Oman (voice)
A devil-girl with the face of an angel and a heart of gold, blond Betty falls in love with an earthbound gangster, Danpei Kimogawa, when they meet in a rainstorm. They end up living together in a Tokyo highrise apartment, though Danpei has trouble coping with his new witch and demon in-laws dropping in at inopportune moments. Betty has actually been sent to the human world on a mission to defeat the demon Lutan. While Betty continues her task, her skeletal grandmother sends nubile nymphs to tempt Danpei and see if he is suitable husband material. Based on the manga Mamonogatari itoshi no beti.
Queen of Time (voice)
헬로키티 캐릭터로 유명한 산리오가 5년의 세월을 투자해 제작한 장편 인형 애니메이션 영화
Witch (voice)
The story of a beautiful mermaid who gave up a kingdom for her beloved prince.
Baron Ashura (Female)
TV판 에피소드 57 "Dr. Hell Occupies Japan" 의 극장판
Baron Ashura (Female)
악마의 초능력을 가지고 있는 데몬족. 헬 박사는 지구정복의 방해가 되는 마징가Z를 쓰러트리기 위해, 텔레파시 조작광선을 사용하는 데몬족, 잔닌과 손을 잡는다. 한편 마징가Z의 조종사 카부토 코우지는 데빌맨(후도 아키라)과 처음 만나 다투게 되지만, 이윽고 함께 싸울 것을 약속한다. 그런 가운데 데빌맨이 기계수, 요수 연합군에게 사로잡히는 일이 발생. 공중공격에 취약한 마징가는 새로이 개발된 ‘제트스크랜더’를 장비하고 구출작전에 나선다.
Queen (voice)
A boy named Tsutomu and four cyborg dogs fight against insect-type aliens from the Planet Devil.
Kozue is a high school girl and an enthusiastic volleyball player. Her dream is to play on the Japanese national volleyball team. Over the course of the series she makes it from the school district league up to the Japanese volleyball finals, step by step until the international volleyball championship. But the faster and higher Kozue climbs, the more she is confronted with the dark side of success: too-high expectations, self-conceit, and envy.