Old Man
홍콩 최고의 명문 조직 화백련 보스의 외동딸 아령(서기). 보스 임회장은 조직간 세력다툼이 벌어지자 그녀를 한국으로 피신시키고 한국의 동방파 보스 양사장에게 딸의 안전을 부탁한다. 양사장은 밀수로나마 중국어 실력을 쌓아온 No.3 기철(이범수)을 믿고(?) 아령의 보호를 맡긴다. 아령의 실체를 전혀 모른 채 관광 가이드쯤으로 생각한 기철과 꽁치(오지호), 도미(조희봉)는 명문가의 후계자다운 아령의 도도함 때문에 당황스러울 뿐. 급기야 밀수용 중국어 실력에 한계를 느낀 기철은 연변처녀 연희(현영)를 급초빙하게 된다.기철과 아령 사이에서 살벌한 기운이 감도는 가운데 연희는 생존본능적인 엽기 통역을 구사하며 이들의 좌충우돌 동거에 합류한다. 그러나 아령의 목숨을 노린 킬러가 홍콩에서 한국으로 급파되면서 아령 뿐 아니라 기철 일당마저 생명의 위협을 받게 되는데…
진저와 브리지트는 각각 16살과 15살이 된 사춘기 자매. 학교에서는 왕따를 당하는 아웃사이더들이다. 둘은, 여자가 되는 것은 호르몬의 변화에 따라 점점 더 바보가 되는 것일 뿐이라며 더 이상 성장하느니 죽는 게 낫다고 생각하는 괴짜들이다. 실제로 이들은 ‘1001가지 죽는 방법’이라는 슬라이드 쇼를 선보일 만큼 엽기적 취향의 소녀들이다. 그러나 이건 장차 이들에게 일어날 재난에 비하면 '농담' 수준이다. 어느날 언니 진저는 늑대인간에게 습격을 받고 자신도 괴물로 변해간다. 피에 굶주린 진저는 낮에는 남자를, 밤에는 개들을 잡아먹는다. 동생 브리지트조차 언니를 감당할 수 없는 지경에 이른다.
Phan Ho
뉴욕을 자신들의 거점으로 차지하려는 조직간의 암투가 대형 폭파 사건으로 표면화된다. 이 사건은 뉴욕 전체를 긴장 속에 몰아넣고 NYPD(뉴욕 경찰국)은 비상 사태에 돌입한다. NYPD는 젊고 혈기왕성한 경찰 월리스(마크 월버그 분)를 보강하고 사건 추적에 나선다. 월리스는 시민과 경찰 내부에서 능력을 인정받는 유능한 형사 첸(주윤발 분)과 파트너가 된다. 하지만 범죄 조직과 결탁하고 은밀하게 정보를 주고 받아온 첸에게 원칙주의자 월리스는 귀찮은 존재일 뿐이다. 첸은 자신의 임무에 성실하고 최선을 다하는 월리스에게 이 지역을 떠날 것을 권유한다. 첸과의 거래를 통해 뉴욕에서 조직을 확장해온 리(릭 영 분)는 월리스를 통해 더 많은 정보를 확보하려는 계획을 세운다. 그리고 월리스가 불법 매춘 조직을 검거할 수 있도록 정보를 흘린다. 월리스는 불법매춘 현장을 덮쳐 NYPD로부터 훈장을 수여받고 능력을 인정받는다. 리의 음모를 알아 차린 첸은 리에게 조직내에 위장 FBI 요원이 있다는 정보를 주면서 더 이상 월리스를 개입시키지 말 것을 요구한다. 한편, 경찰의 수사와 검거에도 불구하고 폭력과 마약거래, 불법매춘 사건은 계속된다. FBI는 리의 목소리가 담긴 테입을 증거물로 확보하고 월리스의 개입 여부를 조사한다. 첸은 리의 범죄 사실을 증언할 증인을 FBI에 넘기는 대신 월리스에 대한 조사를 중지할 것을 요구한다. 그러던 중 리는 월리스가 경찰 비밀 내사반이라는 사실을 알게 되고 첸에게 살인을 사주하는데...
Taoist Priest Ho
The soon-to-be Monk Talkative does his best to understand when Fairy Yeh explains what must be done. Rabbit spirits have escaped from the heavenly garden, and must be recaptured. These bunnies can assume human female form, and gorgeous forms at that. One is played by Pang Dan, who happens to be the soon-to-be Monk Talkative's wife. Talkative finds the explanation hard to follow but decides to help.
뉴욕에 원인을 알 수 없는 병원균이 확산된다. 많은 사람들이 죽어가게 되는데 특히 이 병은 어린이에게 치명적이다. 이 질병은 바퀴벌레에 의해 균이 옮겨진다는 것만 밝혀졌을 뿐 치료약이 없다. 벌레의 확산을 막기 위해 뉴욕 주립대 곤충학 교수인 수잔(미라 소비노)은 흰개미와 사마귀의 합성 유전자로 새로운 종을 만들어낸다. '유다'라는 이름의 이 생물체로 인해 바퀴벌레는 박멸되고 더 이상 희생자는 나오지 않게 된다. 그로부터 3년 뒤 수잔은 동네에서 자신이 만든 유다의 새끼를 발견하고 경악한다. 유다 종은 생식 능력이 없고 수명도 6개월로 제한됐기 때문이다.
A set of three stories, each concerning a woman's difficulty with her husband. Story 1 is set in 1940, in a brothel fallen on hard times. Their star attraction is Flora, but she marries a local fishseller, only to kill him with too much sex on their wedding night, then he comes back as a jealous ghost. Story 2 is possibly in the 1960s, regarding a poor family where the husband is very ill with TB and the wife has to work overtime. A chicken seller lusts after her, and helps pay for the husband's operation. But when he finds out...... Story 3 concerns a paranoid former nightclub hostess, "Beautiful Ho", who marries Robert (a client) on a whim, then drives herself mad (or madder) suspecting him of wooing girls. She is seen telling her story in a police station...
