Nikola Rudarov

Nikola Rudarov

출생 : 1927-12-06, Sofia, Bulgaria

사망 : 2010-03-26

프로필 사진

Nikola Rudarov

참여 작품

아이 엠 데이빗
Store Owner
어른들과 함께 불가리아의 강제노동수용소에 갇혀있던 어린 데이빗, 이 이야기는 어린 데이빗이 수용소를 탈출하는 이야기에서 시작된다. 어린 데이빗이 만난 강제수용소 밖의 세상. 요하네스가 알려준 지침서대로 그 무서운 세상을 거쳐서 엄마가 기다리는 고향으로 돌아가는 이야기.
...και το τρένο πάει στον ουρανό
Train Conductor
Set in a dilapidated indoor swimming pool (the Central Baths in Sofia), the film details the efforts of Anton, a clueless dreamer who yearns to sail the world, and Martha, the button obsessed cashier, to maintain the illusion for Anton's blind father that business is thriving. Working to sabotage their efforts is Gregor - Anton's brother - an amoral developer who is determined to raze the entire town and construct a sprawling condominium complex. Gregor engineers an accident that seems certain to doom the business and in the process steals away Eva, the beautiful woman of Anton's dreams. Will Gregor's dastardly plan succeed?
After the End of the World
Two friends (Katerina Didaskalo, Stefan Danalyov) are separated when their village is divided by Communism, but they meet again 40 years later and begin having an affair.
The Camp
In this earnest movie from Bulgaria, the minds of the young people attending a Young Pioneer (communist youth) camp in the 1950s are shown to be easily molded into a conformist vein. Later, at a "voluntary labor" camp in the 1960s, the final touches are put on their education as proper young communists.
Adio, Rio
the managing director
Stoev, a talented architect is working in Rio de Janeiro. All along the design stages, Stoev's understanding has been that he would be going together with his assistant architect. However, the company chief secretly decides to change the terms and go instead of the assistant, threatening Stoev to cancel the whole deal if he doesn't comply. Stoev is left with the dilemma to betray a colleague and friend, or to miss the greatest opportunity in his career. When Stoev is about to choose the former, a mysterious dead body appears in his life.
The Mathematician Barumov
The 1960s was the time of Beatles and Rolling Stones, the time of sexual revolution. These events have their echo in Bulgarian English-learning school. The school order provokes a protest of the students due to the narrow-minded teachers.
Cry for Help
20-year-old Georgi was adopted as a child. The family falls apart though and he ends up in a youth detention center. When released, he comes to face people's selfishness and disregard, He begins to steal things. The investigator working on his case talks to his adopted parents, his girlfriend and friends. Hiding from the police, Georgi ends up in a small town at the Black sea coast. He falls in love with his friend's sister Yana. Yet again, he finds no sympathy and understanding. He steals again. The investigator wants to help him but Georgi has given up all hope. He wants to commit suicide. Yana is the last spark of hope to bring him back to life.
The Racket
This is a psychological whodunit. The action is tense and there are many ups and downs. Vas, a young militiaman, has to pose as a ex-prisoner and infiltrate an international gang of smugglers at work in Bulgaria. Vas is involved in shady deals: in a web for smuggling drugs. The traffic in drugs is perfectly organized, every one along the chain is being checked up and shadowed. An elderly gentlemen, a harmless nuisance on the face of it, turns out to be one of the bosses. Vas's role as a double agent, in doing his efforts to become a trusted man among the dangerous criminals, faces him with many trials and he risks his life on several occasions. And no matter how strange it may appear, it is among these people that Vas meets the girl he falls in love with. A beautiful girl is tangled in the traffic web. She also falls in love with Vas. Just like the audience, the girl Sunny is not aware of the true personality of Vas in the racket.
Something Out of Nothing
A famous metropolitan journalist decides to pay a surprise visit to his classmate Pancho in the countryside. Pancho has gone to town and his wife has to greet the guest. Under the curious eyes of the neighbors, the two are waiting for him to come back home. The awkwardness between them intensifies. How will they sleep under one roof? What will people say?
To Eat the Apple
Maria, a beautiful middle-aged woman, former participant in the fight against Nazism is killed. The investigator Urumov discovers the criminal. Urumov wants to know the reason why Dzherikarov has committed the murder. Dzherikarov is a former officer of the king army. Maria's memories expose the fact that she has arrested his commander in the past. By killing Maria, he wants to save his understanding of "officer's honor". Urumov sees that Maria's daughter leaves at the mother's grave an apple. In order to save her illusion, he eats the apple every time. In final talk with Dzherikarov, the murderer condemns himself to death and eats the apple.
A Day of Filming
Shooting of a picture: to those, familiar with only from the screen, it is a entertainment. So, in a quiet Sofia street, a shooting crew starts their work. Bypassing begin to throng, curious people are looking out of the windows of the surrounding buildings. A scene is being shot of s short dialogue between the protagonists. It goes wrong all the time and is never complete. The mess gets beyond the comical, the true relations between the members of grew show and they do not look that excellent. At long last, the final scene is shot and the street is quiet again.