Rose Tapley

Rose Tapley

출생 : 1881-06-30, Salem, Massachusetts, USA

사망 : 1956-02-23

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Rose Tapley

참여 작품

Sex Madness
Mrs. Hamilton
A young beauty queen travels to New York to further her modelling career, but contracts syphilis after being tricked into a sexual encounter. She is torn between the prospect of a slow, intensive but proven therapy and a supposed miracle cure.
Princess Sophya
Katusha, a country girl, is seduced and abandoned by Prince Nekludov. Nekludov finds himself, years later, on a jury trying the same Katusha for a crime he now realizes his actions drove her to. He follows her to imprisonment in Siberia, intent on redeeming her and himself as well.
His First Command
Mrs. Pike
A playboy is in love with a woman and enters the army thinking it will improve his chances with her.
Paris Bound
Jim Hutton and Mary Archer are two liberals who are content to remain faithful to each other in spirit only. They are married with all the ritual of a church wedding, the bride believing that each should be allowed perfect freedom in personal contacts. Complications arise when these ideals are put into practice.
Second Welfare Worker (uncredited)
A flapper shopgirl woos her rich boss with animal magnetism, otherwise known as "it."
Morganson's Finish
Doctor's Wife
Morganson's Finish was inspired by the Jack London story of the same name. The hero, Dick Gilbert is in love with wealthy Barbara Wesley but he is disgraced in her eyes through the underhanded machinations of his rival Dan Morganson.
The Pony Express
The Pony Express is a silent 1925 Western film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film was directed by James Cruze and starred his wife Betty Compson along with Ricardo Cortez, Wallace Beery, and George Bancroft.
The Redeeming Sin
Lupin is the lover of Joan of the Apaches. She is attracted by Paul de Gafilet, nobleman and sculptor. She visits him in his studio and resolves to abandon her underworld career for his sake. Lupin vows revenge but is frustrated by Joan. The latter's affection for Paul turns to rage when she sees him embracing another woman. Joan joins with her confederates to steal some jewels from a statue of the Madonna in a church. She learns that the woman she is jealous of is Paul's sister, attempts to halt the robbery but fails. Paul is injured by the thieves and Joan held captive.
The Man Who Fights Alone
Aunt Louise
John Marble, a construction engineer is stricken by paralysis and begins to envision the growth of love between his wife Marion and his best friend, Bob Alten. Bent on suicide, however, the shock of seeing his wife and child endangered on a broken bridge shakes him to recover from his illness and discover that his suspicions were all imaginary.
Java Head
Rhoda Ammidon
Gerrit Ammidon, despairing of any chance to marry his love, Nettie Vollar, because of a bitter feud between his father and her grandfather, sails to China to "get away from it all". While in Shanghai he rescues a beautiful young woman being attacked by a gang of street toughs. She turns out to be Taou Yuen, a Manchu princess. Gerrit discovers that, unless she finds a husband, she will be put to death, and he agrees to marry her. They return to Java Head, the Ammidon family home in Salem, Massachusetts, but Gerrit's "homecoming" has some unexpected consequences.
A Marriage of Convenience
Mrs. Girard, Mildred's Mother
Billy Emerson and Mildred Girard are secretly engaged to be married after Billy graduates from West Point and becomes a lieutenant. A very serious setback to their tentative understanding occurs when Mr. Girard loses heavily in a stock transaction that places himself under obligations to his friend Morley, whose son Paul, is anxious to marry Mildred.
Who Killed Joe Merrion?
Sir Phillip's Wife
Sir Philip Randall, a prominent judge, is fed up with the antics of James, his scapegrace son, and tosses him out of the house. The conflict between father and son leaves Mrs. Randall heartbroken, and when she dies, she makes her husband swear to help James if he ever needs it. When Joe Merrion, a bookmaker, is found dead, circumstantial evidence points to Squire William Rufford. Although Randall can't believe he committed the crime, he is forced to convict him and sentence him to prison. But later, when James, whose wild ways have left him penniless, comes to his father for help, Randall discovers that he was the killer.
