Franco Gulà

Franco Gulà

프로필 사진

Franco Gulà

참여 작품

Man Called Amen
A very unlikely trio join forces in order to rob a bank: an ex-bandit called Smith, now a cheerful reverend, a nomadic artist and a pickpocket. Their plan is successful, however, and the three make off with the money from the bank's vaults, only to find themselves robbed of their newly-acquired wealth by a young schoolmistress.
Judge Roy Bean
In a small western town the ineffable judge Roy Bean metes out justice in his own special way. A cargo of gold is ambushed by the outlaw Black Bird who fails in the attempt and then rides into town.
And God Said to Cain
An innocent man sentenced to ten years in prison for a crime he did not commit, is released from jail, promising to seek revenge on the guilty.
After a fight in their apartment, the story of a writer and a painter are divided. The writer is dedicated with his partner Manon to provoke continuous accidents in a field in which car carcasses abound. The painter is recruited to kill, through a poisoned picture, the old Arden to allow the latter's wife, Alice to live with her lover Mosbie.
41세기 우주 어느 곳, 우리의 주인공 바바렐라는 지구 대통령의 명령을 받고 실종된 젊은 과학자 듀란 듀란을 찾아나선다. 바바렐라는 눈먼 천사 파이가와 한 패가 되어 그를 찾아 독재자 블랙 퀸의 영토로 숨어 들어간다. 그러다가 듀란듀란의 정체와 음모가 밝혀지고 그로부터 이 우주를 구할 사람은 단 하나...
파이럿트 그리샴
After Cacopoulos manages to save himself from being hung on a false charge, he robs Cat Stevens and Hutch Bessy of a lot of money and steals their horses. This results in a merry chase and Stevens and Bessy become unwilling allies in Cacopoulus' revenge against the people who deserted him and framed him to get their money back.
Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die!
Old Man in Saloon (uncredited)
A man, released after a jail term for a crime he did not commit, raises a gang to go after the man who framed him.
All Out
il monaco
The Indian called Copper Face is suspected to have stolen a large quantity of gold from a bank.
The Prophet
In this comedy, a guru’s groupie plans to seduce him so she can number him among her many conquests.
비바 장고
sheriff deputy
어느 날 장고가 처 루시와 함께 금괴 운반을 하고 있을 때 다비드와 루카스 일당의 습격을 받는다. 장고를 배신한 다비드는 장고와 루시에게 총을 쏴 루시는 죽고 장고는 중상을 입는다. 장고는 얼마 후 교수형 집행관이 되어 처형당할 사람의 생명을 구하여 그들을 부하로 삼는다. 어느 날 장고는 술집에서 루카스를 발견하고 그를 사살한다. 한편 장고가 찾는 다비드는 부하들을 거느리고 장고를 해치우고자 한다. 두 사람은 묘지 근처에서 대결하게 된다. 격렬한 총격전이 전개될 때 데빗드 부하들이 나타나 장고는 잡히며 스스로 자기의 무덤을 파게 된다. 거기에는 관이 나타나고 그 관 속에서는 장고가 숨겨두었던 장고의 유명한 기관총이 들어 있었다. 장고가 기관총을 들고 일어나는 순간 총구에서 불을 뿜는다. 다비드 일당은 하나하나 쓰러진다. 드디어 다비드도 쓰러진다. 장고는 악당들이 탈취한 금괴를 은행에 돌려주기 위해 떠난다.
If You Want to Live... Shoot!
Grandpa McGowan
A young cowboy, Johnny, playing in a rigged poker game is forced to shoot one of the other players. The cowboy takes quick leave as he is accused of murder and a reward for his capture is posted. After being wounded, he finds refuge on a ranch and becomes involved with the family. While he is away, a gang of Mexicans kills the McGowan family except for Sally, who manages to escape and find Johnny who is now out for revenge.
Colt in the Hand of the Devil
Old VIllager (uncredited)
Pat Scotty is hired to eliminate a gang of Mexican bandits led by El Condor. Scotty craftily earns the trust of the bandits, enabling him to trap them all, but in the meantime, genuine friendship and respect have developed between him and El Condor.
