Elwin Looije

참여 작품

내 친구 안네 프랑크
Executive Producer
안네 프랑크와 하나 고슬라어의 실화를 바탕으로 했다. 나치 치하의 암스테르담에서 시작하여 강제 수용소에서의 참혹한 재회로 이어지는 우정의 이야기
라스트 베르메르
Line Producer
1930년대 나치에게 네덜란드 화가 '요하네스 베르메르'의 위작을 독일 나치들에게 속여 팔아 넘긴 희대의 사기꾼 '한반 메헤렌 ’ 의 이야기를 담고 있다 . 위대한 위작화가이자 , 희대의 사기꾼 그리고 매국노였던 그가 어떻게 나치군을 속일 수 있었을까
Due piccoli italiani
Associate Producer
The daring journey through Europe of two somewhat naive friends, Salvatore and Felice, fleeing a small town in Puglia, who find themselves catapulted to Rotterdam and then to Iceland. For the first time in their lives they will discover what it means to feel alive and happy. Through some mishap and with the help of the generous and extravagant Anke, they will overcome their fears and inhibitions. They will be overwhelmed by life, discovering the joy of existing and of experiencing and receiving affection and love in a strange triangle of relationships typical of a 'modern family', bizarre and reassuring at the same time.
Messi and Maud
Maud and Frank are on holiday in Chile. Their relationship is fragile and so is Maud. After many years of trying, it is now time to face the fact that they will never have children. However, Maud is in denial. After a huge fight with Frank she runs off and sets out on a road trip through Chile to get her life back on track.
Ushi Must Marry
Line Producer
Ushi Hirosaki has to marry according to Japanese tradition before her 30th birthday. Because time is running out, her family decides she has to marry a huge sumo wrestler. A rather unfortunate combination, so Ushi wants to look for a nicer candidate herself. She travels halfway around the world to find her dream husband. Along the way she does valiant efforts, for example to learn table manners and to lose her Japanese accent.
Line Producer
Milo, an isolated 10-year-old boy with 'sensitive skin', lives a life rigidly controlled by his father. Sparked by his first friendship, he runs away from home to attend the school camping trip - but never arrives. He falls into the hands of an ageing criminal couple, with whom he enjoys pure freedom from constraint - until he learns the shocking truth about his skin condition. Filled with doubt about his father's love for him, Milo must try to come to terms with who he really is.
Line Producer
언제부턴가 서로에게 소원해진 요한과 사라. 서로 사랑했던 시절로 돌아가기 위해 둘은 함께 아르헨티나로 관계 회복 여행을 가게 된다. 꿈에 부풀었던 여행은 그러나 예상하지 못했던 끔찍한 살인 사건을 목격하게 되며 망가진다. 사건의 현장을 우연히 카메라에 담은 부부는 가해자가 비리 경찰임을 알게 된다. 부부의 존재를 눈치챈 잒혹한 살인범은 이제 그들을 쫓는다. 숨막히는 추격전! 살기위한 사투가 시작된다!
Production Manager
Jörgen's world is crumbling. Forced into early retirement and harassed by his ex-wife, the only part of his life which makes sense - his beloved daughter Tirza - is shattered when she disappears on holiday in Namibia. After weeks of terrifying uncertainty, Jörgen goes searching for her, but the heat, his drinking and bad memories combine to unhinge him. His only ally is a child prostitute called Kaisa. Together they journey into the wilderness on Tirza's trail to discover her fate.
Sinterklaasjournaal: De Meezing Moevie
Line Producer
Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.
Zoop in India
Production Manager
Deze zomer worden de rangers blij verrast met de terugkeer van Alwin. Hij blijkt echter met een reden teruggekomen te zijn, want hij heeft hulp nodig. In India is een kudde olifanten verdwenen en de dorpelingen zijn radeloos. Onmiddelijk besluiten de rangers naar India te vertekken om te kudde terug te vinden. Aangekomen in India blijkt dat de olifanten niet zomaar zijn verdwenen, maar dat ze zijn ontvoerd door ivoorsmokkelaars. De rangers splitsen zich op in twee groepen. De ene groep gaat de jungle in, op zoek naar de olifanten, terwijl de andere groep afreist naar Mombai om het spoor van de smokkelaarste vinden. In hun poging de olifanten te redden moeten de rangers niet alleen de gevaren trotseren, maar belanden ze ook nog in een echte Bollywoodfilm.
듀스 비갈로 : 유로피안 지골로
Second Assistant Director
국제적 플레이보이 안토안의 집을 봐주게 되다 자의반 타의반으로 전문 플레이보이 세계에 발을 들여놓게 된 수족관 청소부인 듀스 비갈로. 아직도 직업 접대부로서 풋내기인 듀스 비갈로는 아내를 잃고 방황하던 중 그의 전 포주이자 친구인 티제이의 연락을 받고 네덜란드로 향한다. 그러나 그 곳에서 최고의 지골로로 손꼽히는 자가 살해당하는 사건이 일어나고 그 와중에 친구인 티제이가 지골로 살인범의 누명을 쓰고 경찰에 쫓기게 된다. 이에 듀스는 친구의 누명을 벗겨 주기 위해 직접 살인범을 찾아 나서게 된다. 지골로 세계로 다시 뛰어든 듀스 비갈로. 그는 살인 사건을 추적하던 중 자신이 몰랐던 사실을 알게 된다. 바로 은밀한 지골로들만의 사교집단이 있다는 것. 살인 사건을 해결하기 위해 그곳에 들어가지만 그 사회에서 자신의 위치는 매우 낮아 무시와 비웃음만 산다. 듀스 비갈로는 이에 아랑곳 하지 않고 범인을 잡기 위해 살해 당한 지골로의 고객들을 만나며 단서를 찾아 다닌다. 듀스 비갈로는 친구 티제이의 누명을 벗길 살인범을 찾아 사건을 해결할 수 있을 것인가?
Production Manager
A family is on summer vacation. Their adolescent son is a mixture of bored and horny. A yellow jacket wasp joins them in their car and then at their vacation campsite. A sultry young woman is doing laundry outdoors just as a brief, torrential downpour occurs and the wasp allows her to reveal, much to the young man's delight, her special knowledge of how to deal with insect bites.