Jyri Närvänen

참여 작품

Total Balalaika Show
A 57 minute documentary of a Helsinki concert featuring the Leningrad Cowboys and the Alexandrov Red Army Choir and Ballet, who collaborate on a number of US Rock songs sung in English (like "Sweet Home, Alabama") as well as more traditional Russian songs like the "Volga Boatman".
레닌그라드 카우보이 모세를 만나다
맥시코에서 지난한 시간을 보낸 레닌그라드 카우보이는 모세라는 이름으로 자신들에게 되돌아온 전 매니저 블라디미르(마티 펠론파)의 감언이설에 고향으로 돌아갈 것을 결심한다. 자유의 여신상의 코를 훔친 블라디미르 때문에 CIA 요원의 추격을 받으며 귀향길에 오른 이들의 여정은 역시나 고단하기만 하다. 의 후편. (2011년 아키 카우리스마키 감독전)
Zombie and the Ghost Train
Mulefukkers-yhtyeen jäsen kitaristi
Antti "Zombie" Autiomaa does two things well: play the bass guitar and drink. After several months' sleeping on the streets of Istanbul, he returns to Helsinki where he's called into the army but discharged on mental health grounds after adding turpentine to the officers' soup. Zombie lives bleary-eyed in an apartment off his parents' house where his lonely, unemployed father suffers from heart disease. His girl-friend Marjo has taken up with a hairdresser but comes back to Zombie. His friend Harri hires him as a roadie for his band "Harry and the Mulefukkers" then gives him a chance as a bass player. He has his girl and he has a gig, but can Zombie put the bottle down?