Klára Issová

Klára Issová

출생 : 1979-04-26, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]

프로필 사진

Klára Issová
Klára Issová
Klára Issová
Klára Issová
Klára Issová
Klára Issová

참여 작품

Děti Nagana
Známi neznámi
Silent Companion
To recharge after a divorce, a woman returns to her home village, which faces a bizarre problem. The cemetery has run out of room.
Jako letní sníh – Život J. A. Komenského
Judith (Elsbeth's Mother)
배우를 꿈꾸고 있는 순진무구한 청년, 마르셀 마르소는 독일 나치의 횡포가 심해지면서 부모를 잃은 아이들을 구하는 레지스탕스 저항 단체에 우연히 동참하게 된다. 본인 밖에 모르던 청년, 마르소는 점차 레지스탕스의 주요 인물이 되고 조여오는 독일 나치의 감시에 저항하면서 목숨을 걸고 아이들을 구하는데…
The Case of the Dead Deadman
A team of detectives bumbles and fumbles their way through an investigation that involves murder, blackmail and possibly someone they know.
The Prague Orgy
Eva Kalinová
In 1976 a famous American writer Nathan Zuckerman is challenged by Czech immigrant Sisovsky who implores him to retrieve valuable manuscripts from communist Czechoslovakia. The writer accepts this dangerous mission, where his every step is observed by secret police. Once in Prague, he meets Sisovsky‘s flamboyant and wild ex-wife Olga who is in possession of the manuscripts. The evolving relationship between the hot-headed Olga and Nathan is a confrontation between two worlds - the repressed East and free West. But, Olga won‘t give up the manuscripts to Nathan so easily…
Zoufalé ženy dělají zoufalé věci
모차르트: 프라하의 서곡
Fraulein Ribber
1787년. 볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트는 아들을 잃고 비엔나에서 힘든 시간을 보낸 후 프라하에 온다. 프라하에서 그의 오페라 '피가로의 결혼'이 큰 인기를 끄는 가운데, 모차르트는 대표작이 될 새 오페라 '돈 조반니' 작곡에 전념한다. 모차르트는 아름다운 소프라노 수자나와 사랑에 빠지지만, 수자나를 아내로 맞이하려는 오페라 후원가 살로카 남작은 질투에 눈이 멀어 무자비한 행동까지 서슴지 않는데...
All or Nothing
Linda and Vanda, two good-looking women in their thirties, are inseparable friends and co-owners of a small bookstore in the city center. Linda is divorced, educated and practical, has a little daughter and a sense of responsibility. Vanda, on the contrary, is single and free, attracting men as a magnet, but none of them is able to keep up with her spontaneity. Edo, shy, sensitive, and introverted gay working with them in the bookstore, longs for love for ages too. The lives of this trio get finally tangled by several men, while everything turns up differently than any of them had expected.
Angel 2
Virgin Mary
A story that takes place during Advent, we'll meet again with your favorite pair angel Petronel and devil Urias. Their eternal wrangling causes the rare apple from the tree of the knowledge to roll on earth. And that God is really angry. Petronel with Urias find themselves in a small Czech town on the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas. And after a series of human and "divine" tests our heroes eventually find that the path to knowledge leads primarily through self discovery through the strength of friendship, love and forgiveness skills.
The Truth Commissioner
Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career diplomat who has just been appointed as Truth Commissioner to Northern Ireland. Eager to make good as a peacemaker, the Prime Minister urges a commission following the South African model of Truth and Reconciliation. But, though Stanfield starts bravely, he quickly uncovers some bloody and inconvenient truths about those now running the country; truths which none of those in power are prepared to have revealed.
킬링 지저스
Mary Magdalene
인류 역사에서 가장 영향력 있는 인물로 예수를 꼽을 수 있을 것이다. 그가 죽고 난 뒤 2천 여 년이 지난 지금까지도, 전 세계 22억 명이 넘는 사람들이 그의 가르침을 따르며, 그를 신으로 믿고 있기 때문이다. 그러나 우리는 성경 밖에서 실재했던 인물인 예수가 어떤 시대에 살았으며, 그의 삶을 둘러싸고 정치적, 사회적으로 어떤 일들이 일어났는지는 알지 못한다. 는 예수가 어떤 삶을 살았고, 어떻게 목숨을 잃었는지 이해하기 위해 ..
Lt. Cortez's Wife
사상 최고의 실력으로 전설이 된 최강 부대 제 7기사단과 대장 ‘레이든’(클라이브 오웬). 그는 절대 권력의 횡포로 힘없는 이들이 고통 받는 세상을 바로 잡으려는 ‘바톡’(모건 프리먼) 영주의 뜻에 따라 정의와 신념을 지키기 위한 반격을 결심하는데…
