcher, The Whore and the One-Eyed Man
Depicts the slow decline of three individuals as they are sucked into a world of sinful existence. It is the story of a wild and voracious love triangle.
The Carer
Director of Photography
Dorottya is a young Hungarian actress with a burning desire: to make it on the English stage. Legendary actor, Sir Michael Gifford suffers from an incurable disease, and has one desire: be left alone. When Dorottya becomes his carer they both hope their wish will be fulfilled.
Director of Photography
This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in the dome of the circus while juggling with burning torches. Every night Aglaja is terrified by the fear of losing her mother. But, on some day, she has to follow the family tradition and become the "Woman with the Hair of Steel".
Egy szoknya, egy nadrág
Director of Photography
The film shows the times directly before and after the revolution of 1956 in a Rosehill villa and its garden, guarded by the state security, from the perspective of a powerful party functionary’s children living there. The children witness a lot of things they do not understand, mysterious things, which they interpret in their own way.
마법사 시몬
Director of Photography
파리에서 범죄가 일어나고 경찰은 단서도 찾지 못한 채 수사의 혼선을 겪고 있다. 이때 초능력을 가진 동아시아 출신의 시몬이 수사에 투입되고 그의 도움으로 범인이 검거된다. 그의 초능력이 인정받게 되자 과거 라이벌이었던 다른 마법사가 도전장을 보내는데, 그것은 바로 3년간 땅 속에 묻혀있는 것. 하지만 시몬이 땅에 묻힌 후 곧 죽었다는 소식이 전해진다. 시몬을 사랑하는 제인은 그를 찾아 나서고 마법사 시몬은 죽었다. 과연 제인은 그를 다시 만날 수 있을까?
Director of Photography
György Fehèr’s aim was to “make a film which is similar to the last salvaged print of a long lost film”. The passions he investigates are centred on primeval fears and cravings and a sense of inescapable doom. Shot in powerful black and white with excellent central performances.
School of Senses
Camera Operator
Hungarian erotic thriller based on the novel Erzekek Iskolaja. Lily, a young gypsy girl, falls madly in love with a dashing salesman who introduces her to life's pleasures. When Lili discovers he is engaged to another, her life begins to spiral downward.
Magic Hunter
Director of Photography
A battle-scarred, has-been Hungarian cop, tormented by his memories of nearly killing an innocent woman in his custody, enters into a Faustian pact in which he trades his soul for a handful of "magic" bullets that always hit the mark. A mysterious and mythical story.
Lajos Kovács (WINGS OF DESIRE) stars as the misused Woyzeck, who ekes out a miserable existence sweeping train tracks, running errands for a bullying army captain and acting as a human guinea pig for a local doctor with ideas about free will. When his common-law wife begins an affair with a local cop, Woyzeck's pocket Bible and near-starvation diet point him on a downward spiral of twisted redemption.
Why Wasn't He There?
Director of Photography
나의 20세기
20세기 초 도라와 릴리는 가혹한 실험의 결과를 목도한다. 1900년 기술이 발전하는 가운데 여성의 권리와 민족 자결권은 보조를 맞출 수 있을까?
Whooping Cough
Director of Photography
The story of 10-year-old boy and his family against the backdrop of the bloody events of 1956, in Budapest. Children do not yet understand what is going on, but they're happy because the schools are closed. But gradually, to adults and children comes the understanding that something terrible is happening. Disappearing relatives, friends, and even killed some. Tips sent an army to put down the counterrevolutionary rebellion.
퀸 - 헝가리안 랩소디 : 부다페스트 라이브
Camera Operator
퀸 역사상 가장 거대한 이벤트 1986년 매직투어 중 가장 특별한 공연 Queen [Hungarian Rhapsody : Live In Budapest] 퀸(Queen) 역사상 가장 거대한 이벤트인 매직투어 26회 공연 중 필름으로 기록된 유일한 공연 실황! 당시 헝가리에 있는 모든 필름 카메라 총 16대 동원 촬영! 동구권 최초의 메이저 록밴드 공연으로 기록된 콘서트이자 매직투어 중 프레디 머큐리 최고의 컨디션을 자랑하는 단 하나의 공연 실황! [Hungarian Rhapsody] 장엄하고 강렬하게 공연의 시작을 알리는‘One Vision’과 ‘Tie Your Mother Down’에 이어 힘찬 분위기로 편곡된 ‘A Kind Of Magic’ 및 프레디 머큐리의 목소리로 부르며 당시 관객들을 감동시킨 헝가리 민요 ‘Tavaszi Szél Vizet Áraszt’, 퀸의 공연에 빠질 수 없는 ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ 공연의 마지막을 장식하는 ‘God Save The Queen’ 등 매직투어 사상 최고의 영상미를 자랑하는 라이브 영상 및 미공개 영상을 포함하여 밴드 멤버들의 인터뷰 영상, 스튜디오에서의 모습과 매직투어 비하인드 씬 등을 포함한 25분 분량의 다큐멘터리 ‘A Magic Year’수록!