Adelaide João

Adelaide João

출생 : 1921-07-27, Lisboa, Portugal

사망 : 2021-02-03

프로필 사진

Adelaide João

참여 작품

Cats Don't Have Vertigo
Vizinha R / C
Jô is kicked out of home by his father on his birthday. Having no place to go, he takes refuge in the terrace of Rose, who just lost her husband.
1st Time 16mm
Miguel, a debutant director, and his young team live a series of tribulations during the shootings of their first film, which unrolls between Lisbon, Venice, Paris and Madrid.
Zeca is a loser. He lives with his grandmother and works as an exterminator. One day, while working, Zeca has an accident which will spawn the meanest, most horrible monster ever.
Um Funeral à Chuva
Senhoria Casa do Marco
A group of former university college students reunites in the city where they graduated at, to attend the funeral of one from their group. In fulfilling his last dying wish, the group goes on a journey of self discovery about the true essence of friendship and life. However they haven't been together in 10 years...
April Showers
D. Inês
April 1974 saw the fall of a long lasting dictatorship. The young democracy developed in the midst of much social and political turmoil. The armed wing of a leftist group changed the future of one family - the father disappears without trace, the mother denies their past, and the son grows up with unanswered questions. As a young man, Pedro is determined to reach for answers, aided by his apparently batty grandmother. Collecting clues and meeting people who would rather prefer to remain forgotten. His inner journey leads him Portugal to Spanish through the deserted roads of Alentejo. Pedro will find himself, but there is a price to pay.
Peter McShade is a hitman. A job goes wrong when he kills the nephew of a Mafia Boss in Morocco.
No... Just Passing By
Mulher com o cão
Life as a labyrinth. An elevator ride were lives, sounds and memories cross... The path is more important than the destination.
Ensaio Sobre o Teatro
This documentary shows a peculiar vision about theatre in general and O Bando in particular, on the bases of João Brites' directing the showcase of “ENSAIO SOBRE A CEGUEIRA” (essay on blindness), written by José Saramago.
Fin de curso
There are two months to the end of High School Spanish classes in Lisbon and it's time to decide the destination for the end of year trip. That decision will cause a real "Civil War" between two irreconcilable groups: the "class nerd", who propose the typical cultural trip to Paris, and "freeloaders" who prefer to enjoy the week in Benidorm, the "New York's Costa Blanca ".
Se Podes Olhar Vê. Se Podes Ver Repara
How would you react if you couldn't see? In rehearsing the theatrical adaptation of "Blindness", by Nobel Prize winner José Saramago, the company "O Bando" made the experience. The actors lived 24 hours blindfolded in an abandoned hospital. How would you react if you could see again?
A Mulher que Acreditava Ser Presidente dos EUA
the kitchen's Chef
Alexandra Lencastre plays a woman who believes she is President of the U.S.A.
Ruy Blas
Une Duègne
Chased out of the Spanish court, a nobleman uses the services of his valet to take revenge. He orders him to seduce the queen in order to better compromise her.
A Falha
Twenty-five years after leaving school, a group of former students decide to organise a reunion. But, contrary to expectations, these "old boys" realise that time has accentuated their differences. The atmosphere is tense, the conversation taut and the old grudges resurface in no time.
In That Neighbouhood
Ana and Pedro married two years ago and now they live in “Sunset Neighborhood”. Pedro works outside town. Ana stays alone most of the time. One of her neighbors, an old lady keeps on asking her: “Maybe you could get pregnant?” “Maybe…” she answers. After going through medical exams, Ana makes her choice.
Dico's Maid
