Takahisa Zeze

Takahisa Zeze

출생 : 1960-05-24, Tochigi, Japan


Takahisa Zeze (瀬々敬久 Zeze Takahisa, born in 1960) is a Japanese film director and screenwriter best known for his pink films of the 1990s. Along with fellow directors, Kazuhiro Sano, Toshiki Satō and Hisayasu Sato, he is known as one of the "Four Heavenly Kings of Pink".

프로필 사진

Takahisa Zeze

참여 작품

One Last Bloom
Forty years after leaving Japan for a boxing career in the U.S. that never panned out, Jin returns to restart his life with his old boxing buddies. When hotheaded young boxer Shogo asks for Jin’s help to get him back into the ring after an unfair loss, the two men decide to seize their final chance at glory. A boxing film so authentic that it inspired co-star Yokohama Ryusei to qualify as a pro boxer, Zeze Takahisa’s boxing drama is one of the veteran director’s most crowd-pleasing films thanks to the touching father-son bond at its core.
One Last Bloom
Forty years after leaving Japan for a boxing career in the U.S. that never panned out, Jin returns to restart his life with his old boxing buddies. When hotheaded young boxer Shogo asks for Jin’s help to get him back into the ring after an unfair loss, the two men decide to seize their final chance at glory. A boxing film so authentic that it inspired co-star Yokohama Ryusei to qualify as a pro boxer, Zeze Takahisa’s boxing drama is one of the veteran director’s most crowd-pleasing films thanks to the touching father-son bond at its core.
Fragments of the Last Will
Based on a true story - a true love story of a man and his wife who are at the mercy of fate, but wish to be reunited for 11 years. With thoughts of his wife and his fellows, Yamamoto Hatao never gave up hoping that he'd return home despite hopeless circumstances.
Yasuo (Hiroshi Abe) grew up as an orphan. He married a woman he loved and they had a son Akira (later played by Takumi Kitamura). Yasuo's life seemed great at the time, but his life totally changed after his wife died in accident. Since that time, Yasuo, who never experienced parents' love himself, has to raise his son Akira alone.
보호받지 못한 사람들
동일본 대지진이 벌어진 뒤 9년이 흐른 미야기현. 손발이 묶인 채 굶어 죽은 사람의 시체가 발견된다. 희생자는 보건복지 담당 공무원과 지방의회 의원. 그들은 주위 평판이 나쁘지 않은 사람들이었고 특별한 원한도 없어 보인다. 세이치로 형사는 연쇄살인을 의심하며 범인을 찾아 나서는데 방화와 폭력으로 감옥에 있다 나온 토네라는 젊은이가 용의선상에 오른다. 토네는 살인자가 맞는 것일까?
보호받지 못한 사람들
동일본 대지진이 벌어진 뒤 9년이 흐른 미야기현. 손발이 묶인 채 굶어 죽은 사람의 시체가 발견된다. 희생자는 보건복지 담당 공무원과 지방의회 의원. 그들은 주위 평판이 나쁘지 않은 사람들이었고 특별한 원한도 없어 보인다. 세이치로 형사는 연쇄살인을 의심하며 범인을 찾아 나서는데 방화와 폭력으로 감옥에 있다 나온 토네라는 젊은이가 용의선상에 오른다. 토네는 살인자가 맞는 것일까?
내일의 식탁
"이시바시 유우"라는 똑같은 이름을 가진 초등학교 5학년의 아들을 키우는 세 엄마들. 카나가와에 거주하는 43살의 프리랜서 작가 이시바시 루미코(칸노 미호). 그녀의 남편 유타카는 프리랜서 카메라맨이다. ​그리고 오사카에 거주하는 30살의 싱글맘 이시바시 카나(타카하타 미츠키). 이혼하고 지금은 싱글맘으로 아르바이트를 겸하며 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다. 또다른 시즈오카에 거주하는 36살의 전업주부 이시바시 아스미(오노 마치코). 그녀의 남편 타이치는 도쿄로 출퇴근하는 샐러리맨이다. ​각자 저마다 사랑하는 아들 유우를 키우며 바쁘고 행복한 나날을 보내고 있었다. 하지만 사소한 사건이 계기가 되어 평범한 가족의 일상이 서서히 무너지기 시작한다. 무의식중에 아이를 향한 초조함과 분노. 사는 곳도 가정 환경도 서로 다른 세 가족의 운명은 과연…?
실: 인연의 시작
열두 살에 만난 첫사랑 ‘렌’과 ‘아오이’. 한눈에 서로의 상처를 알아보고 보듬어주며 두 사람의 인연이 시작된다. 함께 있어 즐거웠던 시간도 잠시 ‘아오이’ 가족이 쫓기듯 떠나면서 헤어지고 만다. “운명의 실’이 있다고 생각해” ‘아오이’가 준 소원팔찌를 8년 동안 간직한 ‘렌’. 어느 날 소원팔찌가 끊어지고 두 사람은 운명처럼 재회한다. 그 후 우연한 만남과 헤어짐이 반복되지만 그때마다 서로의 곁에 이미 다른 사람이 있어 엇갈리는데…
약속의 땅
마을에서 외톨이 취급을 받는 다케시는 중고 물건을 고쳐 되파는 일로 생계를 꾸리며 어머니를 모시고 산다. 어느 날, 마을 근처의 논 한가운데 있는 Y자 모양의 교차로에서 초등학교 학생 아이카가 유괴되는 사건이 발생한다. 아이카의 친구 츠구미는 아이카가 납치되기 불과 몇 분 전까지 함께 있었기 때문에 너무 괴롭고 힘든 입장이다. 12년 후 츠구미는 고등학교를 졸업하고 일을 시작한다. 어느 날 그녀는 마을 축제에서 다케시를 만나서 그의 힘겹고 어려운 처지를 공감하게 된다. 축제가 열린 날, 과거의 그 교차로에서 한 소녀가 실종되고 마을 사람들은 다케시를 의심한다. 절망에 빠진 다케시는 마을로 돌아가 사람들의 접근을 막으려고 집에 불을 지른다. 일 년 후 도쿄에 살고 있는 츠구미는 마을 축제 준비를 도우려고 고향에 돌아와 교차로 너머 고령의 주민들이 사는 지역에 거주하는 홀아비 양봉업자 젠지로를 만나서 마을에 활력을 불어넣을 계획을 세우지만 실패하고, 결과적으로 젠지로는 마을 사람들로부터 배척당한다. 젠지로는 점점 커져만 가는 고립감으로 인해 결국 끔찍한 범죄의 막다른 골목에 도달한다.
