Eleven people, isolated from the outside world, communicate via screens. A son wants to hold the hand of his suffering mother. Love grows. A mother has abandoned her family. A therapist finds himself at the edge of ruin. A daughter connects with her parents.
오랜만에 만난 에릭과 엘린은 둘이 처음 만났던 어둡고 마법 같은 여름을 회상한다. 둘은 아직 어린아이였고, 둘의 부모 린다와 피에테르는 마약 중독자였다. 네 사람은 아름답고 강렬했던 몇 개월을 진짜 가족처럼 보낸다. 하지만 린다와 피에테르가 무너져 내리기 시작하면서 두 아이는 생존을 위해 싸워야 했는데.
An assassin drags his victim into the middle of the snowy woods, digs a pit, positions him next to it and prepares to finish the job. His victim seems to want to go out singing though.