All My Tomorrows
This romantic comedy, shot in a road-movie style, tells the story of businessman Petr Kraus and his personal transformation. After returning from China, where he supervised the production of clothing for his customers, Petr finds out that the manufacturer had ruined the whole order and so he gets into trouble with the contractor who wants some astronomical compensation for the damage. Peter knows that he should solve the problem quickly, but instead he decides to go on a trip seeking his personal happiness and an escape from responsibility. Fortunately, his close friends, Tereza and Pavel are there to help...
Kráska a netvor 1950
Nicky's Family
Nicky's Family is a gripping documentary from the International Emmy Award winning producers Patrik Pass and Matej Minac about a rescue operation of the “British Schindler” - Sir Nicholas Winton who will celebrate this year 103rd birthday. His story has no parallel in modern history. Dramatic reenactments, some of the archive footage never seen before, rescued "children" together with Mr. Winton himself recount this unique story which even after 70 years continues to inspire people, especially children, to make this world a better place. World personalities His Holiness Dalai Lama and Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel also took part. ( - from the film's press kit)
Surviving Life (Theory and Practice)
Eugene, an aging man, leads a double life – one real, the other in his dreams. He goes to see a psychoanalyst, who tries to interpret the meaning of his dreams. Eugene finds a way of entering his dream-world at will and finds out about his childhood and what really happened to his parents.
Jménem krále
Ludmila z Vartemberka
Píše se 13. století. Království českému a markrabství moravskému vládne Přemysl Otakar II. Na zásnuby, které mají usmířit znesvářené rody pánů z Dubé a z Vartemberka, vysílá král svého zástupce v severních Čechách, správce královského hradu Bezdězu, Oldřicha z Chlumu (Karel Roden). Cestou na hrad najdou Oldřich a jeho pomocníci (Jan Dolanský, David Matásek) stopy po loupežné vraždě neznámého kupce. Na vartemberském panství se Oldřich setkává s Ludmilou (Klára Issová), dcerou Markvarta z Vartemberka, kterou zná od jejího dětství. Ludmila se mu svěří, že se nechce vdát za Beneše z Dubé (David Prachař), přestože jejich svatba je podmínkou křehkého míru mezi oběma rody. Během slavnostní hostiny, pořádané na Oldřichovu počest, je zavražděn purkrabí (Miloš Vávra). Podezření padne na loutnistu (Saša Rašilov), jehož snoubenku se purkrabí pokusil zneužít.
The Wrong Mr. Johnson
To raise cash to spring thuggish b.f. Vaclav from prison, timid 20-something Veronika agrees to cover for prostie pal Lucy but picks up the wrong guy good-natured jazz drummer Jim Johnson at the airport. As they struggle with language issues and growing attraction, the “other” Jim Johnson, an overbearing sex tourist, makes whoopee with groupie Sonya and call girl Apollonia. Couples and newly sprung Vaclav eventually square off in the jazz club.
Devatenáct klavírů
Czech Television has successfully aired two TV movies detective novels by Emil Vachek: The man and the Shadow and Evil minute. In both stories of the First Republic, acting chief inspector Klubíčko detective Tchaikovsky stamping, bachelor, gourmet, collector of old prints, which played an excellent way Miroslav Donutil.
나니아 연대기: 캐스피언 왕자
현실의 세계로 돌아온 지 1년 후, 페번시 남매들은 마법의 힘에 의해 다시 나니아의 세계로 들어간다. 그러나 그곳은 이미 폐허로 변해 있었다. 나니아 시간으로 벌써 1,300년이란 세월이 흘렀던 것. 그 동안 나니아는 황금기의 종말을 고하고, 텔마린 족에게 점령되어 무자비한 미라즈 왕의 통치를 받고 있었다. 페번시 남매들을 나니아로 불러낸 건 텔마린 족의 진정한 왕위 계승자인 캐스피언 왕자였다. 삼촌 미라즈에게 왕위를 뺏긴 그는 나니아인들이 숨어 사는 숲 속으로 피신, 페번시 남매와 만난다. 캐스피언 왕자는 삼촌을 물리치고 왕위를 찾게 도와주면 나니아인들의 터전을 돌려 주겠다는 약속을 하는데...
Teddy Bear
