Prologue is a short film charged with secrets and terrible communication skills. It follows Julie, a young Italian woman living in Northern California who is perfectly happy in her marriage until she stops being able to go along with what her husband wants. With the unexpected help of an elderly stranger who thinks Julie is someone she is not, the young newlywed navigates how to live her truth.
Maggie Helms
Spirit Lake is unusually deep. No diver has ever managed to find the bottom. When Dr. Amelia Brooks disappears during a deep-water dive, her three daughters travel home. They find themselves unable to let go and become drawn into the mysteries of the lake.
Older Woman
인구 3,500만명이 살아가는 대도시 도쿄.. 29살의 쿠미코는 누구보다 절박한 외로움을 느낀다. 장래가 없는 회사 생활과 모욕을 주는 상사, 자신보다 더 뛰어나고 매력적인 후배들, 그리고 결혼을 재촉하며 끊임없이 잔소리하는 엄마 때문에 스트레스는 극에 달한다. 그러던 어느 날 쿠미코는 동굴 속에서 영화 비디오 테이프 하나를 발견한다. 라는 미국 영화에서 어떤 남자가 눈밭에 돈가방을 묻는 것을 보고 그녀는 그 보물이 실재한다고 확신하기에 이른다. 결국 회사 법인 카드를 훔친 쿠미코는 직접 만든 보물 지도를 들고 얼음 덮인 미네소타를 가로질러 자신의 돈을 찾기 위한 장대하고 예측 불가능한 여정을 시작한다.
Villa Capri Waitress
Henry Petosa and Freddy Ace are twins who were separated being babies, and they do not know each other. Henry was adopted by a honest man, while Freddy becomes a gangster. Henry is very shy and has a lot of mental troubles. The film melts the two stories by a young writer who discovers that they were sons of an european noble and they own a large inheritance.
Mrs. Parrish
A struggling grocery-store owner makes a deal with Satan that gives him the power to gamble in Las Vegas and Atlantic City casinos without losing. However, his deal is threatened with exposure when a casino boss suspicious of his "winning streak" begins to investigate him.