Lifting the Ban of Coventry
Mrs. Worth Stuyvesant
Even though his widowed mother and sweetheart, Mary Putnam, disapprove, Worth Stuyvesant insists on going to West Point and becoming a soldier. Ultimately, Mary breaks off their engagement and Stuyvesant goes on a bender. His conduct is reported to the commander, who sends him to the sub post of Del Rio for 60 days of tour duty. There, Stuyvesant meets Lola Montez, an adventuress. With the help of a couple of her pals, Lola gets him drunk and marries him. But Stuyvesant lives up to his duties as a husband and surprisingly, Lola renounces her old ways and becomes a model wife.
Underneath the Paint
Mlle. Chowski
Walking through the Ghetto, Arthur Kellogg rescues Tryphena Winters, an actress, and her little sister, Salome, from starvation. He falls in love with, and proposes marriage to Tryphena, but she tells him she must first make her success on the stage.
The Butterfly
A father tries to keep his son from marrying a poor actress. She eventually becomes a famous and wealthy leading lady, and is reunited with the son.
Buddy's Downfall
Mrs. Watson
Left behind by his brothers on their fishing trip, Buddy is disconsolate until he sees Lilly, a stylish young lady from the city, who is visiting Mrs. Boyd, their next-door neighbor. He awkwardly makes her acquaintance, and it proves to be a case of love at first sight on his part. She is older than he and although secretly amused, is gracious to Buddy and he acquires such a swelled head that he passes haughtily by his old friends, Grace and Elsa Forster.
My Official Wife
This LOST film was Clara Kimball Young's first feature, and her last film for Vitagraph, where she had made all of her short films. It was a sensational success and launched her as the most popular star that year. Its Russian setting was drawn upon by Young for many more of her features. Two short clips of the film exists in Warner Brother's 1931 Vitaphone short "The Movie Album," and have been mounted on Internet Archive and Google Video. One scene shows the meeting of Helene's terrorist cell with an extra alleged to be Leon Trostky. The other clip appears to be when she and Lennox are visiting the Weletsky's. (cont.
Shadows of the Past
Mrs. Brandon
Mark Stetson, a scheming politician, entangles the Brandons, husband and wife, and their friend, Antoinette, in his smuggling schemes and engineers their arrest, to protect himself. Edited into Shadows of the Past (1919).
Buddy's First Call
Mrs. Watson
Buddy Watson, the youngest of three brothers, and just getting accustomed to long pants, meets Elsie Forster at a church social and is smitten by the young lady's charms. He writes, addressing the letter simply, "Miss Forster," asking permission to call. Elsie gets the note and joyously answers "yes," but Grace, her sister, sees the letter and is quite sure he means her.
He Never Knew
Mrs. Castro
Unable to support her baby boy, Grace Devereaux, a widow, leaves him at an orphan asylum.
The Christian
Glory Quayle, a natural-born mimic, leaves her country home, reaches London, goes on the stage, gains fame and affluence. John Storm, her country sweetheart, believing he has lost Glory forever, enters a monastery, tries to forget her, cannot kill his love, returns to the world, becomes a famous slum worker and friend of the poor.
Marrying Sue
Sue's Mother
Sue's father has chosen Percy; Sue's mother has chosen Patterson, while Sue has chosen Jack. Mother and father decide that they can never be reconciled while each champions a candidate for their daughter's hand.
The Diver
Rita Melrose
Rita, who is in love, makes a false accusation against the “Nymph”, one of her rivals in love. But when the “Nymph” rescues Rita's daughter from the water, she has regrets, and retracts her accusation.
Fortune's Turn
The Child's Mother
A short social drama about an unemployed young man who begins to steal, but then repents and performs a heroic deed.
