Sound Recordist
Oichi may have met her match as she vies against the evil beauty that has set her sights on destroying her. She must face numerous other challenges before confronting her greatest rival. While longing to live and love like other women, she realizes that she can never have a normal life, her sword which she holds on to like a security blanket will always come between her and such a life...
Sound Recordist
A young girl named Oichi is abandoned by her mother and blinded by a lightning strike. When her guardian is killed, she learns to wield a sword from a traveling ronin. As she develops into a master swordsman, her profession becomes that of a bounty hunter. Many test her sword and many die by her skills. She travels throughout the countryside to seek her mother and her revenge.
Sound Recordist
Set during the last days of the Tokugawa (Edo) Period, Moeyo-ken tells the story of Hijikata Toshizo and the Shinsengumi. Hijikata Toshizo is a samurai eager to test his skills and sword and make his first kill. The dojo he belongs to practices the Tennen Rishin style and teaches this to farmers. Not considered real samurai by other dojo's, they receive a request for a duel by a rival dojo practicing the Kogen Itto style. Sohaku Rokusha, a teacher there, challenges them and fights with Hijikata Toshizo. The outcome of the fight creates a deadly animosity between them that lasts through the ages.
Sound Recordist
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
Sound Recordist
In 1730, the Tokugawa Shogunate orders the Yagyu Clan to repair a huge shrine. Since it cannot refuse the Shogunate's request, the impoverished Yagyu Clan tries to raise funds by obtaining a sword which holds the key to a wondrous, hidden treasure. After learning the sword's secret, Tange Sazen sides with the Yagyu Clan, but his motive seems to be more than just pure interest in the treasure...
Sound Recordist
First "Pfc. Story" sequel and eighth overall sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Sound Recordist
First installment of the "Pfc. Story" series of military-themed comedies from Shochiku, and seventh overall sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Sound Recordist
Sixth sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Sound Recordist
Fourth sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Sound Recordist
Third sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Sound Recordist
Second sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Sound Recordist
First film in a series of military-themed comedies from Shochiku.
Sound Recordist
A samurai detective film.
Sound Recordist
During the ultra-violent era of the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate one man rose above the rest with his ideas of how to overthrow the corrupt government and end the bloodshed between the Choshu and Satsuma clans which would ultimately lead to the alliance of these 2 clans and restoration of the emperor to full power. Based on the play that made Sawada Shojiro famous, this is the story of Tsukigata Hanpeita, a forward looking samurai from Choshu, who along with Katsura Kogoro and Sakamoto Ryoma of Tosa worked to bring their dream of a new era in Japan.
Sound Recordist
A period mystery in which an unconventional priest exposes the truth behind the bizarre death of a maid in the shogun's harem. Kinuyo Tanaka stylishly plays a constantly intoxicated geisha in this all-star entertainment film.
Sound Recordist
A Japanese melodrama about three sisters, rival fashion companies, and attempted murder by overheated bathroom.
Sound Recordist
When the future of his construction company falls into danger, a controlling father pushes his children into unsatisfying marriages and careers in order to regain financial stability.
Sound Recordist
간교한 나오스케는 감옥에 있던 사람들과 함께 탈옥을 공모하였으나, 그 사실을 간수에게 몰래 알려서 탈옥을 실패하게끔 만들고 자신은 감형을 받아 출옥을 하게 된다. 고헤이는 연모하던 술집 작부인 오이와를 술집으로부터 꺼내 주기 위해 돈을 마련하려고 도둑질을 하다가 감옥에 갖혔지만, 탈옥 공모에 가담하지 않았기 때문에 다행히 목숨을 건질 수 있었다.한편, 오이와는 비록 술집 작부이긴 했으나 행실이 곱고 용모 또한 수려하여 술집을 그만두고 벼슬을 얻지 못한 낭인 무사인 이에몬과 혼인을 하여 살고 있었다. 어느 날 이에몬은 에도에서 가장 큰 쌀 도매상의 외동딸인 오우메가 치한들에게 봉변을 당하는 장면을 목격하고 그녀를 구출해 주게 되는데, 남자다운 그 모습에 오우메는 한눈에 반하고 만다.감옥에서 출옥을 한 나오스케가 마침 그 장면을 목격하게 되었고, 한탕 잡을 만한 거리를 찾고 있던 그는 이에몬을 오우메와 맺어 주기 위해 오이와와 이혼시킬 계략을 세운다. 이에몬은 출세를 위한 절호의 기회를 놓칠 수 없다는 생각에 나오스케의 계략에 동참하게 되지만, 워낙 우유부단한 성격의 이에몬은 차마 오이와를 버릴 수가 없어 번민한다. 보다 못한 나오스케는 결국 오이와를 죽이는 수밖에 없다는 생각을 굳히고 그녀를 독살해 버린다. 그러나, 출옥한 이후에도 오이와를 잊지 못해 그 주변을 맴돌던 고헤이가 그 장면을 목격하게 되어, 그도 역시 참혹한 죽음을 맞고 만다.한편, 오이와의 쌍둥이 동생인 오소데는 언니가 행방불명된 데 대해 의혹을 품고 진상을 파헤치고자 하는데...
Sound Engineer
메이지 시대, 히라야마 에이코는 집안 하녀이자 친구인 치요가 팔려 가자 집을 뛰쳐나와 도쿄로 간다. 에이코는 자유당에서 여성 인권을 위해 애쓰는데, 당 지도자인 오모이와 사랑에 빠진다. 그런데 치요가 저지른 공장 화재 때문에 에이코와 켄타로도 체포된다. 몇 년 후인 1889년, 헌법이 공포되어 세 사람은 풀려난다. 그들은 자유당을 재발족해 활동을 시작하는데, 오모이는 더 이상 여성 평등을 위해 투쟁하지 않는다.
A teacher at a Japanese school tries to hide his outcast upbringing.