The story of a family of bull fighters.
Alta Fidelidade
Two friends, Nuno (Pedro Laginha) and Flash (Miguel Borges) live together and decide to rent one room of the house in order to have more money to pay the rent. that's when they meet Carla (Maria João Bastos) who might change their lives forever.
On the Edge of the Horizon
Spino, a pathologist, receives an unidentified body which looks familiar to him... himself, 30 years younger.
Family Matters
Jan thinks he is Swedish-Danish, but after his mother's death he discovers he was adopted. As his world begins to fall apart, he decides to find his birth parents. The hunt leads him to Portugal - in a taxi - where more surprises await him.
The End of the World
Conceição das Neves
In the quietness of rural life, small disputes about the right to use a rivulet may take the proportion of a life-and-death matter..
Pregnant girl in trouble teams up with a young boy to find the mother of the boy.
Aqui D'El Rei!
At the end of the nineteenth century, an army force led by Major Mouzinho de Albuquerque, a cavalry officer, imprisoned in Mozambique the great regulative Governor Gungunhana, who had rebelled against Portuguese government and sovereignty
The Curse of Marialva
Mulher do povo 1
A Visigoth count conquers a small village town from the Moors in the Lusitanian mountains, only to loose his possessions through the mysterious workings of a woman from parts unknown.
The King's Trial
Domingas Rodrigues
At the time Portugal presented a strange spectacle to the rest of Europe. D. Afonso VI, son of the fortunate D. João de Bragança, was in possession of the throne and was an insane imbecile. His wife, daughter of the Duke of Nemours and cousin of Louis XIV, dared hatch a plot to oust her husband from the throne. The king's stupidity justified the queen's bravado. Despite being master of unusual strength and having slept with his wife for a long time, she accused him of being impotent. Marie Françoise had acquired through artfulness what Afonso had lost in anger in the kingdom. She had him imprisoned ( November 1667 ) and quickly obtained a papal bull from Rome to confirm her virginity and bless her marriage to her brother-in-law Pedro. Portugal's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1990.
Luísa e os Outros
The tumultuous lives of a woman and her three daughters who used to live in Paris, and are now living in Bairro Alto.
Comparsa (uncredited)
천재음악가 토스카니니는 라스칼라좌에서 공연할 날은 꿈꾸며 음악적 정열을 불태운다. 그러던 어느 날 첼로 독주회를 위한 오디션의 일환으로 극장이 사진의 오찬에서 연주할 기회를 얻는다. 그러나 오찬장의 예의를 모르는 분위기에 화가 난 그는 연주 도중 퇴장해 버린다.오디션이 무산되자 유명한 흥행 기획자인 로시(존 라이스-데이비스 분)가 남미 순회공연에 참가할 것을 권유한다. 이 공연은 유명한 가수이자 황제의 애인 나디아(엘리자베스 테일러 분)를 합류시킬 계획이다. 브라질로 가는 배에서 토스카니니는 마르게리타라는 수녀 견습생에게 사랑을 느끼고 노예를 위해 봉사하는 그녀에게 감동한다. 나디아의 호화로운 집에서 황제를 만난 그는 노예제도에 대한 신랄한 비판으로 황제를 일깨운다. 한편 개막식은 다가오는데 지휘자가 단원과의 불화로 떠나 버리자 연주곡인 베르디의 아이다를 외우고 있는 토스카니니가 지휘를 시작한다. 야유하던 관중은 그의 훌륭한 연주에 빠져들고, 나디아가 공연 도중 자신의 노예를 해방시키겠다는 폭탄선언으로 모든 사람을 놀라게 한다.
The Beggars
This symbolic drama from director Benoit Jacques underscores the characters' human need for affection. Children steal lemons for the thrill, while women steal other women's men from them just to prove they can. Drug smuggling, clandestine love affairs, and two lovers involved with the production of Shakespeare's Othello carry on with their own off-stage tragedy.
The Jester
Woman in the Tavern
Set four years after the Portuguese revolution and the simultaneous loss of the Portuguese empire in Africa, the story concerns a director who sells guns to finance his play.
Repórter X
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.
Saint-Tropez Vice
A police captain's niece is trapped by white slavers.
O Vestido Cor de Fogo
