Rodrigo Poisón

Rodrigo Poisón

프로필 사진

Rodrigo Poisón

참여 작품

Something Is About to Happen
A woman whose life takes a definitive turn the day that loses her job as a computer programer.
히어로는 없다
Geo Captain
히어로는 무슨. 하지만 범죄가 슈퍼히어로 스토리를 빼다 박았다면? 신참 형사가 사건 해결을 위해 공조 아닌 공조를 시작한다. 퍼즐 조각에 불과한 연쇄 살인. 그 큰 그림을 볼 수 있는 건 코믹스라면 꽉 잡은 만화 가게 주인뿐이니까.
Un mundo salvaje
The Lunnis and the Great Fairy Tale Adventures
Guardia Camelot
Imagination and the World of Fantasy are in danger. Mar, an eight-year-old little girl, who's an expert in stories and legends thanks to the books read to her every night by her grandfather, decides she has to try and save them. With the help of her friends, the Lunnis, they will embark on a magical adventure to stop them disappearing.
Smoking Club (129 normas)
Oscar, a guy in his forties, is passing an existential crisis. He decides to quit his job as a state worker and a relationship with his girlfriend in order to set up a new business: A club for pot enthusiasts. The place is intended to be free of rules, but trouble shows up when those rules begin to be necessary...
Pushed by the fear of losing her friends, Silvia has invited them to a sleepover. But things can be complicated when your home is not exactly what your friends may call a home...
No abortamos
People in Places
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
What would you be arranged to do for having 100.000 fans?
A Forbidden God
Miliciano Graciliano
August 1936, the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. 51 members of the Claretian community of Barbastro (Huesca) are martyred, die for their faith. The film recounts the last weeks of his life, since they are held until they are finally shot. During that time, they perform various writings they talk about their situation, of his fellow captives, people who saw them. These writings have been the basic testimony used to narrate this real fact in film version.
소리없는 추격자
장래가 촉망되는 판사인 에바는 수년 동안 자신의 직업에만 전념했다. 정의를 굳게 믿으며 어디에서 왔든 양보하려 하지 않는다. 어느 날 스트리퍼의 살인 사건이 일어나고 그녀는 사건의 목격자, 피해자의 남자친구, 로코, 기꺼이 도와주려는 다정하고 다정한 지골로와 만나 단서를 얻으려 한다. 이로인해 에바는 자신의 신원에 대한 몇 가지 단서를 제공해야 하지만 꽁꽁 숨겨진 에바의 비밀은 아무도 알지 못하는데...