Bryan Chesters

참여 작품

A Haunting at Silver Falls: The Return
Several years after a deadly struggle with her serial killer aunt, Jordan works to escape her troubled history. But when her aunt's revenge-seeking specter surfaces to join forces with a deranged convict, Jordan must return to the haunted town of Silver Falls for a final showdown with the ghosts of her past
워 독
FBI Agent (uncredited)
마사지 치료사로 근근이 살아가는 20대 청년. 미 정부의 무기 거래를 따내자는 친구의 제안에 귀가 솔깃해진다. 파이가 크면 부스러기도 쏠쏠한 법이라나. 하지만 점차 욕심이 커지면서 부스러기 대신 파이를 노리는 싸움이 시작된다.
A Lesson in Romance
Professor Clark
A successful career Mom gets a case of empty nest syndrome when her children go off to college, and her husband decides to join them and follow his own dreams. Fearing she might be losing her family for good, she enrolls determined to save her family. Will she win her family back, or drive them farther away?
Less Than Zero
Man in First Class
A college freshman returns to L.A. for the holidays at his ex-girlfriend's request, but discovers that his former best friend has an out-of-control drug habit.