A model training center is set up by Lady Rose, which aims to provide sex partners for men with high social status. However, Lady Rose's main purpose is to blackmail the reputable men for money. A fashion show of undergarment is held, Lady Rose's models appear in their sexiest and most seductive underwear, and men cannot stop looking for partners. The dirty business of Lady Rose is finally exposed and shakes up the city when a model is killed...
Two top swordswomen practice the rare art of Chrysanthemum Sword to rid the country of a ruthless swordsman and restore peace to the martial world.
Four beautiful girls from Northern China make their mark in Hong Kong with the help of a sleazy pimp nicknamed ""Whore Worm""
Anna love her boyfriend Steven, when at the expense of the dancers, and the earned money is given to Steven to do business, hope one day to live a normal life, but Stephen is a liar .....
During the Anti-Japanese War, the young female archaeologist Fang Zhizhen and her father Professor Fang taught at the university. Zhizhen, with strong patriotism, was determined to find the medical work of the lost folk magician Hua Tuo.
Hooker's Customer
Kitty flopped in participation of the Hong Kong beauty contest and became a laughing stock among her colleagues. They used to make fun of her throughout the days. However, her luck changes. She came to know a prince of her dream....
Hotel Manager
Women keep throwing themselves at Charlie, but he falls for charming masseur Si Wai, who is beholden to a cute little idol who once saved her from being raped by a gangster. Unfortunately, the ghost of the gangster goes after Charlie, making him have sex with the women he is obliged to show around for work purposes.
Powerful Four boasts an all-star cast and chronicles the rise of four semi-corrupt Hong Kong police detectives during the late 1960s.
Law Ho
A journalist photographs an assassin in the act of execution, but the assassin lets her go. The same thing happens again, and the assassin's gang question his motives.
Fung is sent to Hong Kong to handle an antique smuggling case.
Restaurant Waiter
서로 양숙이던 증사장과 홍사장은 미스터 장의 잔꾀에 속아 호텔업을 동업한다. 그러던 어느날, 증사장은 백억짜리 쿠웨이트 제건공사를 따기 위해 십여년간 찾아보지도 않은 아버지를 수소문해서 겨우 찾아낸다. 효성이 지극한 사람에게 약한 리바바 왕자를 감동시키려 했던 것. 그러나 아버지다 완강히 거절하자 증사장은 위암에 걸려 몇달 못산다고 거짓말을 한다. 마침내 성공한 증사장은 거대한 생일파티를 열기로 하고 여윈 아버지르 살찌게 만들기 위해 온갖 운동을 강요하고 하루에 5번씩 보약을 다린다. 며칠 후, 생일 파티장. 벼락부자가 되는 순간이었다. 드디어 기다리던 쿠웨이트 왕자가 온다. 증사장의 음모를 알아차린 홍사장은 옆건물에서 파티를 열어 손님에게 금화를 주며 가로 챈 것었다. 더군다나 그 주범은 미스터 장 이었다.분노를 삭이며 홍사장과 협상한 끝에 손님을 끌어 모아 거대한 파티를 연다. 그 순간 홍사장은 또 방해를 하기 시작하는데.
Fortune Teller
David is sitting in a bar, musing over why he has bedded and left five or six of Asia's loveliest women in such a short time.
When two prostitutes Wah and Fong find their dreams shattered, they turn to be starred in the sex movies. A second class actress Tracy intentionally exposes her body that brings her lots of movie contract and a wealthy guy. She also seduces her sister's boyfriend and gets him caught. Her despairingly sister, losing all she uses to have, chooses to play in the pornographic movies
A make-it-up-as-you-go supernatural thriller about a guy in love with a ghost
Two Hong Kong police officers end up in a Laos prison and must escape.
A triad boss runs a family business, who deals in arms. He has a good relationship with his sister Amy, until she finds out that he killed their father.
Hong Kong horror film from 1991.
It's the year 1898 and government reformists are aggressively sought out and publicly executed by the Ching Dynasty officials. Master Wang, a leader of the reformist party, enlists the help of skilled fighters for reinforcements, including Cheong San, a longtime enemy of the treacherous Lord Wing. With the help of Lela Wong, Cheong San's betrothed, Cheong San and Master Wnag battle their nemesis to further their cause. What Cheong San's enemies believe to be his weak point they soon discover to be his source of power. He is most lethal when intoxicated, lending him the name of Drunken San. This is another must-see for classic kung fu combat fans.
Drama set in the 1950s, based on a true story, about a young girl, Sung Neng Yee, who is brought as part of a wealthy Chinese family. She is eager to become part of Mao Tze Tung's "new society", but soon becomes disenchanted by the economic misery the changes bring to her family. Before long, the authorities become aware of Neng Yee's feelings and she is taken to a labour camp, overseen by the sadistic Colonel Cheng.
Yukari Oshima stars as a Japanese Interpol officer investigating the triads for drug smuggling and recruits some young girls coerced into prostitution by the gangs to gather incriminating evidence. However, when the girls are caught for selling out their bosses, Yukari Oshima hatches a plan to get them out which culminates in an exhilarating extended fight sequence.
When a Hong Kong teenager from a poor family wins a trip to Japan, he unleashes a chain of events that will soon bring him from his secluded fishing village to Tokyo. On the way, he connects with a barely competent tour guide and a gender-fluid pickpocket. Upon returning home with this merry band of schemers, he and his family of counterfeiters discover that a multinational conglomerate led by a ruthless Japanese developer has found the village, and is determined to raze it to build the new center of world trade.
Uncle Kau
Moon Lee plays a beautiful actress named Angel who is killed in a brutal fashion after she refuses the advances of a gangster. Twenty years later, a struggling young actor (Lau Chi-Wai) comes upon Angel's ghost, who teaches him some new moves which gain him the starring role in the local production, as well as the affection of one of the other stars of the show (Alvina Kong). In return, he and his uncle (Wu Ma) set out to help Angel gain her revenge on the gangster that took her life.
To survive, Huang, former opium trafficker, engages in illegal karate fights, a discipline which he is the undisputed master. He is contacted by Interpol, who asked him to infiltrate the opium networks of the Golden Triangle. At a secret meeting in Manila, Huang contacts Wei Chen, Hong Kong network leader, who entrusted him with an important mission in Thailand. Hung discovers that then heroin takes on a new road and interpol does not know the new road. Quickly suspected by traffickers, Huang with the force of his fists, engages a death struggle against the drug cartel.
