Armando Castillón

참여 작품

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Lola the Truck Driver 3
Photoscience Manager
Curados de espantos
Photoscience Manager
During an excavation, archaeologist Magdalena (Lina Santos) accidentally resurrects a centuries-old vampire named Vladimir, who promptly disappears. When she attempts to warn authorities, she's locked away in a mental hospital for a spell. Upon release, she sets out to stop the vampire, who's now taken over a nightclub.
La guerrera vengadora 2
Photoscience Manager
Shapely Rosa Gloria Chagoyan rips it up as moto-cyclin' hot shot Ana Rosa, La Guerrera Vengadora (the Avenging Warrior Woman). Accompanied by her dwarf sidekick Reintegro (Refund), La Guerrera battles evildoers in this flick that could been lifted straight from the pages of a cheap action-hero comic book. La Guerrera and her buddies are seemingly impervious to bullets (especially machine gun fire), which gives them plenty of time to pick off their opponents with automatic weapons, including a three-barrel contraption that shoots from La Guerrera's motorcycle fairing, a shitload of grenades, a crossbow with a laser scope, and whatever else is at hand. Also, our heroine likes to work on her bike in high heels and hot pants -- before breakfast.
La verdad de la lucha
El diario íntimo de una cabaretera
Photoscience Manager
Martha is a single woman who becomes pregnant and commits suicide after giving birth to a pair of twins, Jessica and Angelica, who are adopted separately. Years later, Angelica becomes a lawyer working for the mafia. Jessica, who was adopted by a prostitute, has become a criminal and is now arrested for the murder of her husband. In prison she tries to be friends with the director without success and she has to pay her sentence.
Tres lancheros muy picudos
Son las emocionantes aventuras de tres lancheros holgazanes en Acapulco. Cada uno de ellos se ve involucrado en diferentes problemas y tienen que salir huyendo a la ciudad de México. Ahí se esconden en la casa de unas amigas para evadir a los gangsters que los buscan solo que las muchachas resultan ser prostitutas y todo se complica. The exciting adventures of three men who drive boats in Acapulco. Each gets involved in different problems and all have to run away to Mexico City to elude the gangsters who are after them. They hide in the house of some lady friends who turn out to be "working girls" and things get really wild.
La corneta vengadora
Mexican feature film
El mil hijos
Cacería implacable
La guerrera vengadora
Director of Photography
A chemistry teacher decides to take matters into her own hands when her brother is murdered and the police cannot help her.
Itara, el guardian de la muerte
Director of Photography
The Laundry Room
As it always happens in a typical Mexican neighborhood, Los Lavaderos are the meeting place where you find out about the lives and miracles of everybody. Get to know the everyday gossip of this singular neighborhood where love, adventure, and scandal are part of their daily living.
El ánima de Sayula
Camera Operator
El día de los albañiles: Los maistros del amor
If you have even the slightest interest in latsploitation, it’s only a matter of time before you come across El Día de los Albañiles (The Day of the Bricklayers). Released in 1984, this film embodies everything that was “wrong” with Mexican cinema in the 1980s. However, the film managed to become somewhat popular and was followed by three sequels, titled more or less the same, in 1985, 1987 and 1990.
Discotec fin de semana
Director of Photography
A group of young adults find love in a discotheque.
Chanoc en la isla de los muertos
Camera Operator
Chanoc and Tzekub are stranded in an island after a storm wrecks their ship, and they must rescue a child from a local tribe.
Camera Operator
Conflicts in town force a guy to escape to a hiding-place in the countryside.