약속의 땅
마을에서 외톨이 취급을 받는 다케시는 중고 물건을 고쳐 되파는 일로 생계를 꾸리며 어머니를 모시고 산다. 어느 날, 마을 근처의 논 한가운데 있는 Y자 모양의 교차로에서 초등학교 학생 아이카가 유괴되는 사건이 발생한다. 아이카의 친구 츠구미는 아이카가 납치되기 불과 몇 분 전까지 함께 있었기 때문에 너무 괴롭고 힘든 입장이다. 12년 후 츠구미는 고등학교를 졸업하고 일을 시작한다. 어느 날 그녀는 마을 축제에서 다케시를 만나서 그의 힘겹고 어려운 처지를 공감하게 된다. 축제가 열린 날, 과거의 그 교차로에서 한 소녀가 실종되고 마을 사람들은 다케시를 의심한다. 절망에 빠진 다케시는 마을로 돌아가 사람들의 접근을 막으려고 집에 불을 지른다. 일 년 후 도쿄에 살고 있는 츠구미는 마을 축제 준비를 도우려고 고향에 돌아와 교차로 너머 고령의 주민들이 사는 지역에 거주하는 홀아비 양봉업자 젠지로를 만나서 마을에 활력을 불어넣을 계획을 세우지만 실패하고, 결과적으로 젠지로는 마을 사람들로부터 배척당한다. 젠지로는 점점 커져만 가는 고립감으로 인해 결국 끔찍한 범죄의 막다른 골목에 도달한다.
국화와 단두대
관동 대지진과 2차 세계대전 사이 일본에서 여성 스모는 꽃을 피웠다. 젊은 여성 스모 선수와 무정부주의 공산주의자가 만나 로맨스가 싹트는 가운데, 조선인에 대한 흉흉한 소문이 돌기 시작하고 강경한 일본 제국주의의 지배 속에서도 서민들은 점차 힘을 확장해 나아간다.
국화와 단두대
관동 대지진과 2차 세계대전 사이 일본에서 여성 스모는 꽃을 피웠다. 젊은 여성 스모 선수와 무정부주의 공산주의자가 만나 로맨스가 싹트는 가운데, 조선인에 대한 흉흉한 소문이 돌기 시작하고 강경한 일본 제국주의의 지배 속에서도 서민들은 점차 힘을 확장해 나아간다.
야쿠마루 가쿠의 동명 베스트셀러 소설의 실사 영화화. 전직 저널리스트 마스다 (이쿠타 토마)가 동료이자 친구인 스즈키 (에이타)에게 의구심을 품고 조사해 가면서 17년 전의 자신이 죄와도 마주보는 충격의 전개를 맞는 휴먼 서스펜스.
야쿠마루 가쿠의 동명 베스트셀러 소설의 실사 영화화. 전직 저널리스트 마스다 (이쿠타 토마)가 동료이자 친구인 스즈키 (에이타)에게 의구심을 품고 조사해 가면서 17년 전의 자신이 죄와도 마주보는 충격의 전개를 맞는 휴먼 서스펜스.
8년을 뛰어넘은 신부
결혼을 약속한 히사시와 마이. 하지만 마이에게 갑자기 병이 생기고 혼수상태가 되고 만다. 히사시는 마이의 부모님에게 다른 여자를 만나라는 충고를 듣지만, 그녀의 곁에서 떠나지 않고 회복하는 것을 기다린다. 그 후, 눈을 뜬 마이는 기억상실증에 걸려 히사시가 누구인지 모르는 상태가 되어버린다. 충격을 받은 히사시는 좌절하지 않고 매일같이 그녀를 찾아가는데....
현직 AV 배우인 사쿠라 마나의 소설 데뷔작을 "64"의 타카히사 감독이 연출했다. 과거 배우였던 어머니가 고향에 돌아오며 곤란한 입장에 빠진 여고생, 현재 배우라는 직업에 만족하지만 어머니가 알게 되어 난처한 20대 여성, 남편과 잘 지내면서도 AV 배우로 지원하려는 유부녀의 이야기. (2018년 제22회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
현직 AV 배우인 사쿠라 마나의 소설 데뷔작을 "64"의 타카히사 감독이 연출했다. 과거 배우였던 어머니가 고향에 돌아오며 곤란한 입장에 빠진 여고생, 현재 배우라는 직업에 만족하지만 어머니가 알게 되어 난처한 20대 여성, 남편과 잘 지내면서도 AV 배우로 지원하려는 유부녀의 이야기. (2018년 제22회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Random Lives
Questioning the meaning of people's lives, the multiple stories include the work of a manga artist, old men get involved in a fight and a murder, a bus incident which affects those who survive it, fishing, cherry-blossom viewing and more
Random Lives
Questioning the meaning of people's lives, the multiple stories include the work of a manga artist, old men get involved in a fight and a murder, a bus incident which affects those who survive it, fishing, cherry-blossom viewing and more
Mamoru Miyamoto is a book editor and his friend Masao Muraoka is a writer. Muraoka hasn't released a novel since "Aki no Riyuu." Masao has suffered from mental health issues and, because of this, his voice fails. The two men talk through written notes. It seems Mamoru believes in Masao’s talent as a writer and waits for him to write a new novel, but he also likes Masao's wife Misaki. One day, Miku, who has read Masao’s last novel “Aki no Riyuu” several times, appears in front of him. She tells him that she is so similar to the heroine of the novel and can understand his mind.