Day of Thunder is a Hong Kong Crime Drama starring Alex Man.
A Hong Kong crime film from 1990 directed by Wilson Cheung Wing-Wa .
Uncle Ho
Fred (Nat Chan) is a dopey jewelry company employee due to wed the impossibly pretty Tina (Michelle Reis). But Fred's stash of diamonds is stolen, leaving him with no feasible dowry with which to please Tina's tough dad (Wu Fung). To replenish his depleted funds, Fred schemes with smarmy buddy Seng (Sin Lap Man) to steal some diamonds from his own company. But the plan doesn't exactly go as intended, and soon a gang of robbers, the cops, and even Tina's dad all seem to be after Fred and Seng! Can Fred win over Tina's dad, clear his name, and still marry the impossibly pretty Tina?
A compelling study of three girls and the paths they choose to stardom when they cross paths with a womanizing artist.
Tough female cops tussle with Hong Kong Triad societies and also a recently resurrected hopping vampire. Chaos reigns.
Lung (Tony Poon), a rookie bodyguard falls in love with the first subject he's overseeing, May (May Cheung). She has come to Hong Kong with false hopes of being a singer but she's unwillingly set to enter the world of prostitution instead. Into this equation comes a model agency head (Margaret Lee - We're Going To Eat You) who's determined to conquer the love of Lung. www.sogoodreviews.com
미래 홍콩 영화 스타의 산실, 경극 학교. 시대의 흐름에 따라 사그라져 가는 학교의 명망에도, 우점원 사부의 엄격한 가르침 하에 열혈 수학하는 학생들 - 액션 스타인 홍금보가 자신의 은사인 우점원 사부로 분해 매서운 지도자를 연기했다. 제작자 겸 배우로 성장한 홍금보의 학생 시절을 그려낸 자전적 영화. 홍콩 영화 거물 배우들의 옛 모습을 만날 수 있는 영화로 그 감흥이 새롭다.
Mr. Ho
The fate of the entire hotel industry is at stake. A group of evil black ninjas have threatened to insinuate themselves into the industry, take over, and transform the operation into something unspeakable. Thank heaven the white ninjas are on hand to save the day. Agnes Chan heads the cast, so we assume she's the "ninja queen." This one isn't a whole lot better than others of its ilk, but at least there's some novelty in the settings.
Because of a hospital hex, whenever a certain patient sleeps he visits a supernatural world of hopping zombies and warring priests.
Taiwan horror / comedy.
Uncle Kuang
In a small town in Macau, two girls, Ling and Feng grew up together. Unfortunately they both fall in love with Wah. Wah and Ling become lovers. An enraged Feng cuts off all knots of friendship with the two. After Wah becomes a sailor, Ling finds herself pregnant. Feng comes back to her and arranges a false marriage between Ling and effeminate Kay. When time goes by, Kay is in love with Ling and proposes. Wah comes back. It's time for a choice...
(archive footage)
Wicked ninja drug lords do their darnedest to prevent a scientist from making public his newly developed cure for heroin addiction.
The flick revolves around a dude who's suffering from a curse. Happens to meet a doctor, whose Pops is also suffering from a curse. Low and behold, the curse that strickens both dudes was laid down on them by the same dark master of the arts. And this dark lord of the magic realm has serious problems letting things slide. All in all, the guy is just a pretty big douche. Even when his pleading, bleeding, crying daughter wishes him to stop he still stays head-strong about his vengeful ways. So, the story follows the formula of watching the victims struggle with being cursed, and watching the victims devise a plan to see if they can save their scaredy cat butts.
A hit-man and his cop-brother gets involved with drug-dealing gangs in Hong Kong.
Party guest dating Judy on 15th
The story is about a new high rise office building that's haunted by a ghost patrol of Japanese soldiers from W.W. II. The angry ghosts want revenge and they'll do anything to achieve that goal.
Ah Kwong
실패한 한 젊은 가수가 자살을 하지만 하늘의 도움으로 다시 육신을 가질 기회를 얻는다. 그녀의 영혼은 병원으로 달려가는데, 미래의 엄마가 이제 막 아기를 낳을 때 그 아이에게 들어가야 다시 육신을 얻게 되는 것이다. 그러나 불행히도 그녀는 태어날 시간을 놓치게 되고, 급한 김에 젊은 남자 미스터 홍의 몸에 들어가게 되는데...
Delivers noodles
A charming tale of child-creating complications, featuring a rare comedic performance by Alex Man Chi-leung.
Pool Hall Bartender
범죄 조직의 중요한 증거가 될 마이크로필름을 갖고 있던 리처드 노먼이 호텔에서 살해된다. 좀도둑 아스피린은 호텔에 침입했다가 리처드 노먼이 살해된 지도 모르고 물건을 훔치다가, 숨어있던 킬러에게 죽음을 당할 뻔 하지만 노먼과 저녁약속을 한 황가 여 경찰 오낙천 팀장이 들어 오는 바람에 도주를 한다. 아스피린은 훔친 물건 중 여권을 위조 전문가 친구 파나돌에게 넘기고 파나돌은 마이크로필름이 붙어있는 여권을 일본인 범죄자의 출국용으로 위조하여 팔아버린다. 홍콩 경찰은 사건 해결을 위해 영국 경제범죄 조사국에서 파견된 여 형사 캐리를 부르고 캐리와 오낙천 팀장은 함께 힘을 합쳐 노먼을 수사하게 된다. 한편 부정 기업 대표인 전위강은 사업 부정 내막이 숨겨져 있는 마이크로필름을 찾다가 아스피린과 그 일당을 살해하려 한다. 필름의 정체를 알게 된 아스피린과 파나돌은 돈에 혹해 경찰에 필름을 넘기자는 스트렙실에게 가짜 필름을 주고, 스트렙실은 이를 여 경찰들에게 건네준다. 아스피린 일당은 진짜 필름을 가지고 전위강과 협상을 하려 하지만 일당은 위험해지고 이들 앞에 여 형사들이 등장한다. 과연 여 형사들은 범죄조직을 소탕할 수 있을까.