José Pereira, a young medical graduate, meets a young and ardent Maria Eugénia. The time is the eve of the Portuguese Revolution, on 24th April 1974 and only a short time elapses between courtship and marriage. The young pair are very much in love, but José begins to have doubts about the "honesty" of such intense feelings of love, feelings which are too intense (or hot) to him . If Maria Eugénia is like this with him, will she be the same with other men?In the meantime, the Revolution takes its course. José, who previously had been persecuted because of his opposition against the old regime, now feels "left behind" and frustrated.
Impossível Evasão
A Estranha Morte do Professor Antena
The film is inspired by the Mário de Sá-Carneiro short story, where the narration is made by Professor Antena's assistant who walks by his side when he is run over in a perhaps enigmatic way.
A Noite de Walpurgis
A Noite de Walpurgis is a fantastic tale by Hugo Rocha, admittedly inspired by Goethe's Faust. The narrator-protagonist reveals a story told to him by a third person. Here the third person is an old peasant woman that the protagonist finds in a walk through the mountains, and that tells a story that in turn would have been told to her by the grandmother.
The Siren's Song
Siren's Song is inspired on a story by Júlio Dinis, in an place populated by characters taken from Greek mythology.
Circle of Passions
An aristocratic Sicilian family living in the 1950s. Count Villafratti has sex one night with his nymphomaniac daughter because he thinks she is his wife.
항해사의 세 개의 왕관
1980년대 라울 루이즈의 마스터피스로 꼽히는 작품. 살인을 저지른 한 학생과 그를 설득하여 인생 이야기를 듣는 술 취한 선원의 만남을 그린다. 스토리텔링의 우아한 유희, 바로크적인 시각 양식이 루이즈적인 기운을 만들어낸다.
Terra Nova, Mar Velho
Adelaide João
No Trace of Sin
Maria da Luz's Mother
A young man from a high-bourgeois family, Henrique receives mysterious phone calls from a woman at the barracks where he is serving in the military, which attracts him to meetings without consequences.
Fürchte dich nicht, Jakob!
Hysterische Frau
사물의 상태
Woman in Texas Bar (uncredited)
영화감독 프리드리히는 리스본에서 "세계가 멸망한 날(Day the World Ended)"(로저 코먼, 1955)의 리메이크 작업을 진행하던 중 제작비가 다 떨어져 잠시 촬영을 중지한다. 미국에 있는 제작사의 연락을 기다리는 동안 프리드리히는 스태프들과 무료한 시간을 보내며 도시 곳곳을 돌아다닌다. 1982년 베니스영화제 황금사자상 수상.
A Vida É Bela?!
D. Aurora, the Midwife
Hipólito is a self-made man, who went up in life in devious ways, and used for profit the social turmoil when Portugal changed from a monarchy into a republic, and then to a military regime. Finally, he is forced into exile. Back in 1935 to family, friends, and lovers, he is in a mix-mesh of lies, and scheming, again.
강박적이고 이기적인 사랑의 광기를 절제된 형식 속에 밀어붙이는 극단의 러브스토리. 브라질의 독립으로 포르투갈 국정이 불안한 시절, 호세 아우구스토와 카밀로는 프란시스카를 두고 삼각관계를 이룬다. 프란시스카는 귀족 호세 아우구스토와 결혼하지만 정작 그의 사랑은 고문에 가까운 치기 어린 것으로 드러난다.
A man exiled in Paris makes various trips to Portugal after the Carnation Revolution. Each trip is represented by a woman.
A Culpa
D. Celeste
Guinea-Bissau: Portuguese Colony, year: 1973. An Ex-military returns to his hometown. Bringing back with him a vague sense of guilt due to the killing of two men (a soldier and a native) by his sounding of the alarm during one given night.
O Defunto
Based on an Eça de Queiroz incursion into fantastic literature.
Manhã Submersa
António's Mother
Estefânia is an old, rich, strict catholic woman, and when she sets her eyes on a couple of servants who have no means to bring up properly their youngest son, António, she decides to move her influences in order to make a priest out of him. The parents accept it, the local priest and even the Seminar's rector accept it, and António accepts it - if not for piety, for obeyance to his parents. Once time goes by, and António is out of rural misery and into the prison-like system of a seminar, doubts and anguishes mount within him.
The Donkey-Eared Prince
Tia Zoila
In the time of King Leonardo, a war and the plague that accompanied it depopulated Traslândia. Ignoring these tragic events, Queen Isménia, Princess Camila and lady-in-waiting Narcisa, coming from a distant kingdom, arrive in Traslândia, when the war approaches the end.
