Tadeusz Konwicki
출생 : 1926-06-22, Nowa Wilejka, wileńskie, Polska (obecnie Litwa)
사망 : 2015-01-07
Tadeusz Konwicki (22 June 1926 – 7 January 2015) was a Polish writer and film director, as well as a member of the Polish Language Council. He is widely known for two novels, published by the Polish underground press: "The Polish Complex" (1977) and "A Minor Apocalypse" (1979).
In the eve of the Day of the Dead, among mysterious old rituals of the Vilnius region, ghosts of the past and present start to appear.
In the eve of the Day of the Dead, among mysterious old rituals of the Vilnius region, ghosts of the past and present start to appear.
2차대전이 발발하기 직전의 폴란드, 마을의 분위기는 뒤숭숭하지만 젊은 청년인 비텍은 의사가 되기 위해 열심히 공부를 한다. 도시에서 학교를 다니다 시험을 앞두고 잠시 시골 집에 돌아온 비텍은 우연히 아름다운 소녀를 만나 마음을 뺏긴다. 타데우시 콘비츠키가 쓴 동명의 소설이 원작이다.
2차대전이 발발하기 직전의 폴란드, 마을의 분위기는 뒤숭숭하지만 젊은 청년인 비텍은 의사가 되기 위해 열심히 공부를 한다. 도시에서 학교를 다니다 시험을 앞두고 잠시 시골 집에 돌아온 비텍은 우연히 아름다운 소녀를 만나 마음을 뺏긴다. 타데우시 콘비츠키가 쓴 동명의 소설이 원작이다.
2차대전이 발발하기 직전의 폴란드, 마을의 분위기는 뒤숭숭하지만 젊은 청년인 비텍은 의사가 되기 위해 열심히 공부를 한다. 도시에서 학교를 다니다 시험을 앞두고 잠시 시골 집에 돌아온 비텍은 우연히 아름다운 소녀를 만나 마음을 뺏긴다. 타데우시 콘비츠키가 쓴 동명의 소설이 원작이다.
The protagonist of "Passerby" is writer and filmmaker Tadeusz Konwicki. His story, which reflects the paradoxes of the 20th century history, is commented by means of fragments of his films, documentary newsreels and stage productions.
During a pogrom in Poland on the eve of World War I, a group of Jews seek refuge from the Cossacks. The fugitives hide out in a rural inn, terrified that they may be given away at any moment.
The film evokes a childhood in rural Lithuania between the wars. A country boy, Tomaszek, lives on a rich estate, situated on the Polish border. He realizes that the Issa Valley he lives in is to be torn apart by internal political conflicts and unrests among the mixed population of Poles, Lithuanians, Jews and Russians. He, however, is captivated by a paradise surrounding him, the forest, and his fantasies.
The film evokes a childhood in rural Lithuania between the wars. A country boy, Tomaszek, lives on a rich estate, situated on the Polish border. He realizes that the Issa Valley he lives in is to be torn apart by internal political conflicts and unrests among the mixed population of Poles, Lithuanians, Jews and Russians. He, however, is captivated by a paradise surrounding him, the forest, and his fantasies.
A middle-aged man sets out on a symbolic journey through past, present, and future to learn why an old friend committed suicide, and learns much about his own life along the way.
A middle-aged man sets out on a symbolic journey through past, present, and future to learn why an old friend committed suicide, and learns much about his own life along the way.
Marek is a promising athlete sharing affairs with more than one women. One day at masquerade ball his loafing eyes witnessed the most beautiful pair of eyes disguised in black veil of Turkish dress and instantly get him ensnared by her enigma. He follows her, she knows it. She meets him and introduced her as Jowita and told him to wait for her outside the gate. The wait ended in frustration for him and he gets himself obsessed in search of her. Finally at another ball, he meets her again but she said she is Agnieszka and not Jowita, who is her best friend. They became friends and lovers but still those eyes of Jowita remain a mystery. Who is Jowita? An unattainable object of desire or unsolved enigma of subconscious?