1985 movie
A thrilling “whodunit” that weaves in and out of the lives of the residents of a small village. Sex and subterfuge bubble to the surface when the young coquettish Mrs. Wang disappears.
Patron at Restaurant
암흑가의 두목 하정의는 마약밀매로 거부가 된 인물이다. 경찰도 그의 비리를 잘 알고 있었지만 결정적 물증이 없어법으로 다스릴 수 없었다. 한편, 모든 불법거래 사항이 담겨져 있는'하정의'의 장부를 그의 정부가 보관하고 있다. 이 사건을 담당한 '베에토벤'과 '아추'는 천방지축의 행동으로 상부의 질책을 받는다. 여경 안나는 아추에게 특별한 감정을 갖고 그들을 도와주는데 '하정위'의 정부는의문의 죽음을 당하고, 두사람은 또다시 곤경에 빠진다. 그때 두사람 앞에그누군가 해결책을 갖고 오는데....
A hot-head cop, a by-the-books cop, and a hitman all vie to take down a drug boss. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals plan to rob an armored truck.
3rd Master's assistant
시골청년 리닝은 도시로 나오면서 처음 도시로 나와 어리둥절 할때 소매치기를 당하게 된다. 그는 소매치기들을 쫓다가 예쁜 소녀를 만나게되고 그로부터 축구선수가 되라고 부탁을 받는다. 축구선수가 된 리닝은 너무 개구져 다른 축구 클럽에서 리닝을 골탕 먹이려고 갖은 방법을 모두 동원하나 리닝은 뛰어난 지기로 위기를 모면하는데...
The plot follows a group of women who struggle in Hong Kong, most of them illegal immigrants from mainland China.
Uncle Fuk
After a couple purchases an antique vase at a market, the woman is possessed and killed by a demonic creature. Twelve years later, the demon returns to possess the woman's nephew and wreak more havoc.
Struggle for Leader is a Hong Kong Crime movie starring Kent Cheng.
Chen is a dedicated social worker who has allowed her job to dominate her personal life. Inadvertently, she neglects her devoted husband Lo-Wei and their young son. Although he dislikes his wife's patients ("they're just street trash"), Lo-Wei is tolerant of his wife's workaholic situation and he takes the opportunity to develop a strong unity with his son, Chia-Pu. Then, Lo-Wei's sister offers to babysit the child while the parents respond to an emergency case. While they're gone, one of Chen's "delinquents" breaks into the house and rapes the sister. During the assault, baby Chia-Pu climbs out of the window and falls to his death. Lo-Wei is over-the-edge with grief. His brain snaps. He withdraws into himself, except at night when he stalks the "street trash," gruesomly killing them...
In 2000, Hong Kong, the feminist movement surged upward unceasingly. In order suppress the power of woman, "Husband Association" are developed to protect the men. Kent always be persecuted by his wife, he even loses his personal freedom, then, he goes to "Husband Association" to seek help. However, Since his fear of his wife is so deep and finally considered humanity deconstruction voluntarily. Actually Kent has not died, he observes his wife in secret, he knows that his wife still loves him so much, therefore he accepts the suggestion of the chairman Lam of "Husband Association" to negotiate with his wife with grenade. When Kent is very happy to see his wife, Lam is accidentally be killed by explosion. Then, the struggling between men and women is over.
Ah Kwong
A teenager and a tycoon gets into an early morning road altercation that eventually lead to a bet: if the teenager can steal his beloved Rolls Royce car from him, the youngster will get to keep it. However, if the teenager fails to do that in the alloted time given, he will need to pay the tycoon HK$40,000.
Pickpocket Victim on Street
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
서래촌의 대감집 자제인 아룡은 공부보다는 각종 운동경기와 노는 것만 좋아하는 젊은 도련님으로 아버지의 눈을 피해 왕대감집 아들인 아근과 함께 놀러만 다닌다. 어느 날 아근과 함께 놀러 나온 아룡은 사라라는 예쁜 아가씨에게 반해 그녀를 차지하기 위해 서로 싸움을 벌이고 그녀로부터 오해만 낳는다. 한편, 아근의 아버지인 왕대감은 중국의 국보급 보물들을 밀매하는 밀수조직과 연계하여 보물들을 외국에 밀매하는데 간여하게 되는데 이 조직의 부두목인 '해할'은 이들의 행동을 못마땅하게 여기고 이 조직으로부터 탈퇴해 그들의 추적을 받는다. 아룡은 아근과 화해를 한 후 아근의 아버지가 쓰던 총을 몰래 갖고 나와 산에서 꿩을 잡으러 다니던 도중 우연히 부두목이 밀수조직으로부터 추적을 당하는 현장을 목격하게 되면서 이 사건에 휘말리게 되는데…
Toilet Attendant
홍콩의 최고 도둑 금강(스파이더맨/킹콩: 허관걸 분)은 비밀리에 깽들이 다이아몬드를 거래하고 있는 빌딩에 침입 다이아몬드를 훔쳐 대기 중이던 죠에게 넘겨준 후 그곳에 흰장갑 한 짝을 떨어뜨리고 기묘하게 사라진다. 다이아몬드를 빼앗긴 깽 몬티는 국제적인 도둑인 진짜 희장갑(화이트 글로브)에게 의뢰하자 가짜에 대한 분노로 이를 승낙한다. 한편 홍콩 경시청은 이 사건을 위해 미국에서 대머리 형사 반장 알버트(코작: 맥가 분)를 불러다가, 최고 왈가닥 여형사 하동시(호양/왈가닥: 장애가 분)과 함께 연합 작전을 수행한다. 첫대면부터 티격태격 싸운 이들은 내키지는 않지만 부부로 가장하여 하동시 집에 기숙하며 사건을 해결하기로 한다. 한편, 스파이더 맨은 멍텅구리(죠: 석천 분)를 통해 그와 친한 두 여자의 몸에 숨긴 장소를 문신해 놓았다는 것을 알아내고, 멍텅구리는 적대 관계에 있는 매드맥스 일당에 의해 죽음을 당한다. 알버트 일행에게 잡힌 금강은 구속 시키지 않는 조건으로 다이아몬드 찾는 것과 흰장갑의 체포에 협조할 것을 제안 받지만 거절하다가 하동시의 여동생 딩동에게 홀딱 반해서 적극 이들을 돕게 된다. 항상 다투기만 하던 알버트와 하동시도 어느덧 정이 들어 서로 사랑하게 된다. 마침내 두 여자의 몸에 새긴 장소를 알아내는 도중 위험한 고비에 처하나 금강이 다이아몬드의 비밀을 알고 있기에 그때마다 흰장갑의 도움을 받게 된다. 드디어 바닷 속에 숨겨진 다이아몬드를 건져올리며 그들은 어느덧 뜨거운 우정을 느끼게 된다. 그 순간 흰장갑의 습격을 받게 되자, 금강은 리모트 자동차로 이들을 격파하지만 흰장갑의 총에 알버트가 쓰러지고 이에 분노한 금강은 흰장갑을 끝까지 쫓아서 그를 수장시킨다. 알버트의 죽음에 슬퍼하던 금강은 알버트에게 속은 것을 알고는 달리는 앰블런스 안에서 알버트에게 분풀이를 하다 차에서 떨어져 알버트를 들쳐 업은 채로 사나운 개에게 쫓기게 된다. 티격태격 다투어도 최가박당이라는 말처럼 최고의 명콤비가 된 것이었다.
