스티븐슨은 월터 맥밀란(제이미 폭스 분)이라는 사람의 변호를 맡게 되는데, 맥밀란은 그의 살해 혐의를 인정하지 않는 상황. 사건은 앨라바마 주에서 일어나며 소규모 동네에서 사라진 여성에 대한 애도를 표하고 있고, 많은 반박 증거에도 불구하고 맥밀란은 살해 혐의로 기소된다.
Endless Orgy for the Goddess of Perversion is a documentary that immerses you into the campy world of the grindhouse film era with dozens of sexy strange and humorous clips taken from rare trailers and outrageous feature films. Expert testimony from a dozen 'professors' and those who contributed to that era is the hilarious glue that fuses it all together.Grindhouse refers to the operations of a 24 hour theater that grinds out films around the clock. The term grind comes from the cranking sound that the old projectors made. Others say it refers to the early grindhouse films that showed girls stripping and grinding in back street 1930's burlesque theaters.The grindhouse films were hyped as the scourge to decency attracting sexually oppressed and frustrated urbanites to seedy theaters that featured these movies all night long. These films thumbed their nose at the morality of puritan ethics that millions abided by but secretly hated. Grindhouse Film Era! Sexy Outrageous Campy!