64 파트 2
'64 사건'으로 불리는 1989년 아동유괴살인사건이 미제로 남은 지 14년이 지난 어느 날, 그와 흡사한 또 다른 아동유괴사건이 발생한다. 백화점에서 가장 큰 여행가방에 2억원을 넣어 특정 장소로 가져오라는 범인의 요구는 과거의 '64 사건'과 너무나 유사한 형태를 띠고 있다. 유괴사건이 발생했음에도 경찰 내부에서는 단순한 모방범죄라며 사건의 언론 공개를 꺼려하고 사건의 자세한 정보가 경찰 홍보실 공보관 '미카미'에게조차 알려지지 않는 가운데, 사건의 정보를 입수한 기자협회는 유괴사건 피해자의 실명을 내놓으라며 '미카미'를 압박해 오는데... 모두가 그토록 숨기려 했던, 그 날의 진실이 밝혀진다!
64 파트 2
'64 사건'으로 불리는 1989년 아동유괴살인사건이 미제로 남은 지 14년이 지난 어느 날, 그와 흡사한 또 다른 아동유괴사건이 발생한다. 백화점에서 가장 큰 여행가방에 2억원을 넣어 특정 장소로 가져오라는 범인의 요구는 과거의 '64 사건'과 너무나 유사한 형태를 띠고 있다. 유괴사건이 발생했음에도 경찰 내부에서는 단순한 모방범죄라며 사건의 언론 공개를 꺼려하고 사건의 자세한 정보가 경찰 홍보실 공보관 '미카미'에게조차 알려지지 않는 가운데, 사건의 정보를 입수한 기자협회는 유괴사건 피해자의 실명을 내놓으라며 '미카미'를 압박해 오는데... 모두가 그토록 숨기려 했던, 그 날의 진실이 밝혀진다!
64 파트 1
‘쇼와 64년(1989년)’ 전대미문의 아동 유괴 살인사건이 발생한다. 하지만 사건은 제대로 수사되지 못한 채 14년이 흐른다. 공소시효를 1년 남긴 어느 날, 새로 취임한 경찰청장은 자신의 업적을 남기고자 ’64 사건’의 재수사를 지시한다. 청장은 보여주기식 재수사를 위해 ’64 사건’의 유족을 방문하려 하고, 경찰 공보관 ‘미카미’는 유족을 찾아 설득해 보지만 딸을 잃은 고통 속에 살아가던 소녀의 아버지는 청장의 방문을 허락하지 않는다. 그의 허락을 구하기 위해 사건을 파헤치던 미카미는 당시 사건을 수사했던 경찰들을 만나면서 그들이 무언가 숨기고 있음을 직감하고 사건의 진실을 추적하기 시작하는데… 모두가 그토록 숨기려 했던, 그 날의 진실이 밝혀진다!
64 파트 1
‘쇼와 64년(1989년)’ 전대미문의 아동 유괴 살인사건이 발생한다. 하지만 사건은 제대로 수사되지 못한 채 14년이 흐른다. 공소시효를 1년 남긴 어느 날, 새로 취임한 경찰청장은 자신의 업적을 남기고자 ’64 사건’의 재수사를 지시한다. 청장은 보여주기식 재수사를 위해 ’64 사건’의 유족을 방문하려 하고, 경찰 공보관 ‘미카미’는 유족을 찾아 설득해 보지만 딸을 잃은 고통 속에 살아가던 소녀의 아버지는 청장의 방문을 허락하지 않는다. 그의 허락을 구하기 위해 사건을 파헤치던 미카미는 당시 사건을 수사했던 경찰들을 만나면서 그들이 무언가 숨기고 있음을 직감하고 사건의 진실을 추적하기 시작하는데… 모두가 그토록 숨기려 했던, 그 날의 진실이 밝혀진다!
3 Beautiful Lies
더 크로니클: 뮤턴트의 반격
1990년대 초 일본은 인간의 인위적인 진화를 유도하는 두 가지 실험을 극비리에 진행, 호르몬과 유전자 조작을 통한 슈퍼 초능력자들을 탄생시켰다. 슈퍼 시각, 슈퍼 청각, 초고속 이동, 강철 피부 등 초능력을 소유한 이들은 살아온 환경에 따라 그들의 능력을 사용하는 방식 또한 달랐다. 인류의 미래와 정의를 위해 싸우는 호르몬 조작 그룹, 이와는 달리 ‘아게하’라 불리는 지하 조직이 된 유전자 조작 그룹은 살상과 파괴를 서슴지 않았다. 어른들의 욕심으로 태어나 세상과 격리된 채 서로에게 의지하며 살아온 그들, 지금부터 인류의 미래를 위한 두 그룹의 피할 수 없는 대결이 시작 된다!
더 크로니클: 뮤턴트의 반격
1990년대 초 일본은 인간의 인위적인 진화를 유도하는 두 가지 실험을 극비리에 진행, 호르몬과 유전자 조작을 통한 슈퍼 초능력자들을 탄생시켰다. 슈퍼 시각, 슈퍼 청각, 초고속 이동, 강철 피부 등 초능력을 소유한 이들은 살아온 환경에 따라 그들의 능력을 사용하는 방식 또한 달랐다. 인류의 미래와 정의를 위해 싸우는 호르몬 조작 그룹, 이와는 달리 ‘아게하’라 불리는 지하 조직이 된 유전자 조작 그룹은 살상과 파괴를 서슴지 않았다. 어른들의 욕심으로 태어나 세상과 격리된 채 서로에게 의지하며 살아온 그들, 지금부터 인류의 미래를 위한 두 그룹의 피할 수 없는 대결이 시작 된다!
풍만한 마리아의 가슴
Masao (Kokone Sasaki) was once famous for having supernatural powers, but she now lives as a prostitute. Her special power is to know when a person will die by touching them. Masao has sex with men about to die. One day, a man named Tachibana (Shima Ohnishi) appears in front of her and expresses his wish to film her. In reality, Tachibana wants to take revenge on her. His wife killed herself after learning from Masao that she would die. Tachibana though becomes attracted to Masao.
풍만한 마리아의 가슴
Masao (Kokone Sasaki) was once famous for having supernatural powers, but she now lives as a prostitute. Her special power is to know when a person will die by touching them. Masao has sex with men about to die. One day, a man named Tachibana (Shima Ohnishi) appears in front of her and expresses his wish to film her. In reality, Tachibana wants to take revenge on her. His wife killed herself after learning from Masao that she would die. Tachibana though becomes attracted to Masao.