He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law
That the way to a man's heart is by means of his appetite, is strikingly shown. Mother-in-law comes to visit the newly wedded couple and finds the young man somewhat discontented. It is no wonder, for his wife is so engrossed in her "art," although only an amateur, that she forgets all about cooking dinner and such like trivialities.
The Lady and the Glove
Song Bird of the North
Haywood, a suitor for the hand of Elida Rumsey, is severely reprimanded by her for not enlisting when President Lincoln calls for volunteers. Being deeply interested in the cause, Elida goes and helps Mrs. Pomeroy minister to sick and wounded soldiers. She becomes a favorite with the men, for she frequently sings to them. This attracts the attention of Lincoln
A Regiment of Two
His Wife
Ira and his son-in-law Harry pretend to enlist in the 13th regiment where they have "drills" every Friday night. When the 13th is called to the front, the two take a fishing trip, only to learn that "their" regiment has been wiped out.
Mixed Identities
The Twins' Mother
Edna and Alice, the twins, get positions as stenographers in the offices of Mr. Redman and Mr. Carter. Redman is short and fussy, Carter, stout and nervous. They happen to be friends, and exchange phone confidences about their new stenographers. Both flirt with the girls. Redman invites Alice to dinner and gives this as a reason in refusing Carter's invitation to the Club. Carter, not to be outdone, dispatches a note to Edna who has gone home, asking her to meet him at Stanley's restaurant. While he waits, Redman enters the restaurant with Alice. Carter, believing her to be Edna, follows, but they have disappeared into a private dining room. Edna arrives and is perplexed at not finding Carter. She enters and meets him in the hallway, to be accused of having just entered with another man. She denies it. They get a dining room where they enjoy an excellent meal. Alice leaves Redman to phone her mother. Carter leaves Edna to get a cigar.
Seeing Double
Three Black Bags
Slick-Fingered Mag
"Slick-Fingered Mag must he captured, or I will know the reason why!" These are the proud words of Detective Brown, as he prepares to go in search of the elusive "Mag." He packs his traveling bag and leaves it open upon the sofa in his room; then goes downstairs to eat his breakfast. "Slick-Fingered Mag," seeing the front door of Brown's home ajar, enters and makes a sneak upstairs. She carries a bag of the same character as Brown's. She gathers up all the valuables she finds handy, not overlooking some of Mrs. Brown's choicest jewels. Hearing sounds of approaching footsteps, she becomes excited and empties the "swag" into Brown's bag, supposing it to he her own, and with it, escapes from the house, leaving her own bag behind her. Mrs. Brown, placing some clean linen in her husband's grip, sees the female apparel.
A Cure for Pokeritis
This domestic comedy depicts a woman who stops her husband's gambling habit by having her cousin stage a fake police raid on the weekly poker game.
Ida's Christmas
Mrs. Smith
A poor young girl finds a purse and returns it to its owner, who decides to reward her honesty.
The Unusual Honeymoon
Newly married Thomas and Mary MacGregor attend the village fair on their honeymoon. The balloon ascension is advertised for the afternoon. Everything is in readiness and Mary induces Thomas to enter the basket of the balloon. Some mischievous boys cut the ropes holding the balloon and it rises, taking the pair on a honeymoon trip entirely unexpected. They travel fast and long until the balloon collapses upon a desert island, among a tribe of cannibals, who think the couple are gods descended from the skies. Thomas deposes the king and runs things with a high hand. The natives, however, as they become better acquainted with Thomas and Mary, realize that they are only human beings like themselves. They decide to put an end to their reign and begin preparations for their execution and cooking. The night before the day they are to be put to death, Thomas and Mary escape to the seashore, where they hail a passing vessel, which lands a boat loaded with men, who rescue the terrified couple.
Song of the Shell
Alice Godfrey
Suffering with ennui, bored by society, Annie Bradley, a wealthy girl, is anxious to make her time more profitable by doing something worthwhile.
Every Inch a Man
Mrs. Chapman - the Mother
Bob, son of a farmer, decides to become a detective.