The Holy Alliance
In 1974, not long after the death of Portuguese dictator Salazar, who had ruled Portugal from the early '30s to the late '60s, a group of disgruntled Army officers held a coup. They were even more disgruntled when they realized how the coup was being manipulated by leftist officers to instigate genuine elections and establish a constitution for the first time in Portuguese history. Though their intent was to form a radical socialist state, circumstances prevented this, and a genuine parliamentary democracy emerged. This film explores the circumstances of a right-wing businessman during those times. The man is an old-fashioned authoritarian, whose attentiveness to the needs of his mistress, wife and son is crude where it exists at all.
O Visconde
O Visconde is based on the same Álvaro do Carvalhal short story as Manoel de Oliveira's The Cannibals.
Doomed Love
Madre Prioresa
A story about doomed love between two people from different worlds and the impact in their lives.
O Viajante
D. Etelvina
Abílio is a travelling salesman with as much ability to sell as he is inconvenient. He makes a stop Mrs. Etelvina's pension for business and something more.
Nós Por Cá Todos Bem
The house-keeper
With a strong documentary element, "Nós Por Cá Todos Bem" mixes professional actors with the inhabitants of a small village, telling the story of a small film crew in a village living day to day.
Meus Amigos
Mulher na Boîte
Filmed just before the Carnation Revolution of 1974. Dark portrait of a group of friends who used to be colleagues at the University in 1962. Ten years later, they have lost all their ideals. With Lisbon on the background they discuss politics, love, culture; each of them has reached a deadlock. The camera remains still while it registers the dissolution of their dreams.
Portugal... Minha Saudade
Sabino, born Portuguese, has lived in Brazil since he was a child. He has a twin brother who lives in Lisbon and writes inviting him to go to Portugal.
Just Pedro
Pedro is a young agricultural worker who gets caught in the middle of a fight between two families, kills a man and escapes to the capital. He can't find work,resorts to begging, but keeps his mountaineer pride. He starts a new life with a prostitute who is nice to him, but nothing works. He returns home, and alone, and now he finds life there is sad as well.
O Recado
Irmã do Francisco
Lúcia is courted by António, from the same social class, although she keeps a loving memory of Francisco, a half-adventurer marginal.
The Circle
Alves' Concierge (uncredited)
A look at the urban society of the seventies. The story of Marta a young and pretty girl, who leaves her husband to search for her true identity. She doesn't quite know what she wants, but at least she knows what she's escaping from. Soon she encounters financial difficulties and finds herself involved with shady characters, a situation that leads to a mysterious murder. The net closes around her.
O Diabo Era Outro
Rui, a young musician, is writing poems for the vaudeville company.
Um Campista em Apuros
Empregada da Ourivesaria
While on his way to a picnic in Lisbon, Manuel stops to help two foreigners that had a car breakdown. With his tools, he retrieves a bag that contains... 200 thousand dollars worth of jewelery stolen by the two girls in Marbella.
Dom Roberto
João Barbela is poor man who lives out of charity - what coins the people of Lisbon's popular districts give him as 'pay' for his puppeteering work. For the kids, he is like a king, Dom Roberto = puppet). When he meets Maria, an equally poor girl, he fancies to change her life, and get her a house, maybe marrying, and being happy together.Life does not exactly have a happy ending, like he managed with his puppets 5-minute plays...