God Forgives... I Don't!
Gravedigger / Clockmaker
In this violent spaghetti western a murderous robber hijacks a payroll train, murders everyone aboard and then stashes his loot. A gunslinger learns about it and decides he wants the money for himself and so hatches an elaborate plot to get at it. He lures the crook into a rigged poker game, and afterward a gunfight ensues. The quick-drawing gunman makes short work of the robber, then teams up with an insurance agent to look for the hidden fortune. Unbeknownst to them, the robber had an ace up his sleeve...
Crazy Westerners
Old lawyer
Little Rita has a dream: she dreams of a better world and she believes that all the evil in the world originates from gold. So she has decided to blow up all the gold she can put her hands on. In her mission she is assisted by the Indian Chief Bisonte Seduto and by her friend Francis. Little Rita kills Ringo and Django, but she is taken prisoner by the Mexican bandit Sancho who wants to steal her gold. Black Star rescues her and seems determined to help her, but does he?
Return of Django
The son of Django searches for the murderer of his father and is thereby involved in a war between two factions headed by former acquaintances of his famous parent.
Wanted Johnny Texas
Morty, Wagontrain Guard
Johnny Texas is recruited by the U.S. Army to find a safe passage for a wagon train and impatient settlers to the West. Johnny figures his best bet is to pay off the local band of desperadoes helmed by a psychotic outlaw. When that doesn't work, Colonel Stewart orders Johnny to attack a fortress and detonate a secret stash of dynamite. Source: SWDB
Massacre Time
In 1866 New Mexico, Tom Corbett is a prospector who is called back to his hometown in Laramie Town, Texas at the bequest of a old family friend. Tom arrives in the town to see it under the control of a ruthless and greedy gangster named Jason Scott, who's psychotic and murder-crazed son, Junior Scott, runs it with fear with a posse of thugs who kill anyone who protests their business tactics. Tom finds his brother Jeff, a drunkard looked after by their family maid Mercedes. Tom then tries to persuade Jeff to help him take down the sadistic Scotts so the town can rest easy in peace and harmony again.
Seven Dollars on the Red
A little boy is abducted by ruthless bandit gang leader El Cachal after Cachal and his men butcher the boy's family with the exception of his father. Johnny Ashley, the gunslinger father of the boy, goes searching for his son. Alas, the boy has grown up to be a mean and vicious criminal. Written by Woodyanders
A Matter of Honor
Agostino Sanna
Love Italian Style
Anthology comedy structured in 10 episodes (The Exam, Blue Bloods, Too Easy, Love Italian Style, Sunday Story, Wedding Present, Gold Fischer, The Tuxedo, Railway Courtesy, Play Boy). Whimsical exploration of the mores, customs and vices of Italy at that time.
통일 전쟁이 한창인 이탈리아, 가리발디가 이끄는 혁명군이 시칠리아에 상륙하자 유서 깊은 귀족 가문의 공작 살리나는 동요하는 가족을 달랜다. 그 와중에 귀족 신분으로 혁명군에 가담한 조카가 전쟁 영웅이 되어 고향으로 돌아오고 살리나는 조카를 마을 시장의 딸인 안젤리카와 결혼시키려 하는데... 19세기 주세페 가리발디가 이탈리아를 통일했던 시기의 시칠리아를 배경으로 쇠락해가는 귀족들의 모습을 오페라처럼 그려낸 웅장하고 우아한 시대극. 버트 랭카스터, 알랭 들롱의 탁월한 연기와 귀족들의 화려한 의상, 고급스런 실내장식 등 미장센에 대한 치밀한 연출이 돋보이는 이 작품은 시칠리아 3부작의 마지막 작품으로 1963년 칸 영화제에서 황금종려상을 받았다.