As You Like It
Phoebe, a Shepherdess
After the overthrowing of Duke Senior by his tyrannical brother, Senior's daughter Rosalind disguises herself as a man and sets out to find her banished father while also counseling her clumsy suitor Orlando in the art of wooing.
The Adventure of the Italian Model
The Model's Mother
Master detective, Lambert Chase, unravels a case of poisoning
The Higher Mercy
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln
No matter how absorbed with affairs of state, Abraham Lincoln was always ready to give audience to his little son Tad. Little Tad, playing at the boat landing of the White House lake, falls into the water and is saved from drowning by a young fellow named Jasper Brinton. When young Brinton carries Tad into the White House, the president is very grateful to him and says if there is anything that he can do for him at any time he will be glad to do it. Young Brinton's mother is an enthusiastic supporter of the Federal cause, and when the war breaks out, she urges her son to join the Union army. He has an inherent dread of danger and naturally hesitates. He finally enlists. On the battlefield his natural fear takes possession of him.
Coronets and Hearts
Leaving England, in search of an American wife, young Cyril, son of the Earl of Creston, on reaching America meets Lilly Penn, and immediately lays siege to her heart and her fortune when he learns that she is an heiress.
Tommy's Sister
Mrs. Morgan
Left with two small children, Mrs. Morgan finds it difficult to make both ends meet. Polly, her daughter, does the housework. Tommy is looking for a situation to help his mother. He applies for one in the office of Hervey and Porter, real estate, etc. Porter refuses him because he has had but little experience, but Jack Hervey, touched by the boy's earnestness and hard story, takes him on.
The Heart of Esmeralda
Mrs. Foster - Esmeralda's Mother
Esmeralda Foster, an attractive girl, is very much impressed with Duncan Miller, a crafty country swain, who makes love to Esmeralda because of her father's wealth.
A Juvenile Love Affair
Mrs. Strong - the Boy's Mother
Two little children, who think themselves very much in love with each other, imbued with the ideas of their elders, plan a romantic marriage. Alvin Strong, the boy, confides his intentions to the family's servant, Jaspar. Alvin arranges with Jane, his sweetheart, to elope in the usual way, through a window, with the assistance of a ladder.
The Black Sheep
Mrs. Harold Moreland
You would think that the death of his wife through his dissipation and neglect would have brought Jack Moreland to his senses. Instead he is more dissipated, and deserts his child, Clara, who is taken by her uncle, Harold Moreland, and brought up in ignorance of her father's existence.
The Money Kings
Marion Mallard - the Spy
The Money Kings is a 1912 silent short film.
Eleanor Gale - Harold's Wife
More a cautionary moral tale than anything else, Conscience makes use of a setting that was to become a horror movie favourite: the chamber of horrors. Persuaded to elope by her lover Eric, Eleanor Donelly defies her police officer brother to go to New York, where the young couple are married. Soon deserted by Eric and desperate for food for her baby, Eleanor tries to steal a bottle of milk. Fleeing in terror from a policeman, she takes refuge in a chamber of horrors. Coincidentally, fallen among disreputable companions, Eric has meanwhile accepted a wager daring him to spend a night in the same chamber of horrors. In the morning, seeing Eleanor in the shadows as she wakes and rises, Eric dies of fright while Eleanor goes mad.
On the Pupil of His Eye
Lucy - the Housekeeper
The household of Senator Walker consists of himself, his ward, Mary, and his nephew, Herbert. The other members of his household are John, an old servant, Lucy the maid, and a half dozen more servants. John is smitten with Lacy. She doesn't take him seriously, owing to the difference in their ages. Mr. Walker, rather old and feeble, draws up his will and leaves the bulk of his property to Mary and Herbert. He bequeaths $5,000 to his faithful servant John. Herbert is very fond of his uncle. The old gentleman is very much attached to Mary and very desirous that she and Herbert should be wed at the proper time.
Fortunes of a Composer
The Musician's Wife
A drama about a poor composer who is betrayed by his family and left alone.