Jirka, Roman, and Ivan have been friends since school. Today they are about 35 and, although they went into different fields, their friendship has lasted. Each of the three friends hides a secret, and their lives change radically when the secrets come out. How will the three friends stand up to the tests they are forced to face? Will their friendship survive?
Vohnice a Kiliján
Operation Silver A
Hanka Krupková
Based on actual events. Late 1941, Group Silver A are dropped into occupied Czechoslovakia on an SOE mission to set up a Radio communications centre for the resistance, and contact a German Army officer whom is forwarding information to the British.
Rules of Lies
Grandhotel je místo mezi nebem a zemí. Místo, kudy plují mraky a lidské touhy. Metaforický příběh je zasazený do slavného hotelu tyčícího se nad Libercem. V něm, jako strážný a vězeň zároveň, pracuje Fleischman, údržbář a amatérský meteorolog, který chtěl mít k nebi tak blízko, jak jen mu to život dovolí. A výš to už nejde.
Panna Marie
A screwup angel is exiled from the Heaven down to Earth, incarnated as a beggar.
Všichni musí zemřít
Tereza Vamberská
In nomine patris
내 남자친구는 왕자님
English Teacher's Assistant
의사의 꿈을 이루기 위해 연애는 잠시 미뤄둔 평범한 새내기 여대생 ‘페이지’. 그런 그녀가 자꾸만 신경 쓰이는 남자가 있었으니, 바로 같은 과의 ‘에드워드’. 하지만 에드워드는 불치병을 앓고 있었다. 혼자서는 뭐하나 제대로 못하고 모두가 자기만 주목하길 바라고 유별나게 특별 대우를 바라거나 아무한테나 명령조로 말하는 등 왕자병 말기 증세를 보였던 것. 왕자병 증세만 빼고는 뭐하나 빠질 것 없는 너무나 멋진 남자친구지만 에드워드와 함께 있으면 이상하게 파파라치가 따라 붙는다. 이 남자, 정말 수상하다! 왕자병 증세도 점점 심해진다 싶더니 에드워드는 평범한 대학생활을 체험하고 싶어서 왕실을 몰래 빠져 나온 ‘진짜’ 덴마크 왕자라는 것이다. 이거 웃어야 할지, 울어야 할지 페이지는 정말 난감하다. 평범한 페이지에게 고귀한 혈통 에드워드는 갖기엔 벅차고 버리기엔 너무 아까운 남자! 하지만 시련이 많을수록 사랑은 깊어진다고 했던가? 주변의 반대가 커질수록 둘의 사랑은 깊어만 가고, 왕자의 무사 귀환을 위해 도처에 배치된 왕실 측근과의 갈등 역시 깊어만 가는데…….
O svatební krajce
princezna Svatava
사랑과 의무 중 하나를 택해야 했던 한 아버지의 이야기
Cesta byla suchá, místy mokrá
Královský slib
Angel Exit
A drug dealer named Mikes, who lives in Prague and longs to escape his own clichéd life.
Na zámku
vychovatelka Olga
Genij vlasti
Co chytneš v žitě
This bittersweet film was Roman Vávra's feature debut. The film consists of three independent stories, all connected through the motif of a field of grain. In 'Awn' a young couple takes a summer stroll in the country, in 'The Haystack' a gang of boys have an adventure with an older girl, and 'The Journey' recounts the tragicomic homecoming of a pair of aging newlyweds. For only the second time in the nineties Czech star Iva Janzurová appeared on the silver screen.
Dobrodružství pod postelí
An Ambiguous Report About the End of the World
Set over a two-decade period in a tiny Central European village, this drama not only chronicles a couple's tragic star-crossed love, it also serves as a metaphor for the tragedy of lost traditions. After opening in the snowy wilds as two people spectacularly die, the story jumps back 20 years as young Verona prepares to marry. Unfortunately, voracious wolves descend upon the ceremony and all but Verona and her courageous 10-year-old brother-in-law Goran, who saves her, perish. That day, Verona gives birth to Veronika and promptly betroths her daughter to the heroic Goran. A decade passes and on Veronika's 10th birthday, her engagement to Goran is formally announced at a big party. Festivities halt when a troupe of female circus performers and their sly employer Madina show up. Veronika soon finds herself more interested in Madina's young son Michal than she is in the adult Goran. Meanwhile, the worldly Madina attempts to adjust to life in an old-fashioned village.
Indian Summer
An adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" which is set in a small Czech town where life for two teenage cousins revolves around evening alfresco dances. The tale involves a rivalry for male attention between Klara and Maria, both spending summer at their grandma's house.
O moudré Sorfarině
Pozor na Kozoroha