Hong Kong comedy starring David Wu and Meg Lam directed by Chi-Lien Yu.
Staff of illegal horse betting centre
자신을 투옥시킨 사립 탐정 요요를 향해 복수를 결심한 조폭 왕 카포네. 오랜 친구 로빈 반장으로부터 보호를 받던 어느 날, 상해 출신의 백만장자 호 영감이 남다른 꿍꿍이를 가진 채 요요에게 접근해 온다.
Daughter & Father is a Hong Kong Drama starring Kent Cheng.
The Sweet and Sour Cops is a Hong Kong Crime-Comedy starring Kent Cheng.
A movie company secretly films the lives of two conmen.
Seeking revenge for the murder of his family, a man returns to Hong Kong to track down the killers. He becomes enthralled in further intrigue when his new boss is targeted by the same group.
Two private investigators who were sworn enemies are teaming up against their will to solve a jewelry robbery.
Mercy Tai
Mak Kar, a faithful and honest constable, was ordered to arrest Dean Saki, a pickpocket. However, each time he was caught, he was released by lack of evidence. Although Dean was a tricky man, the money he pickpocketed from those dirty rich people was spent on the seven poor orphans with whom he lived in an old shaky church. Dean had an intention to buy a house where he could keep more orphans.
John Woo's Chaplin film.
A homeless wanderer just happens across various articles of clothing that make him resemble Charlie Chaplin much to the amusement of passersby.
Peeping Tom
겁이 없고 대담하기로 유명한 장대담은 탐 나리의 인력거를 끌며 성실하게 살아간다. 어느 날, 우연히 아내의 외도를 목격하고 아내를 추궁하지만 증거라곤 누군가 남기고 간 신발 한 짝 뿐... 대담은 하는 수 없이 없던 일로 한다. 아내의 외도 상대는 다름 아닌 그가 모시는 탐 어르신이었고 대담이 자신을 찾아낼까봐 두려운 나머지 탐 나리는 모산술사인 전 도사를 찾아가 장대담을 죽여달라고 의뢰한다. 전 도사는 자신의 사제인 서씨를 불러 대담을 처치하자고 이야기 하지만 서씨는 살인은 하지 않겠다며 돌아서고 대담에게 접근해 그가 위험에서 빠져 나올 수 있게 대담을 도와준다. 그러던 어느 날, 대담은 아내를 죽였다는 누명을 쓰고 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 대담은 자신을 구해주었던 서씨를 찾아 도움을 청하는데...
Skinny's father-in-law
'FLOWER KID' was a 'Robin Hood' type of hero who robs the rich and gives the poor. He was adored by many people especially a kid named 'FATSO', who considered himself as 'FLOWER KID jr.' Madam Bee, a woman of guts and evil hated 'FLOWER KID' because he once refused to kill her husband. She then married a rich 'Big Shot' and used his money and power to hire a bounty hunter called 'SKINNY'. Skinny caught the imitating hero 'Fatso'. They fought, understood, became good friends and went on look for 'Flower Kid'...
Lo's Assistant
Barber Shop owner
Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?
When a gang war breaks out over disputed territory, crime boss Wai blames his lieutenant, Ah Sing, for failing to wipe out the competition.
A veteran and tough sheriff's wife has a gambling problem. He works both sides of the law. He gets teamed up with a young cop who he is told to take under his wing. They end up working together well and the young cop's martial arts skills are very useful.
Kwok Chung is a righteous rich kid whose hobby is to fight and brawl. One encounter nearly gets him killed, but he is saved by Yueh (Fong Hak On), the Snake Fist Master. Yueh befriends and teaches Kwok the deadly art of the snake. Soon, Kwok realizes that his teacher has more in common with a snake than just techniques. He's being set up by his teacher, and his family is also targeted for murder!
Dragons in the night ,hideing in the darkness of the shadows of the night, lying in wait for the Prince of the dragons to be born , I should say hatched, they can hear the sounds of the pecks many miles away; it takes several thousand years for the egg of a Dragon to hatch , all the beasts of the wilderness,waiting for the moment the magnificent one will arrive —Sheila Johnson
Blind Man
임세영(홍금보)은 광동 무림의 고수 황비홍(관덕흥)의 4대 제자 중 한 명으로, 황비홍에게 홍가권을 전수받으며 뛰어난 실력으로 남을 돕기를 좋아했다. 세영은 어느 날 본의 아닌 실수로 광동의 또 다른 문파인 오룡당의 패거리를 폭행하게 된다. 오룡당의 지도자 고사부(이해생)는 이에 황비홍의 무관인 보지림(寶芝林)을 찾아와 황비홍에게 거세게 항의하며 임세영을 내놓으라 윽박지르지만 황비홍이 대신 사과하여 일은 무마되는 듯 하였으나 고사부는 황비홍과 임세영에게 앙심을 품게 되는데...