젊은 파라오 람세스 13세는 국가 권력과 재원을 두고 성직자들과 충돌하고 있었다. 미숙하지만 야심찬 파라오는 이집트의 지배권을 찬탈하려는 강력한 성직자 일족에 맞서 싸운다.
The movie "L'instant de la paix" consists of three segments: 1. "Les rideaux blancs" (France) 2. "Berlin N 65" (West Germany) 3. "Matura" (Poland)
The movie "L'instant de la paix" consists of three segments: 1. "Les rideaux blancs" (France) 2. "Berlin N 65" (West Germany) 3. "Matura" (Poland)
한 남자가 달리는 기차에서 뛰어내린 뒤 근처의 작은 마을로 향한다. 그중 어느 집으로 무작정 들어간 남자는 자신이 원래 이 마을의 주민이었으며 누군가로부터 쫓기고 있다고 말한다. 자신의 정체는 밝히지 않은 채 계속해서 마을 사람들과 과거에 관한 대화를 시도하는 이 남자는 과연 누구일까? 평범하지 않은 인물, 독특한 사건 진행과 함께 폴란드 공동체의 숨은 죄의식을 그린 흥미진진한 드라마.
한 남자가 달리는 기차에서 뛰어내린 뒤 근처의 작은 마을로 향한다. 그중 어느 집으로 무작정 들어간 남자는 자신이 원래 이 마을의 주민이었으며 누군가로부터 쫓기고 있다고 말한다. 자신의 정체는 밝히지 않은 채 계속해서 마을 사람들과 과거에 관한 대화를 시도하는 이 남자는 과연 누구일까? 평범하지 않은 인물, 독특한 사건 진행과 함께 폴란드 공동체의 숨은 죄의식을 그린 흥미진진한 드라마.
A pair of lovers go off to a small hotel in a little town. The memories of war, however, intrude on their idyll. The girl and boy relive certain wartime experiences in flashback. She was a communist who drove a boy loving her to give himself up.
A pair of lovers go off to a small hotel in a little town. The memories of war, however, intrude on their idyll. The girl and boy relive certain wartime experiences in flashback. She was a communist who drove a boy loving her to give himself up.
17세기 폴란드, 요제프 신부는 정확한 정체를 알 수 없는 끔찍한 사건이 벌어졌다는 이야기를 듣고 조사를 위해 외딴 수도원을 방문한다. 그는 악령에 씌인 요안나 수녀가 사건의 중심에 있으며, 다른 신부들은 엑소시즘에 여러 차례 실패했다는 이야기를 듣는다. 호러 장르적 요소를 갖춘 작품으로 1961년 칸영화제 심사위원특별상을 수상했다. (2019 한-폴 수교 30주년 기념 폴란드 영화제)
A subtle, almost quasi-documentary tale of a confrontation between two lonely people — one from which true understanding cannot seemingly result.
A subtle, almost quasi-documentary tale of a confrontation between two lonely people — one from which true understanding cannot seemingly result.
Rumsza, the elderly railwayman, leading a sedate life with his wife, misses his only remaining son (two older boys were killed in the war). Joziuk finally returns from the military in the first scene but with the pregnant Zosia, while Rumsza expected him to marry Celinka, the daughter of Krywka, his only friend and neighbour. The hero will not accept the new situation; he throws his son and Zosia out of his house. Celinka is distressed but she still harbours hope for Joziuk. The birth of the child changes the situation: Rumsza accepts his son's relationship but Celinka decides to leave.
Karwowski, son of a pre-war colonel, is transferred from the West to Poland with the task of assembling a spy and diversion network. The task seems to be easy. However, after landing in Poland, it turns out that nobody wants to cooperate with him. Karwowski's "100% reliable" contacts with potential collaborators turn out to be completely outdated.
The main character of "Żyłem siedemnaście razy" reflects on his childhood in Gwoździec and tells a story about the beginning of his career as a filmmaker.