모든 관계를 거부하고 살아가는 코헤이는 쓸쓸하게 살다 죽은 사람의 집을 정리하는 일을 한다. 무덤덤하게 삶을 살아가던 코헤이는 죽은 사람의 유품들을 정리하면서 삶에 대한 의미를 조금씩 깨닫는다.
모든 관계를 거부하고 살아가는 코헤이는 쓸쓸하게 살다 죽은 사람의 집을 정리하는 일을 한다. 무덤덤하게 삶을 살아가던 코헤이는 죽은 사람의 유품들을 정리하면서 삶에 대한 의미를 조금씩 깨닫는다.
Pinku Eiga - L'intérieur du dôme du plaisir du cinéma japonais
When You Love And When You Are Loved
An entry in a series focused on "love" and "erotica," in which six creators from multiple fields -- from film and TV to direct-to-video and manga -- compete. Director Zeze Takahisa, known for his bold undertakings, including Heaven's Story, presents an unabashed depiction of the tormented heart of a woman who lives in the countryside. Yuko (Ezawa Midori) meets the man (Kawai Ryunosuke) suspected of leaking inappropriate pictures of her younger sister having an affair onto the Internet. She agrees to let him take nude photos of her on the condition that he stays away from her sister.
헤븐즈 스토리
묻지마 살인으로 가족을 잃어버린 어린 사토. 어느 날 텔레비전에서 자신과 비슷한 사연으로 복수를 다짐하는 토모키를 만나게 되는데…. 살인과 분노, 복수의 끊어지지 않는 악순환의 고리는 언제쯤 끝나게 될까? 2011년 베를린영화제 포럼부문에서 넷팩상과 국제비평가협회상을 수상한 작품. (2011년 제12회 전주국제영화제)
Documentary Zuno Keisatsu
In December 1969, the band Zuno Keisatsu (The Brain Police) was formed, with Panta and Toshi as its core members. The camera follows them for three years leading up to the band’s reunion in 2008.
블레임: 인류멸망 2011
2011년 도쿄 근교의 시립병원 응급센터. 의사 마츠오카 츠요시(츠마부키 사토시)는 고열증세로 입원한 환자를 단순 감기로 진단한다. 그러나 다음날 환자의 상태가 급변하면서 급기야 사망 이르고, 도쿄 곳곳에서 비슷한 증상의 환자들이 속출하면서 일본은 일대 혼란에 빠지게 된다. 이에 WHO 메디컬 담당자인 코바야시 에이코(단 레이)가 병원으로 파견되고, 그녀와 마츠오카는 함께 원인을 찾기 위해 고군분투한다. 사람들은 이것을 '블레임'이라 부르기 시작하고, 전대미문의 치사율과 감염속도로 일본은 물론 전세계를 공포에 빠뜨리는데...
블레임: 인류멸망 2011
2011년 도쿄 근교의 시립병원 응급센터. 의사 마츠오카 츠요시(츠마부키 사토시)는 고열증세로 입원한 환자를 단순 감기로 진단한다. 그러나 다음날 환자의 상태가 급변하면서 급기야 사망 이르고, 도쿄 곳곳에서 비슷한 증상의 환자들이 속출하면서 일본은 일대 혼란에 빠지게 된다. 이에 WHO 메디컬 담당자인 코바야시 에이코(단 레이)가 병원으로 파견되고, 그녀와 마츠오카는 함께 원인을 찾기 위해 고군분투한다. 사람들은 이것을 '블레임'이라 부르기 시작하고, 전대미문의 치사율과 감염속도로 일본은 물론 전세계를 공포에 빠뜨리는데...
플라잉 래빗츠
스튜디어스가 꿈이였던 유카리는(이시하라 사토미)는 꿈을 이루어 일본 항공 JAL에 입사한 유카리, 동명이인 때문에 전산 실수로 래빗츠의 합숙소로 가게된 유카리는 어쩔수없이 농구선수들과 생활하게됩니다 유라키의 재능을 알아본 임감독은 유카리를 영입하면서 한번도 해보지않은 농구를 시작하게되는데요
A magazine editor loses his wife to cancer and he keeps her ashes in a jar. When he begins dating her sister, he becomes overwhelmed with guilt.
A story of a 16-year old girl who comes to Tokyo aspiring to be an actress.
During a suicide attack on an airport, the hand grenade of 'M', one of three terrorists, malfunctions, leaving him captured. Exposed to maltreatment in prison, he slowly loses his grip on reality as he is forced to confront his ideological convictions.
Si-Sei 2 -The Fallen Spider-
A tattoo changes a woman. A tattoo changes a man. Tattoo is everything ... Asami, a woman who breaks into an affair with a man who has a wife the name is Ninomiya, a man who leaves the house apart from his wife and is inviting a self-development seminar to live today. The two who atoned for the past and asked for salvation met by chance. Asami, who decided to carve a tattoo by her own choice, entrusts her skin to a genius skin carver, Kokari. Eventually, a splendid woman's tattoo leaps on her back, which dramatically changes herself. Tattoo greatly changes Ninomiya's way of life and captivates the sculpture that dreams of the completion of tattoos. Eventually, the fate of men and women who were tossed by tattoos began to fluctuate greatly.
A child suddenly disappears in a small village and his mother desperately searches for clues.
A child suddenly disappears in a small village and his mother desperately searches for clues.
A Gap in the Skin
A young couple go on the run after the murder of his mother.
Look of Love
Yen's Husband
A young man is unable to have relations with the girls he likes. A pimp meets him after having a strange experience and they are althogether on a bizarre ride through a gloomy and disconnected Tokyo.
Secret Journey
I (Ken MItsuishi), documentary video maker, saw a guy named YUDA (Kazuma Honda) in middle of Tokyo. I was curious about Yuda and begun following him around, but one day he disappeared with my video camera. A couple months later, a lady name Michi Nakamura (Yukiko Okamoto) came to my office. She had the strap of my video camera that Yuda stole from me, and said she saw the address that was on the strap, so she came here. I asked her about Yuda, and she told me that he was dead. Right after she left my office, she was hit by a car, I visited her in hospital and she begins to tell me about the mysterious story of her and Yuda.
