Anthony Neely

Anthony Neely

프로필 사진

Anthony Neely

참여 작품

New Zealand to Shanghai
Based on a true story, "Faithball" is a funny, inspiring and heartwarming tale surrounding a group of misfit kids who - along with their well-meaning but flawed baseball coach - start out trying to save their baseball team, but in the end overcome insurmountable obstacles and achieve enormous success for themselves and their community.
소울 오브 브레드
시골 마을 작은 제과점에 얹혀 살며 제빵 명인이 된 청년 가오빙은 오랜기간 교제해 온 주인의 딸 샤오핑에게 청혼하지만, 샤오핑은 선뜻 청혼을 받아들이지 못한다