Smart Boy and Big Eyes are happy foes, and idly cheat one another to make a living. One day, they meet and injured man who has a secret for them.
Two people in debt to loan sharks cooperate with each other to clear their debt and cheat other people out of their money.
Man with bird cage
Lau Kar-Wing plays "Nobody", an orphan who grows up stealing food to survive, learning some meagre skills as a con artist. When he meets a true master con artist, he begs to become a pupil and learn some tricky kung fu. The pair are later separated, and Nobody finds another master to learn more deadly skills.
Playboy's assistant
일대도왕과 일대창왕의 무공은 백중세로 15년이나 결투를 해왔음에도 승부를 지을 수 없게 되자각자 제자를 들여 대신 승부를 짓는 것으로 타협한다. 일대창왕의 제자인 뚱보 아요와 일대도왕의 제자인 애송이는 무술을 전부 받고 대결장소인 무림성지에 왔다가 소패천의 부하들에게 사로잡히게 된다. 소패천은 젊은날, 일대도왕과 일대창왕에게 도전했다가 모두 패하고 강호를 떠났던 인물로 자신의 복수를 위해 도왕과 창왕의 제자를 납치한 것이었는데…
Mo is a gifted student in one of the village's dozens upon dozens of kung-fu schools. But when the master's away, he leaves the place in the hands of his best student Kang. But Kang rules with a cruel, iron fist. Little does anyone know, however, Kang is really the pupil of his Masters' old nemesis Ken Mo Fung 'The Golden Tiger'. Fung has instructed Kang to discredit the school publicly, then kill his Master by poisoning his tea.
The incomparable martial arts expert, Bruce Li, stars as a wealthy hero who defends his village from the assaults of ill-wishers.
Uncle Pang
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
Boss at Casino Den
사기를 치며 살아가는 대보와 소보는 전당포에서 사기를 쳐서 돈을 벌지만 잃어버리게 되고 도박장에 가서 또 한번 사기를 치려 하는데 발각되어 쫓겨나게 된다. 두 사람은 식당에서 한 남자에게 사기를 치려 하지만 어찌된 영문인지 그는 속지 않는다. 그에게 시비를 걸다가 상당한 실력의 무술자라는 것을 알고 잘못을 빌며 제자로 들어가기로 한 두 사람. 무술을 배워 또 다시 사기를 치려고 하는데 이번에는 뚱보 거지 신탐에게 돈을 뺏기게 된다. 분한 마음으로 스승 '가무도'를 찾아간 그들 앞에 칠우와 설화가 나타나고 원수라는 가무도의 말에 힘을 합쳐 그들을 물리치는데, 대보와 소보는 가무도를 찾는 형사를 통해 그가 강도 짓으로 지명 수배 중이라는 것을 알게 된다. 과거가 밝혀지자 가무도는 두 사람을 죽이려 들고, 대보의 희생으로 소보는 가까스로 도망 치게 된다. 소보는 신탐을 찾아가 무술을 배우고 연마하여 가무도에게 복수를 하려 하는데..
Grain store boss [cameo]
Tung Wei (18 Fatal Strikes Enter The Dragon) is a lad who wants to learn kung fu. He trains in two different styles: Hung Gar and Wing Chun. Everything is fine until a jealous master creates a rift between Tung's two teachers, and he has to choose sides. But a bigger problem looms ahead. The Tiger Master, played by Philip Ko (Dragon On Fire, Fearless Dragons), wants to fight both men to the death. They're no match for him, so Tung goes to the one man who can train him properly: Sammo Hung
Warehouse watchman
Biggie (Roy Chiao) and Tiny (Richard Ng) grow up together. They fight all the time. Biggie is a detective and Tiny is a thief. Biggie has the satisfaction of catching Tiny and putting him behind bars. When Tiny is released, he is approached by Daigau who wants Tiny's help to steal the world famous diamond.
Given a jar of sweets by a beautiful air-hostess, Chan finds that each one contains a diamond (diamonds belonging to a ruthless smuggling gang). Chan finds out the hard way that when there’s no place to hide and nowhere left to run, a fight to the finish is the only way out!
Dirty Kung Fu is about a young bounty hunter who uses his kung fu skills or lack thereof to capture criminals.
An omnibus of tales from the three directors, Sit, Maka and Woo. Each dealing with true love and romance. The third and the best one of the tales deals with a hen-pecked husband trying to kill his wife. An action packed tale written and directed by John Woo who lets the fireworks fly!
Cheng Wen Hu
A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a group of Hong Kong police officers in an attempt to stop the dirty business of crime lord Han Tin Lung, but Han's problem is not only the interference of the Police force, but his Japanese ally Kimura is not happy with his 'cut' in the counterfeit deal and will try to put Donna (a relative of Han) on his side to make Han's business his own property. Both policemen and criminals are highly trained Martial Arts fighters and they will have the chance to prove who has the best Kung Fu techniques.
성공하기 위해 홍콩에 온 한과 록은 닥치는 대로 일을 하며 돈을 벌고자 하지만 홍콩에서의 삶은 만만치 않다. 강도를 당하고, 사기를 당하기 일쑤인 인생에 어느 날 한은 로또에 당첨되지만 하필이면 그날 놀러 간 클럽에서 강도를 당하고 로또가 들어있는 지갑을 빼앗기고 만다. 한은 인생 역전을 위해 친구인 록과 운의 도움을 받아 강도들에게서 로또를 되찾으려 하는데…
When Lin and his bride are murdered during their honeymoon in Macao by three Japanese men. Inspector Tsung Hsuan-tung, quits his post and goes alone to Japan for revenge.
The Kung Fu Kid is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man and Eric Tsang
A Hong Kong cop finds himself up to his neck in trouble when he encounters a tricky bunch of crooks and triads.
Petrol station boss
Taiwanese drama film starring Ivy Ling Po.
Shaw production
A movie on the life of the renowned Bruce Lee, especially his relationship with his mistress.
