Candace Kita

Candace Kita

출생 : 1967-09-24, Los Angeles, California, USA


Candace Kita (born September 24, 1967) is an American actress.

프로필 사진

Candace Kita

참여 작품

Infamously in Love
A frustratingly micromanaged popstar who dreams of the “ordinary” that life has to offer finds herself torn between her celebrity ex, the machinations of her controlling manager, and a developing romance with a down-to-earth record store owner. Will she gain more autonomy over her life – especially her love life – and start making decisions for herself, or will the celebrity machine be too powerful for her to ever feel even remotely normal?
Love Addict
A womanizing attorney is unable to have sex after a hypnotherapy session to quit smoking goes awry and he seeks help from one of his clients, an uptight psychiatrist, who teaches him that there is more to women than just sex.
Where the Bears Are 4
Murder hits close to home when a party crasher keels over from a glass of poisoned champagne at Nelson and Todd’s wedding shower kicking off another murder investigation in the fourth feature film of this world wide hit comedy mystery series. As America’s favorite gay bear couple prepare for their upcoming nuptials with the help of their BFFs (Bear Friends Forever) Reggie and Wood, our furry detectives find themselves on the hunt for a demented killer landing them on the set of a TV game show, attacked by armed predator drones and fighting for their lives on board a luxury yacht off the coast of Catalina Island!
Circus of the Dead
Reporter Linda Ito
A sadistic group of clowns kidnap an unsuspecting man and his daughters, forcing him to play a deadly game in order to save his family.
Dead Sea
A Marine Biologist is assigned to investigate the mysterious deaths of some marine life in an inland salt water lake that has been attributed to a creature thought to have been the stuff of a legend.
Naughty or Nice
News Anchor
Krissy Kringle receives a delivery intended for Santa Claus. A magical book that shows if a person has been naughty or nice. She uses the book's power to find out about those around her, which leads to some very unusual and unintended results. Krissy realizes that everyone has some good and some not so good in them.
Awakening from a deep sleep in the pitch black Sean Justice feels around him and realises that he is in a small wooden box and beside him lays his unconscious girlfriend. With only two hours of air time remaining a ransom demand is made of $500,000 dollars in cash for the location of their wooden prison.
Natale a Beverly Hills
The story of some Italians at Beverly Hills during the Christmas holiday.
척 앤 래리
Hooters Girl
뉴욕 브루클린 소방서의 자랑거리인 소방관 척(아담 샌들러)과 래리(케빈 제임스)는 둘도 없는 죽마고우. 바른생활 맨인 싱글 대디 래리와는 달리, 척(아담 샌들러)은 여자들과의 데이트만이 유일한 관심사인 초절정 작업맨이다. 불의의 사고에 대비해 두 아이를 위한 생명보험 가입 조건으로 결혼이 필요해진 래리는 어느 날, 화재 현장에서 척의 생명을 구해주게 되고, 이를 대가로 척은 래리와 ‘男男 커플’ 부부로 위장하게 된다. 하지만 시 공무원이 둘 사이를 의심하면서, 이들은 자신들이 부부임을 변론하기 위해 인권 변호사 알렉스(제시카 비엘)를 찾아가게 된다. 섹시할 뿐 아니라 성격까지 좋은 완벽한 여자 알렉스에게 한눈에 반하게 된 척. 이 때부터 척과 래리의 강철같던 30년 우정은 흔들리고, 이들의 ‘위장 부부 생활’은 최대의 위기를 맞게 되는데...
배드 뉴스 베어즈
술에 절어 살고 있는 메이저리그 출신 야구선수 모리스에게 리틀 야구팀 베어즈의 코치 제의가 들어온다. 동양인, 남미인 등 다양한 인종, 심장병 환자와 휠체어를 탄 장애인으로 구성된 베어즈 팀. 모리스는 아무런 열정 없이 아이들을 훈련시키고, 그 결과 베어즈는 경기에서 대패한다. 아이들은 투표를 통해 팀을 해산키로 결정하자 모리스는 자신의 행동을 반성하고, 베어즈 팀을 최강의 팀으로 만들기 위해 전력투구한다.
Little Heroes 3
Samson and Hercules, the extraordinary dogs of Little Heroes 1 & 2 are back!
Street Fury: Gold
Secrets of Street Magicians Finally Revealed
Magician's Assistant
바브 와이어
서기 2017년, 제 2차 남북전쟁의 발발 이후 미국은 폐허와 혼란으로 가득한 황폐한 죽음의 땅으로 뒤바뀐다. 최첨단 과학 기술로 막강한 권력으로 동부를 장악한 의회군과 이에 대항하는 자유주의 저항군으로 양분된 미대륙은 이제 무질서와 폭력만이 남무하게 된 것이다. 그러나 두 진영 사이에 유일한 중립지역인 스탈하버만은 팽팽한 긴장감이 흐르는 가운데서도 자유가 향유되고 있었다. 어느 편에도 속하지 않는 바브 와이어에게는 안성마춥인 곳. '헤머헤드'라는 바를 운영하는 그녀는 현상금이 걸린 일이라면 어디든지 쫓아가는 피도 눈물도 없는 냉혈한 인간 사냥꾼으로 통한다. 그런 그녀에게 어느날 자유주의 반군의 정신적 지도자인 코라 드본셔 박사와 옛애인 액슬이 찾아오면서 그녀의 생활은 복잡하게 얽혀 들어가는데...
Wild Side
Lotus Ita (as Candace Camille Bender)
A bank accountant who moonlights as a high-priced call girl becomes embroiled in the lives of a money launderer, his seductive wife, and his bodyguard.
Smooth Operator
Angie Li
Megan Hughes plays Grace Nichols, a businesswoman constantly competing with men to get ahead. Unfortunately, her love life is also suffering. One day, while chomping on a donut, she realizes she's put on a few pounds. She decides to get back in shape, and asks her secretary Angie Li (Candace Kita) if she could recommend a good personal trainer. Angie recommends Brian Lerner (Doug Jeffery), a guy Angie's also been sleeping with for the last few months. Of course, Grace doesn't know that. Grace meets up with Brian, and it's innocent at first. She tosses on the workout clothes, he comes over to help her out with exercising, and goes home. Simple enough, right? However, this is a softcore flick, so you know the sex is coming. Eventually, Grace asks Brian to accompany her to a formal dinner.
Stealth Hunters
News Anchor
A businessman creates a horde of zombie killers. They massacre a platoon of soldiers, and the only survivor teams up with a group of teenage campers to fight them.