Rosella Drudi

참여 작품

스트라이크 코만도 2
월남전의 영웅 미해병특공대 소속으로 용맹을 떨쳤던 마이클은 생명의 은인인 부대장 젠킨스 소령의 죽음 소식을 듣고 진상을 밝히려 간다. 젠킨스를 구하러 외딴집으로 간 마이클은 젠킨스의 거처를 알아낸다. 그곳에서 습격을 받고 젠킨스는 정성 헬기에 의해 납치당한다. 다음날 마이클은 로그에게서 젠킨스가 KGB에 납치될까 우려한 나머지 그동안 장소를 옮기며 행방불명 된것처럼 꾸몄다는 애기를 듣는데.
Cop Game
In the final days of the Vietnam War, someone is killing the officers of the elite Cobra Force. Two undercover M.P.'s are assigned to the case. The trail leads from the streets of Saigon to the war zone.
Cop Game
In the final days of the Vietnam War, someone is killing the officers of the elite Cobra Force. Two undercover M.P.'s are assigned to the case. The trail leads from the streets of Saigon to the war zone.
더블 타겟
After several American and British military personnel are killed in suicide attacks throughout southeast Asia, the U.S. begins to suspect a plot by the Vietnam government. To uncover the truth, the U.S. army calls upon a former commando who is looking for his long-lost son in Vietnam. While his military commanders want to see the commando succeed in his mission, his political overseers have a different set of plans.