Secret Journey
I (Ken MItsuishi), documentary video maker, saw a guy named YUDA (Kazuma Honda) in middle of Tokyo. I was curious about Yuda and begun following him around, but one day he disappeared with my video camera. A couple months later, a lady name Michi Nakamura (Yukiko Okamoto) came to my office. She had the strap of my video camera that Yuda stole from me, and said she saw the address that was on the strap, so she came here. I asked her about Yuda, and she told me that he was dead. Right after she left my office, she was hit by a car, I visited her in hospital and she begins to tell me about the mysterious story of her and Yuda.
Moon Child
MOON CHILD follows a group of childhood friends as they advance in a futuristic criminal underworld. Sho feels he is doomed to walk in his idol Kei's footsteps as a vampire with the gift of eternal life and the curse of blood thirst. Over time, their tight friendship becomes corrupted because of their rivalry and love for the same woman.
Moon Child
MOON CHILD follows a group of childhood friends as they advance in a futuristic criminal underworld. Sho feels he is doomed to walk in his idol Kei's footsteps as a vampire with the gift of eternal life and the curse of blood thirst. Over time, their tight friendship becomes corrupted because of their rivalry and love for the same woman.
도그 스타
A seeing-eye dog (Shiro) is granted one wish by his former owner. He chooses to become a human for a short time so he can find the girl who trained him as a puppy. While attempting to get to know her (as he runs along behind her and sniffs for her around town) he eventually falls in love with her.
레스토랑 체인점에서 일하는 마사야는 사장의 딸인 소영과 공모하여 가짜 납치 사건을 꾸미지만, 성공적으로 납치된 소영은 사사건건 마사야와 부딪힌다. 그러나 부패 경찰인 나루세가 소영의 아버지를 죽이고 돈 대신 시체를 약속 장소에 가져다 놓은 것을 발견한 이들은 의도한 바와 달리 경찰들에게 쫓기게 되는데...
Tokyo X Erotica
What lasts longer, the time before birth or the time after death? In the 1990's, Kenjo dies in a terrorist gas attack. His girlfriend Haruka is killed by a man she meets as a street prostitute. In 2002, Kenji and Haruka who should already be dead, meet again and a new story begins.
Tokyo X Erotica
What lasts longer, the time before birth or the time after death? In the 1990's, Kenjo dies in a terrorist gas attack. His girlfriend Haruka is killed by a man she meets as a street prostitute. In 2002, Kenji and Haruka who should already be dead, meet again and a new story begins.
Togashi, the leader of Togashi-gumi, boasts enormous power. The leader of the Ryuokai is sent to prison because he distrusts him who controls the town, and a mysterious man who calls himself Takishima appears in front of Shinshiro who becomes the leader of the group.
Togashi, the leader of Togashi-gumi, boasts enormous power. The leader of the Ryuokai is sent to prison because he distrusts him who controls the town, and a mysterious man who calls himself Takishima appears in front of Shinshiro who becomes the leader of the group.
The Breed
Children born with special power. They seek blood for eternal life. And tonight, the victims ...!
The Breed
Children born with special power. They seek blood for eternal life. And tonight, the victims ...!
Thug Business Worker Sub
The truth of a sniper becomes clear in the turmoil of a drug robbery that shakes the underworld.
In this startling psychological thriller from Japan, Mami (Hijiri Kojima) is a teacher who meets Tomo (Koji Chihara), a psychotic criminal with a short temper and no visible means of support. Amour fou blooms between them, and a year later they're living together, with Mami taking part as Tomo abducts, tortures, and kills one of their neighbors. Eventually the cycle of crime goes too far for Mami and she leaves Tomo, but several years later, he arrives at her home to disrupt her life with her new husband. Hysteric was directed by Takahisa Zeze, who previously received critical acclaim for the film Kokkuri. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
Forbidden Door: Sexual Urge in the Skirt
A message dial that exposes everything to a complete stranger. Not only the body, but also the mind... A melancholy and sensual erotic film by Takahisa Zeze, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Pink Films.
Forbidden Door: Sexual Urge in the Skirt
A message dial that exposes everything to a complete stranger. Not only the body, but also the mind... A melancholy and sensual erotic film by Takahisa Zeze, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Pink Films.
Forbidden Door: Sexual Urge in the Skirt
A message dial that exposes everything to a complete stranger. Not only the body, but also the mind... A melancholy and sensual erotic film by Takahisa Zeze, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Pink Films.
Sex Friend Nurezakari
Sex Friend Nurezakari is the story of an old friend, Tsutomu, who pays a visit to a couple then disappears after one night. He leaves behind a mobile phone, and the couple set out to find him and return it. Along the way they meet up with another couple taping themselves having sex. The four of them continue the journey to find Tsutomu. When they arrive at his home, his parents inform them that he was killed in an accident some years previously. What happens next is both bizarre and strangely heart warming as the four friends play a baseball game with the ghost of Tsutomu and thus seal their friendships for good, as all of them discover more about themselves and each other.
Anarchy in Japansuke
A middle-aged man walks up to young man who is sitting under a tree and shoots him. The film then flashes back to 1981, where a young woman steals a car with a baby strapped inside. She decides to raise the child as her own, and teaches him to shoplift from stores while she works as a prostitute. She strikes up a relationship with a convenience-store clerk, and the two eventually settle down together.
Anarchy in Japansuke
A middle-aged man walks up to young man who is sitting under a tree and shoots him. The film then flashes back to 1981, where a young woman steals a car with a baby strapped inside. She decides to raise the child as her own, and teaches him to shoplift from stores while she works as a prostitute. She strikes up a relationship with a convenience-store clerk, and the two eventually settle down together.
The Cold-Blooded Trap
Psycho-mystery in which two men confront each other over the murder of a woman in Shibuya.
The Cold-Blooded Trap
Psycho-mystery in which two men confront each other over the murder of a woman in Shibuya.