The Serpents
Wending their way and locating in a land far from the contentions through which they passed a few weeks before, Eric and Chloe are located in a garden spot of primeval beauty, surrounded by all the imposing grandeur of nature. Chloe is pursued by the covetous desire of Haakon, a false friend, who strives by subtle charms to lure her from Eric, who in turn is tempted by Linda, her cunning and beauty, to desert Chloe and live with her.
The Victoria Cross
Queen Victoria
Ellen Carson volunteers to serve with Florence Nightingale in the Crimean war and witnesses the charge of the Light Brigade.
The Cave Man
After her father dies, Chloe, played by Edith Storey, is left alone in the world. She is discovered and taken home to their cave by brothers Dagban and Eric, who vie for her affection in an allegory about “brain vs. brawn.” When “Dagban threatens to do her bodily harm unless she accedes to his intentions” Eric beats up his brother to protect Chloe, and then subsequently leaves the cave he calls home to avoid further conflict. By this point, he has won Chloe’s affection with his kindness and love, and she decides to follow him and “together they continue their journey, seeking happiness in the land beyond the horizon, which joins earth with heaven.”
The Illumination
Giuseppe's Mother
Set in Biblical times, this tells the story of how Jesus affected the lives of two people: Joseph, a young Jewish man, and Maximums, a centurion in the Roman army.
The Old Silver Watch
The Children's Distraught Mother
Mary Collins dies leaving two children; Mildred ('Lucie') and Frank. On her deathbed, she gives Frank a silver watch that belonged to his father. The children are separated from each other and grow up with foster parents. Lucie and Frank meet again when he rescues her from a thief. They fall in love, unaware they are brother and sister. On their wedding day Frank is shot by the vengeful thief. The bullet however is stopped by the silver watch. On seeing the watch, Lucie realizes that they are brother and sister; the marriage is cancelled.
Where the Money Went
Fred Hart, a young businessman, unknown to his wife, draws their savings from the bank with the purpose of buying a home as a birthday surprise for his wife. He finds a real estate agent who has just the kind of a home he is looking for. He has to visit the agent's home during the course of his business transactions, he becomes well acquainted with the agent's family. The real estate man, a camera fiend, suggests to Fred his taking a picture of him and his family. Fred is agreeable and the agent gives him a copy of the picture. Fred puts it in his pocket and returns home to his wife.
The Heart of the King's Jester
The Queen
A short drama directed by William Humphrey.
In the gray dawn of an October day, as the inhabitants of a village street in Tripoli are engaged in the enjoyment of their several pursuits of life, an Arab rushes upon the peaceful scene, announcing that Italy has declared war against Turkey and that the Italian warships are now in the harbor, shelling the city.
The Freshet
Tom Ennis, a stalwart, sturdy fellow, is apprenticed to John Matthews, the village blacksmith, whose daughter is a likable girl. Tom falls in love with her, but her father opposes him and Meg marries one who is her father's choice.
His Sister's Children
Helen Manton - Harry's Sweetheart
Harry Burton's sister and her husband are suddenly called away for a few days on business and telegraph him to come to their home and take care of their two little boys, "Toddie and Budge." He at once complies, and is soon with the children, assuming his duties as "governor." Helen Manton, stopping in the same town, thinks a great deal of Harry Burton, and naturally he of her.
One Flag at Last
A Southern girl helps an escaped Union soldier in the midst of the Civil War.
Vanity Fair
Amelia Sedley
A silent short film telling the classic story of Becky Sharp.
The Telephone
An impressive Vitagraph short, one of many popular firemen-to-the-rescue films of the time.
The Men Haters Club
Men Haters Club Member
When a letter from another woman falls from her boyfriend's pocket, she and her friends form the Men Haters Club. The boys quickly arrange into the Follow the Girls Club in the hopes of winning them back.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The worlds first screen adaptation of a Shakespeare play.
His Father's Son
Dick's Mother
His Father's Son is a 1912 drama