Gunnar Järvstad

참여 작품

Eleven people, isolated from the outside world, communicate via screens. A son wants to hold the hand of his suffering mother. Love grows. A mother has abandoned her family. A therapist finds himself at the edge of ruin. A daughter connects with her parents.
The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift
The Shamer's Daughter, Dina, with the magical power of compelling people to admit their most secret shame, must save her family with her newly found father. But he is a Blackmaster, with the power to make people see and believe things that aren't true, so Dina must deal with having inherited this horrible power, while forging a relationship with a father she fears and mistrusts.
We Were Three
Three young girls are on the way home from a parent-free party weekend in England when a naive joke in the wrong environment leads to unexpected consequences.
가든 레인
오랜만에 만난 에릭과 엘린은 둘이 처음 만났던 어둡고 마법 같은 여름을 회상한다. 둘은 아직 어린아이였고, 둘의 부모 린다와 피에테르는 마약 중독자였다. 네 사람은 아름답고 강렬했던 몇 개월을 진짜 가족처럼 보낸다. 하지만 린다와 피에테르가 무너져 내리기 시작하면서 두 아이는 생존을 위해 싸워야 했는데.
Best Man
The Best Man on his way to the wedding briefly stops at the roadside in a desolate countryside. Hearing muffled moans he checks beneath the car and finds a badly hurt man stuck in the undercarriage. Panicking and frightened that he will be late for the wedding, he decides to help the injured man himself instead of calling assistance. This to the wounded man and the Best Mans great misfortune, as the universe this day works by the motto instant karma.
Best Man
The Best Man on his way to the wedding briefly stops at the roadside in a desolate countryside. Hearing muffled moans he checks beneath the car and finds a badly hurt man stuck in the undercarriage. Panicking and frightened that he will be late for the wedding, he decides to help the injured man himself instead of calling assistance. This to the wounded man and the Best Mans great misfortune, as the universe this day works by the motto instant karma.
Wallander 27 - The Troubled Man
First Assistant Director
Wallander has become a grandfather and is trying to seize the role as good as it goes because he wants to be closer to his daughter Linda and her family. When Linda's father-in-law mysteriously disappears, Wallander is drawn into the case that takes him back in time to the Cold War and the submarine violations in the Stockholm archipelago. At the same time, he's starting to suspect that something is not right with him...
Tune for Two
An assassin drags his victim into the middle of the snowy woods, digs a pit, positions him next to it and prepares to finish the job. His victim seems to want to go out singing though.
Wallander 23 - The Ghost
First Assistant Director
Arson is suspected when a house burns to the ground following a gas explosion, and a man and a woman are found dead. Wallander investigates and uncovers an intricate web of lies.