Ghalya Lacroix

Ghalya Lacroix

출생 : , Carthage, Tunisia

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Ghalya Lacroix
Ghalya Lacroix
Ghalya Lacroix
Ghalya Lacroix

참여 작품

무화과나무 아래에서
A group of teenagers spend their summer working in the fig harvest in rural northwest Tunisia. Melek and her friends work in the orchards during the summer to pay for their studies, prepare for their weddings or help their families. Between the fig trees, under the gaze of older workers and young men, they reveal and project themselves, on the threshold of an adult life. The fig orchard becomes a real theater of emotions, where their relationships with work, love, friendship and the land are played out.
무화과나무 아래에서
A group of teenagers spend their summer working in the fig harvest in rural northwest Tunisia. Melek and her friends work in the orchards during the summer to pay for their studies, prepare for their weddings or help their families. Between the fig trees, under the gaze of older workers and young men, they reveal and project themselves, on the threshold of an adult life. The fig orchard becomes a real theater of emotions, where their relationships with work, love, friendship and the land are played out.
The Scarecrows
In late 2013, Zina and Djo, both in their twenties, come back to Tunisia from the Syrian front where they were sequestrated and raped. Zina was separated from her two-month-old child and Djo finds out she's pregnant and plunges into mutism and expresses her Syrian horror only in the novel she is writing. Tunisian lawyer, Nadia and Dora, a humanitarian doctor, assist them in their hard and lengthy reconstruction; impeded by the violence of their close circles, the harsh view on the social networks and their angst. Nadia, also Driss' lawyer, a 21-year-old persecuted homosexual who's been banned from all school establishments, asks him to help Zina in the hopes that their stirring meeting will allow them to open their black boxes, to assume themselves and stand up to the unjust society.
Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo
It's the end of summer vacation for Amin. The young photographer spends cozy evenings with Charlotte, the ex-girlfriend of his Casanova cousin. She talks to him about literature, he photographs her. Nobody knows that they see each other, especially not Ophélie, his childhood friend, who instead confides her troubles to Amin : her father wants her to take over the family farm, her fiancé Clement will return soon from Iraq for their wedding, she is pregnant with Tony’s baby, and Tony wants to keep their affair secret instead of having a serious relationship. Ophélie constantly contemplates her choices : would it be better to get an abortion in secret and marry Clement or to follow her maternal instinct and keep the child, perhaps seeking refuge with Amin in Paris?
메크툽, 마이 러브: 칸토 우노
Amin, an aspiring screenwriter living in Paris, returns home for the summer, to a fishing village in the South of France. It is a time of reconnecting with his family and his childhood friends. Together with his cousin Tony and his best friend Ophélie, he spends his time between the Tunisian restaurant run by his parents, the local bars and the beaches frequented by girls on holiday. Enchanted by the many female characters who surround him, Amin remains in awe of these summer sirens while his dionysiac cousin throws himself into their carnal delights with euphoria. Armed with his camera and guided by the bright simmer light of the Mediterranean coast, Amin pursues his philosophical quest while gathering inspiration for his screenplays. When it comes to love, only Mektoub (‘destiny' in Arabic) can decide.
가장 따뜻한 색, 블루
여느 소녀들과 다를 바 없는 평범한 고등학생 아델은 빈칸들로 점철된 미래의 답을 찾고 있는 문학소녀이다. 피에르 드 마리보의 소설 을 이해하고자 노력하고 있는 아델 앞에 어느 날 파란 머리의 대학생 엠마가 나타난다. 단지 횡단보도에서 우연히 스치며 지나친 인연이지만 그날 이후 아델과 엠마는 서로를 기억하게 된다. 누가 먼저랄 것도 없이 아델과 엠마는 서로에게 이끌리고, 미술을 전공한 엠마는 본능적으로 자신의 캔버스 안으로 아델을 초대한다. 아델은 자신과 전혀 다른 삶을 살아온 엠마로 인해 이전에는 몰랐던 뜨거운 감정을 느끼게 되는데...