A righteous husband-and-wife swordfighting duo struggle to protect China from the machinations of Japanese pirates and corrupt officials.
In a small town found the only son of possession, the local, most influential family, dead and naked in vinbutiks hostess, Cheng Niang. His father insists that there is a murder committed by Chai-Tseng Chu, Cheng Niang husband. Tseng claims he is innocent. However, Cheng Niang has disappeared. Old Lin then tries to bribe Magistrate Tang judging Tseng to death and execute him immediately. Cheng Niang learns about her husband's death and freezing. Judge Tang is guilty and begins to see ghosts every night
After handsome and rich man Dong-Ni (Alan Tang) is blinded in a car accident, he becomes moody, and does not go out of his room. Dong-Ni's mother hires beautiful Ai-Sha (Chen-chen) as her son's carer. Initially, Dong-Ni often throws tantrums at Ai-Sha, but Ai-Sha is patient, caring and does not give up. Dong-Ni's mother notices Dong-Ni's growing interests in Ai-Sha and becomes concerned, as Ai-Sha is not in the right social class for her son. What would happen to the couple?
After his father's brutal murder, Ton Tin-Kuo sets out to seek the killer. He is befriended by evil casino owner Don Yee, who actually sets Tong up to fight his bitter enemy Pau Tze-Pin, but Pau reveals the truth of Don Yee's tricks to Tong and later makes firm their alliance by rescuing him from prison and explaining that Don Yee is his father's murderer. When his sister is also killed by Don Yee, Tong thirsts for revenge!
Chan Wai Man is a ruthless cold contract killer working for an organisation headed by Ku Feng, whose inevitable aims are to protect his drug dealing network.
Spy disguised as bandit
영춘각에서 일하는 여장부는 리 칸이 수행원들과 함께 이곳을 지나간다는 정보를 입수한다. 그녀의 네 명의 정예 협객과 함께 리 칸이 지닌 전쟁 지도를 빼앗기 위해 혈투를 벌인다. 영화의 전반부는 영춘각에 모인 인물에 대한 묘사와 분위기가 중심이 되고, 후반부는 객점과 모래 언덕에서 벌어지는 칼부림을 보여주고 있다. 이 영화는 호금전의 미학적 요소, 움직임과 미장센이 완벽하게 주제의식과 맞아 떨어졌다는 평가를 받았다. 협객, 우국지사 그리고 반역자 리 칸과 수행원들이 영춘각을 찾아온다. 그들은 살의가 흐르는 객점에서 결코 긴장을 풀 수 없다. 이어 피와 살육전이 벌어지면서 휴식을 취할 수 있는 곳에서 쉴 수 없는 검객의 존재나 객점은 삶의 덧없음으로 보여준다. 이와 같은 초우주적인 사고는 모래 언덕의 결투 장면에서도 나타난다. 객점이란 좁은 공간에서 허공을 날으며 싸우는 검객, 영웅들은 하나 같이 초인간적인 힘을 보여주었다. 그러나 무대가 객점에서 모래 사막으로 바뀌며 그 인간적인 존재와 칼부림은 자연 속의 하나의 점에 불과해진다. 이 싸움은 누가이기든 간에 인간의 권력과 욕망의 칼부림은 거대한 자연 앞에서 허무해진다. 호금전이 보여주는 자연과 인간이 조화롭지 못한 산수 풍경화는 현실에서 속되게 산다는 것에 대해 냉소를 담고 있는데, 이것은 세상살이를 초연하는 청풍한 중국의 철학과 무관하지 않다. 원나라 말경, 조정의 악덕 정치에 뜻잇는 청년들이반원복한의 공작을 펼친다. 그러나 배신자가 있어 뜻을 이루지 못한다.원나라 종친인 하남성 이찰한의 계략에 말려든 것이다. 간신히 목숨을건진 몇몇은 주원장 부대배치 지도를 가지고 영춘각으로 숨어든다. 사실영춘각은 원나라에 대항하기 위한 연락장소로 사용돼 왔었다. 이찰한은심복을 위장 잠입시켜 그 가막을 조사하고, 쌍방은 치열한 혈전을 벌이는데....
Kung fu sensation Cheung Lik stars as the rough and ready kung fu kid who is tricked into robbing a triad boss. Amongst the things he steals is a contract for opium distribution between the triad boss and the Japanese Yakuza. Now the stage is set for some hate! The triads and the Japs send out all their top fighters to get the list back off the kid before he goes to the police with it.
Hapkido Master Kim Jin Pal takes on a mass of Japanese bushido experts in occupied China Bolo plays Zatoichi hired by the Japanese as a last resort to take on the might of Kim's boot.
Chen Hui-Man breaks out of jail and goes on the rampage for those who wrongly put him behind bars.
Casino dealer
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
Ivy Ling Po, star of The Temple of the Red Lotus, tears up the screen as a jealous, murderous movie star, who, like seemingly all "film noir" vixens, wants to kill off her husband. While she's infuriated that the hitman she hires bungles the job, she's delighted that her husband is found guilty for the killer's "murder".
영평강은 소만과 함께 시골에서 평범한 농부로 살아간다. 하지만 강호에는 새로운 세력 팔대도왕이 나타나 여러 문파에 도전장을 보내고, 조용히 살아가던 영평강에게도 대결을 신청한다. 영평강은 그들의 도전을 무시하지만 주변 군소문파가 하나씩 제압당하면서 결국 다시 칼을 뽑아 든다.
Ghost-faced To is murdered in a mortuary after paying a visit to Muk Lan-fa. A set of teeth is found missing from another dead body. Lan-fa’s sister Sau-chen follows the leads on a business card To left behind to a dental clinic which suddenly bursts into flame. The news of her sister’s abduction by the infamous Japanese criminal Katsu Saburo soon reaches Lan-fa. Working together with her police friend Ko Cheung to crack the case, Lan-fa analyses photo evidences in minute detail. The duo order the retrieval of a pole that has survived the explosion intact while lying in wait at the clinic. Sau-chen, who has escaped, saves the duo from the chiller where they are detained. Inspector Yeung retrieves the operation plan concealed in the pole and the secret codes in the set of teeth, but the spook is shot dead by Katsu before he could reach the Hell’s Gate and the treasure buried there. Constable Kwan, and others and wipes out the gang at the Hell’s Gate.