Dirty Maria
Murakami's partner Mayumi has gone missing. He fears that she could have run off with another guy or gotten into difficulty by involving by herself with a 'telephone relationship club', a solution which hooks up strangers trying to find easy, anonymous sex, no concerns asked.
Dirty Maria
Murakami's partner Mayumi has gone missing. He fears that she could have run off with another guy or gotten into difficulty by involving by herself with a 'telephone relationship club', a solution which hooks up strangers trying to find easy, anonymous sex, no concerns asked.
Schoolgirls on the verge of adulthood know that boys can be feckless and girls treacherous. Three friends gather around a Ouija board to call forth the spirit of Kokkuri. Masami has a boyfriend, Akira; Hiroko, who is nervous about the séance, wonders if she should take the plunge into sex; Mio is haunted by her mother's suicide. She also has a secret life as the voice of a midnight talk show host, the sexually-charged Midori. Mio must explore her past and her new feelings. Can she hold off the power and predictions of Kokkuri to enter adulthood, or will the destructive and romantic side of teen spirit be too powerful?
Schoolgirls on the verge of adulthood know that boys can be feckless and girls treacherous. Three friends gather around a Ouija board to call forth the spirit of Kokkuri. Masami has a boyfriend, Akira; Hiroko, who is nervous about the séance, wonders if she should take the plunge into sex; Mio is haunted by her mother's suicide. She also has a secret life as the voice of a midnight talk show host, the sexually-charged Midori. Mio must explore her past and her new feelings. Can she hold off the power and predictions of Kokkuri to enter adulthood, or will the destructive and romantic side of teen spirit be too powerful?
검은드레스의 여자
만성췌장염으로 입원 중임에도 불구하고 불륜상대인 다나베를 만나기 위해 병원을 뛰쳐나온다. 그러나 그가 만나주지 않자 전화방에서 만난 샐러리맨 히로유키와 하룻밤을 보낸다. 그리고 격한 감정에 휩싸여 그를 죽이게 된다. 며칠 후, 노리코는 용의자로 조사를 받게 되고 주요 목격자인 가즈아키는 그녀에게 유리한 거짓 증언을 한다. 어두운 과거를 짊어지고 있는 두 사람은 서로의 상처를 핥아주듯 몸을 포갠다. 그리고 두 사람은 앞으로 일어날 참극을 조용히 준비하기 시작하는데
검은드레스의 여자
만성췌장염으로 입원 중임에도 불구하고 불륜상대인 다나베를 만나기 위해 병원을 뛰쳐나온다. 그러나 그가 만나주지 않자 전화방에서 만난 샐러리맨 히로유키와 하룻밤을 보낸다. 그리고 격한 감정에 휩싸여 그를 죽이게 된다. 며칠 후, 노리코는 용의자로 조사를 받게 되고 주요 목격자인 가즈아키는 그녀에게 유리한 거짓 증언을 한다. 어두운 과거를 짊어지고 있는 두 사람은 서로의 상처를 핥아주듯 몸을 포갠다. 그리고 두 사람은 앞으로 일어날 참극을 조용히 준비하기 시작하는데
I Stand Alone - SEX & LOVE
Set in a metropolis in the 21st century, this unique erotic drama depicts youth colored by sex, drugs, and violence with a touch of science fiction.
Meshû: Torokeru Kashin
Based on the world of Taiyo Matsumoto's manga "Tekkonkinkreet" this film sublimates the story of a young girl crow and a seagull living a free and unrestrained life into a mythological tale. In the mysterious futuristic landscape of the waterfront subcenter when there were few leisure facilities, the film powerfully depicts the struggles and battles of the vital life force that pervades the city.
Meshû: Torokeru Kashin
Based on the world of Taiyo Matsumoto's manga "Tekkonkinkreet" this film sublimates the story of a young girl crow and a seagull living a free and unrestrained life into a mythological tale. In the mysterious futuristic landscape of the waterfront subcenter when there were few leisure facilities, the film powerfully depicts the struggles and battles of the vital life force that pervades the city.
Indecent Peeping: A Woman Who Wants to Be Seen
Nakamoto, who works at a real estate agency, enters a vacant apartment without permission and begins to peep into it. By chance, he finds an apartment building where a TV reporter lives, and eventually starts playing pranks on the phone. One day, the woman comes to Nakamoto's real estate store as a customer .......
Upcoming Scenery
Junko, who has precognition, predicted her senior's death and disappeared from her fiancé's life. Five years later, Junko, who works in a peep-shop, reunites with Kazuki and rekindles their love, but tragedy soon ensues. Hotaru Hatsuki, one of the most popular actresses of the 1990s, gives a strong performance in this poignant tale of a woman's attempt to escape her fate.
Upcoming Scenery
Junko, who has precognition, predicted her senior's death and disappeared from her fiancé's life. Five years later, Junko, who works in a peep-shop, reunites with Kazuki and rekindles their love, but tragedy soon ensues. Hotaru Hatsuki, one of the most popular actresses of the 1990s, gives a strong performance in this poignant tale of a woman's attempt to escape her fate.
Suddenly Arriving
The tale follows the intentional non-adventures of quiet Tachibana (Takeshi Ito), a Tokyo drifter who has worked in a suburban sausage shop for several years without forging any real friendships.
No Good Men
No Good Men follows Kumiko, a young and attractive woman that works at a travel agency, and moonlights as an insatiable, sex-hungry mistress.
No Good Men
No Good Men follows Kumiko, a young and attractive woman that works at a travel agency, and moonlights as an insatiable, sex-hungry mistress.
End of the World
A fugitive man and woman (Kawase, Kawana) come to an island to retrieve their son (Iwasaki), who the woman has given to a foster family, but the son's foster parents are policemen (Ito)... The suspense surrounding the retrieval of the son is made unusual by the location shooting on the vast and desolate Miyakejima Island and leads to an allegorical drama about the essential desires of human beings. This was Kawase Yota's first appearance in a Zeze film, and he has since become a regular actor. The title of the film at the time of its first release was Sukebe Tenkomori.