가장 따뜻한 색, 블루
여느 소녀들과 다를 바 없는 평범한 고등학생 아델은 빈칸들로 점철된 미래의 답을 찾고 있는 문학소녀이다. 피에르 드 마리보의 소설 을 이해하고자 노력하고 있는 아델 앞에 어느 날 파란 머리의 대학생 엠마가 나타난다. 단지 횡단보도에서 우연히 스치며 지나친 인연이지만 그날 이후 아델과 엠마는 서로를 기억하게 된다. 누가 먼저랄 것도 없이 아델과 엠마는 서로에게 이끌리고, 미술을 전공한 엠마는 본능적으로 자신의 캔버스 안으로 아델을 초대한다. 아델은 자신과 전혀 다른 삶을 살아온 엠마로 인해 이전에는 몰랐던 뜨거운 감정을 느끼게 되는데...
Black Venus
The true story of Saartjes Baartman, a black South African worker who moves to London with her master in the early 19th century. Although she dreams of being an artist, once in Europe she is exploited as a sideshow attraction due to her large buttocks and genitalia.
Black Venus
The true story of Saartjes Baartman, a black South African worker who moves to London with her master in the early 19th century. Although she dreams of being an artist, once in Europe she is exploited as a sideshow attraction due to her large buttocks and genitalia.
생선 쿠스쿠스
직업을 잃고 암울한 미래를 앞둔 이혼남 슬리만은 버려진 화물선에 쿠스쿠스 레스토랑을 열 계획을 세운다. 은행도, 시청도 탐탁치 않게 바라보지만 이런 때만큼은 가족들이 편을 들어줘야 할 때! 헤어진 전부인도 팔을 걷어붙이고 슬리만의 꿈을 이루는 데 동참한다. 그러나, 사업 투자를 받기 위해 벌인 중요한 연회에서 메인 요리인 쿠스쿠스가 사라지는데…
생선 쿠스쿠스
직업을 잃고 암울한 미래를 앞둔 이혼남 슬리만은 버려진 화물선에 쿠스쿠스 레스토랑을 열 계획을 세운다. 은행도, 시청도 탐탁치 않게 바라보지만 이런 때만큼은 가족들이 편을 들어줘야 할 때! 헤어진 전부인도 팔을 걷어붙이고 슬리만의 꿈을 이루는 데 동참한다. 그러나, 사업 투자를 받기 위해 벌인 중요한 연회에서 메인 요리인 쿠스쿠스가 사라지는데…
Games of Love and Chance
A group of teenagers living in a housing project in the outskirts of Paris rehearse a scene from Marivaux's play of the same name. Krimo is determined not to take part, but after developing feelings for Lydia, he quickly assumes the main role and love interest in the play.
Games of Love and Chance
A group of teenagers living in a housing project in the outskirts of Paris rehearse a scene from Marivaux's play of the same name. Krimo is determined not to take part, but after developing feelings for Lydia, he quickly assumes the main role and love interest in the play.
포에버 모차르트
Damila / Rosette
고다르는 이 영화를 1996년 칸 영화제에 출품하여 건재를 과시했다. 뮈세의 연극, 보스니아 전쟁, 그리고 늙은 감독의 작품 만들기와 그 실패가 모차르트의 음악과 어우러진다. 고다르의 분신이기도 한 노감독을 통해 고다르는 상업이라는 이름으로 감독에게 가해지는 폭력을 보스니아 전쟁과 병치시킨다. 유럽의 장래에 대한 고다르의 우려가 엿보이는 작품.
궁전의 침묵
Adult Alia
왕자를 시중들던 하녀의 딸 알리아는 왕자의 부고를 받고 10년 전 떠났던 궁전을 찾아간다. 그곳에서 알리아는 계급은 물론 성적으로도 종속되어 있던 엄마의 어두운 삶과 그로 인해 혼란스러웠던 자신의 어린 시절을 회상한다. 튀니지아가 프랑스 식민치하에서 벗어난 후 한 소녀의 성적 정체성의 혼란을 그린, 튀니지아 출신의 여성감독 무피아 틀라틀리의 첫 데뷔작. 아랍 여성 영화사에 한 획을 그은 작품으로 억압 받는 여성의 해방과 권리 찾기를 보여준다. 궁전의 제일 밑바닥 공간인 부엌은 여성들의 삶의 공간이자 자유의 공간이다. 감독은 1950년 독립 이전 프랑스의 속국이었던 튀니지의 이국적인 정취와 무슬림 전통을 매력적으로 담아내면서 페미니즘적 관점으로 여성의 위치와 남성 특권에 대해 조망한다. 1994 토론토 영화제 비평가상 수상. 1994 칸느 영화제 특별 언급.
Roufa (Abdel Kechiche) is an attractive young man, and that works out well for him because he is a practitioner of "bezness:" he's a sex-for-hire boy for the tourists who come to Tunisia. His girlfriend deeply resents his having sex with other women but doesn't seem much bothered that a rich German man he's been having sex with is hoping to sponsor him in Europe. She also has a hard time with his tendency to behave like any other Arab male around a woman, telling her how to take care of her business. As it turns out, she's got better sense than any of the men around her.
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Due
It’s the end of summer vacation for Amin. The young photographer spends cozy evenings with Charlotte, the ex-girlfriend of his casanova cousin. She talks to him about literature, he photographs her. Between Amin’s encounters with these women and his dreams of cinema, many choices open up to him.
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Due
It’s the end of summer vacation for Amin. The young photographer spends cozy evenings with Charlotte, the ex-girlfriend of his casanova cousin. She talks to him about literature, he photographs her. Between Amin’s encounters with these women and his dreams of cinema, many choices open up to him.