Guest at birthday party
Banker Fung Yan-tsang is a seasoned criminal in fraudulent activities. The righteous cat burglar Ham Siu-fo has issued a deadline for Fung to return the scammed money. Despite the obstacles put up by Fung's allies Chow Wai-pak and his stepwife Julie, Ham still manages to reclaim the money which is accordingly returned to the customers. In the process, Ham is reunited with her long-lost twin sister Katherine, Chow's daughter. Since losing her mother whose health took a turn for the worse after Chow's marriage to Julie, Ham has undertaken a chivalrous course in the footsteps of her aunt. She thwarts the scam marriage set up by Fung for Katherine and his idle son, using the servant Chu Yat-keung as bait, and exposes Fung's illicit affair with Julie. Crossing boundaries of class and wealth, the servant Chu and Katherine become man and wife. A happy Ham leaves, continuing to devote her life to the causes of social justice.
Ko's man [extra]
First film in the series, based on Ni Kuang's spy pulp novels. Police Commissioner Fong enlists the chivalrous female bandit Muk Lan-fa to retrieve the latest gadget that emits deadly laser beam and its protocol, which allegedly have been transferred away by Ho Tin-hung. Sensing his life in danger, Ho recruits the agent Ko Cheung as his aide, but no sooner has Ko set foot in his house than Ho is murdered. The opportunistic Detective Chan coerces Ko into the hunt by implicating him in the crime. Masking their own agenda, Muk and Ko enter into a duel of wits which leaves the beaten Ko with a counterfeit. Having abducted Muk's mother, Chan presses Muk and her cousin Sau-chen to surrender the genuine article, but Ko unmasks Chan, the spy, by baiting him with the weapon. The police squad led by Fong and Commissioner Suen swarm onto the scene, arresting Chan while he is attempting to flee holding Muk's mother hostage. Chan dies amidst a shower of bullets fired by his own daughter Sau-chen.
Man in night fight [extra]
Book Without Words is a 1965 Cantonese martial arts film directed by Chan Lit-Ban and starring Cheung Ching.
Family Doctrine is a drama film directed by Chu Kei and stars Wu Fung, Man Lan, Pearl Au Ka-Wai, Ma Siu-Ying, and Kitty Ting Hao.
Ah Keung
Yuk Yin's father dies and her mother remarries to settle the debts. Yuk Yin lives with Auntie Wong. From then on, Chi Hung, Auntie Wong's son and Yuk Yin live and play together. But the Wongs move away. Yuk Yin stays with her mother. Her stepfather is mercenary. When Yuk Yin grows up, he pushes her to get married to get money. Considering her daughter's future, Yuk Yin's mother sends her away. Yuk Yin works in a restaurant. When she learns that her mother is ill, she marries a dying rich young man to get money for her mother's treatment. After her mother's death, Yuk Yin gets married immediately, but her husband dies on the wedding night. Her mother-in-law sees this as unauspicious and expels Yuk Yin. Later, Yuk Yin chances upon Chi Hung. They are still in love. They married and have a son Kwok Wah. But Chi Hung dies. Yuk Yin works as a dance girl to support their living. Kwok Wah grows up and cannot accept his mother's job. But soon he understands that she is respectable.
The woman thief Pak Siu-yin was discharged from prison and Inspector Chan has set a trap for Bak to lure the head of the gangster Yim Fong, who used to threaten Pak to commit crime for his gang.
Gambling partner
Hong Kong was quickly becoming industrialised in the 1960s. The market was hungry for female labourers with a grasp of crafting skills. In addition to being wives and mothers, many women entered the labour market at that time. This ‘streamlined comedy' (as it was advertised) is called Three Love Affairs, but the main action is centred on the lovers played by Ting Ying and Cheung Yee. In order to make themselves more appealing, the factory girl pretends to be the daughter of a successful businessman, while the chauffeur pretends to be from a wealthy family. Their relationship is fraught with worry and anxiety, because they are confused about their own identities, and have not yet come to terms with themselves and their lives. With the support of the Manufacturers' Association, the film was shot on location at an actual factory, evidencing a prosperous period in Hong Kong's industrial history.
party guest
Madam Kum is a well-known dance hall girl. She gave birth to her daughter Yin-fan. Kum gave her to some relatives. Nineteen years go by, and Kum accidentally runs into Fan's husband, Man-fai, in Singapore. She tells him everything. Fai is surprised but accepts the truth. They have a talk and agree not to reveal the truth to Fan. However, Fai promises Kum that he will arrange for her to see Fan. Gum starts to see Fan on public occasions. Bing-chiu, who has been chasing after Fan since college, runs into Fai and Kum. He tells Fan about it. Fan goes to Kum to ask her not to destroy her family. Kum is hurt but still does tell her the truth. She decides to returns to Singapore. She goes to Fan's house to see her once more. Fan is having her birthday party. She insults Kum and throws a glass of wine in her face. Fai cannot stand it anymore and tells his wife who Kum really is. Fan feels guilty. All the others are moved by what Kum has suffered and they start to accept her.
Having lost her mother, young girl Bobo (Fung Bo-bo) lives with her honest but incapable father until her stepmother and a wizard conspires to kill her. While escaping, she picks up a magic cup. With the help of the powerful genie in the cup, Bobo embarks on a fantastic adventure featuring giants, magic and treasures. The composited special effects in the film are fascinating: the horizontal ancient well, the giant hand controlled by electricity, the grand palace and the incredible mountain ranges embellish an Aladdin-like story. After its first run in cinemas, this film enjoyed popular second runs, matinees and numerous screenings on television, entertaining many generations of Hongkongers.
Man at bar in club [extra]
Vagabond singer Ali is embroiled in a dispute over love and is compelled to return to his own country. Ali is mistaken for the future queen's consort and chances to meet her majesty Law Yee. Law falls head over heels for Ali and they get married not long after. However, Ali finds royal formalities unbearable and decides to run away from the palace. Disregarding all rules, Law follows her man to wherever he goes.