End of the World
A fugitive man and woman (Kawase, Kawana) come to an island to retrieve their son (Iwasaki), who the woman has given to a foster family, but the son's foster parents are policemen (Ito)... The suspense surrounding the retrieval of the son is made unusual by the location shooting on the vast and desolate Miyakejima Island and leads to an allegorical drama about the essential desires of human beings. This was Kawase Yota's first appearance in a Zeze film, and he has since become a regular actor. The title of the film at the time of its first release was Sukebe Tenkomori.
Angel in September
One day, Hitomi observes her classmate Eriko stealing lipstick in a drugstore and follows her home. The two young women get to know and love each other. While the withdrawn Hitomi believes herself and Eriko to be reincarnations of angel warriors who once fought demon armies, her emancipated and apathetic friend wanders through life between sex contacts with older men and fear of falling into a boring bourgeois existence. The different futures of the two soon lead to tensions.
The Dream of Garuda
A convicted rapist, Ikuo is released from prison and goes in pursuit of the woman he raped, Mieko. So obsessed is he with revenge he sees her in every woman he meets. After carrying out vicious attacks on a prostitute and a young girl he finally comes face to face with her.
The Dream of Garuda
A convicted rapist, Ikuo is released from prison and goes in pursuit of the woman he raped, Mieko. So obsessed is he with revenge he sees her in every woman he meets. After carrying out vicious attacks on a prostitute and a young girl he finally comes face to face with her.
Keep on Masturbating: Non-Stop Pleasure
A man with a troubled past including incest with a younger sister and the murder of a woman travels to an isolated countryside town in Nagano. There a local who mistakes him for a famous television actor shows him the town's sites, including a strip bar in which the performers remove Heian era costumes. The film's narrative is in an allegorical and disjointed manner with references to Buddhist concepts.
Molester Train Naughty Lower Body
Marumi Sakurada is a second year high school student. Marumi, who lost her virginity early on, indulges in lesbian play with her best friend Tama-chan. Still, Marumi is far from the love she longs for, and Marumi coldly hits her classmate Marugame, who has feelings for her..
Widow: Bliss in a Mourning Dress
The film depicts Nagatoshi, a monk, who is mistaken for the reincarnation of a hero in a small mountain village who looks exactly like him, and who rebels against the government together with the farmers. Unlike its predecessor, which was a period drama in style, this film is more contemporary, incorporating issues such as corruption at a general contractor. The dynamism of the farmers' revolt, with its mass mobilization of extras, is also a highlight of the film.
Widow: Bliss in a Mourning Dress
The film depicts Nagatoshi, a monk, who is mistaken for the reincarnation of a hero in a small mountain village who looks exactly like him, and who rebels against the government together with the farmers. Unlike its predecessor, which was a period drama in style, this film is more contemporary, incorporating issues such as corruption at a general contractor. The dynamism of the farmers' revolt, with its mass mobilization of extras, is also a highlight of the film.
The Japanese Obscenity
The sexual experiences of self-proclaimed sexualist Tetsu Hashimoto (Shinji Kubo) from 6 years old to 87 years old.
Fûfu kôkan: Chôkairaku
A Fart of Monk
The story is about Nagatoshi, a handsome and sexy monk played by Kazuhiro Sano, who is struggling for the widow he loves. Foreshadowing the prophecy of the Great Kanto Earthquake, the film is a highly entertaining theatrical spectacle that depicts the human condition of a downtown area undergoing development and the efforts of men and women who rebel against it.
A Fart of Monk
The story is about Nagatoshi, a handsome and sexy monk played by Kazuhiro Sano, who is struggling for the widow he loves. Foreshadowing the prophecy of the Great Kanto Earthquake, the film is a highly entertaining theatrical spectacle that depicts the human condition of a downtown area undergoing development and the efforts of men and women who rebel against it.
Nure-nure: Sandan Zeme
Molester Train: Mischievous Wives
A former Self-Defense Force officer who returns to his hometown with his comrades to fight for his life. A woman who comes to trace the trail of her husband, who has been missing for seven years. A woman who wants something stimulating in her boring village. A man and his daughter who left his wife without giving a reason and drifted to a fishing village in the north to live in seclusion. The lives of these five people intersect for a moment and are eventually dismantled again.
Molester Train: Mischievous Wives
A former Self-Defense Force officer who returns to his hometown with his comrades to fight for his life. A woman who comes to trace the trail of her husband, who has been missing for seven years. A woman who wants something stimulating in her boring village. A man and his daughter who left his wife without giving a reason and drifted to a fishing village in the north to live in seclusion. The lives of these five people intersect for a moment and are eventually dismantled again.
Amazon Garden: Uniform Lesbians
A lesbian teacher (Kanako Kishi) comes to Tokyo in search of her student (Ichiko Kamata), who has dropped out of high school and started living with a bomb-making terrorist (Takeshi Ito).
Amazon Garden: Uniform Lesbians
A lesbian teacher (Kanako Kishi) comes to Tokyo in search of her student (Ichiko Kamata), who has dropped out of high school and started living with a bomb-making terrorist (Takeshi Ito).
Saishin Pinsaro Jôhô: Gekisha!! Nama Honban
Saishin Pinsaro Jôhô: Gekisha!! Nama Honban
No Man's Land
Parisian Rita Kato follows a letter from her friend Masao Sato to Tokyo, but discovers that a new tenant is already living at the sender's address, the slacker Takeshi, called Golgo after the contract killer protagonist from Takao Saitō's long-lived manga series Golgo 13. Apathetically, the two squats on each other for a few days until Rita sets off again and is bagged on the way back by the petty criminal Kiyomi in a stolen car. In the Tokyo swampland, the two meet Golgo again...
No Man's Land
Parisian Rita Kato follows a letter from her friend Masao Sato to Tokyo, but discovers that a new tenant is already living at the sender's address, the slacker Takeshi, called Golgo after the contract killer protagonist from Takao Saitō's long-lived manga series Golgo 13. Apathetically, the two squats on each other for a few days until Rita sets off again and is bagged on the way back by the petty criminal Kiyomi in a stolen car. In the Tokyo swampland, the two meet Golgo again...
The Gods Have a Nervous Breakdown
Assistant Director
Lesbian-themed tale of a schoolgirl who entices her gullible (not to mention slightly warped) female teacher by positing that they are predestined to dance together on the day the world ends.
Coconut Clash
Rie, who moved to Tokyo from a rural mining town and is penniless after being cheated by her boyfriend, enters the world of underground wrestling by chance. This is a ridiculous ensemble drama inspired by Shinji Somai's "Luminous Woman" and incorporating the setting of "Tomorrow's Joe" (Ashita no Joe). Starring Aya Mizutorigawa, an idol of the pink film industry at the time.
Coconut Clash
Rie, who moved to Tokyo from a rural mining town and is penniless after being cheated by her boyfriend, enters the world of underground wrestling by chance. This is a ridiculous ensemble drama inspired by Shinji Somai's "Luminous Woman" and incorporating the setting of "Tomorrow's Joe" (Ashita no Joe). Starring Aya Mizutorigawa, an idol of the pink film industry at the time.
Indecent Tongue Technique
Tsuda, a former Self Defense Force officer who now works as an entertainment agency, is asked by his former boss to investigate a man named Hiraoka. Hiraoka is connected to a case in which a former worker at a nuclear power plant was found drowned. Behind the request lies a great conspiracy concerning the shameful side of the political world...
Indecent Tongue Technique
Tsuda, a former Self Defense Force officer who now works as an entertainment agency, is asked by his former boss to investigate a man named Hiraoka. Hiraoka is connected to a case in which a former worker at a nuclear power plant was found drowned. Behind the request lies a great conspiracy concerning the shameful side of the political world...
Serial Rape: Perverted Experiment
Assistant Director
Tired of the belligerence and bad manners of a female customer, two shop owners kidnap her and subject her to a series of sexual assaults and tortures with utensils from the shop.
Psychic Rose
Assistant Director
The tale of an alienated young guy eager to discover a way to spend his bills. Financial relief shows up in the form of unknown e-mails directing him to rape women for money, capturing the crimes as evidence of his work. Sordid as his brand new job may be, the aspiring rapist seems to have solved his financial woes, until a feisty young paranormal uses the girl extrasensory powers to resolve the case.
Blue Sky
A road movie about three persons traveling in a campervan on their way to Tokyo, Hamamatsu, and Kyoto. The film is based on the story of the heroine, a young girl named Momo, who was a member of the "21 Faces of Kaijin" gang involved in the Glico Morinaga Incident, and the film's ideas are remarkable, including the use of a tape recording of the actual incident.
Blue Sky
A road movie about three persons traveling in a campervan on their way to Tokyo, Hamamatsu, and Kyoto. The film is based on the story of the heroine, a young girl named Momo, who was a member of the "21 Faces of Kaijin" gang involved in the Glico Morinaga Incident, and the film's ideas are remarkable, including the use of a tape recording of the actual incident.
Pervert Ward: S&M Clinic
Assistant Director
An abusive psychologist enjoys torturing and abusing his wife. After rough sexual session of pain and dominance she decides to leave her husband. Then her masochistic twin sister arrives and of course plenty of kinky sexual torture and bondage happens next.
Extracurricular Activity: Rape!
Three bad high school students who are preparing for the graduation ceremony are caught up in a battle with Yakuza after encountering a Korean in Japan and Yuki Yappa who has been married to him. A youth adventure drama with a powerful depiction of "Japan" and "Asia" that emerges from various nationalities.
Extracurricular Activity: Rape!
Three bad high school students who are preparing for the graduation ceremony are caught up in a battle with Yakuza after encountering a Korean in Japan and Yuki Yappa who has been married to him. A youth adventure drama with a powerful depiction of "Japan" and "Asia" that emerges from various nationalities.
Wakazuma Fuhô Kankin
Assistant Director
Ryuzaki, an editor of Muscle Magazine, which features photographs of men with sculpted bodies, becomes involved with a man named Kitami; their affair soon becomes dominated by sadomasochistic games, with a horrid result. Jump ahead one year, Ryuzaki is released from jail and goes in search of Kitami, perhaps to make amends. The films of Pasolini, especially "Salò," dominate Ryuzaki's imagination; he works sometimes at the Lunatic Theatre, which shows films about rough trade; and, he becomes involved with a couple into BDSM. Will Ryuzaki find Kitami, and what will happen if he does?
Hitozuma Waisetsu Bôkô
Chikan Densha: Abunai Futomomo
Assistant Director
Chikan Densha: Abunai Futomomo
Subway Serial Rape: Lover Hunting
Assistant Director
A woman is raped on a crowded subway. No one reports it to the police. A TV studio exploits the incident to boost ratings, with tragic results, including the victimization of the reporter sent to harass the gang members who committed the crime.
Niizuma Hard Onanii
Assistant Director
Temptation of the Mask
Assistant Director
Usuda plays an adopted orphan who is in love with his stepmother and repeatedly raped by his new father. When he grows up, the traumatized boy becomes an arsonist, only to find some fleeting taste of love with the male detective investigating him.
Rape Climax!
Second Assistant Director
Director Hisayasu Sato helmed this peculiar tale about a woman known as Locker Baby because she was left in a bus station locker as an infant. Locker Baby is raped by a man clad in black leather, traumatizing her still further, and driving her to sensory-deprivation therapy. Unfortunately, she is raped during the course of the therapy and becomes pregnant.
Exciting Eros: Hot Skin
Assistant Director
The mother does half-nude aerobics until her son rapes her, and the daughter falls into bed with a female teacher. Despite the shocking goings-on, the film is much more in keeping with Sato's usual themes of alienation and corrupted innocence than its brutal predecessor.
Molester's Delivery Service
Assistant Director
Hey gangs, is it sunny over there?
A middle-aged yakuza escapes from Tokyo after commiting a crime. He meeets a young right-wing extremist. Together they help a girl who's looking for a river bank full of canola flowers that her mother had a strong memory of. The story is about how they find the place while escaping from pursuers. Self-produced by Zeze and shot on 16mm film when he was a student at Kyoto University.