Bob Larson

참여 작품

Mr. Donaldson
An assassination in the Philippines is caught on film by kickboxer Christy, which leads to her death at the hands of radicals intent on disrupting peace talks. Her sister Kat, a Los Angeles police officer, comes to Manila to try and bring justice to the people responsible. She enters the kickboxing tournament in order to get closer to the nefarious agents, and begins unravelling the twisted plan while narrowly evading the wrath of the Death Brigades.
Kill Zone
Intelligence Manager
An American colonel will pay any price to defeat the Viet Cong. When his unauthorized fighting force in Cambodia is discovered, he becomes a one man army, fighting a war of his own for a cause he knows is just.
그림 리퍼
6명의 젊은이들이 한 섬으로 여행을 떠난다. 그들은 얼마 뒤 의문의 시체를 발견하고 경악을 금치 못한다. 시체는 무언가에 의해 뜯어먹힌 흔적이 역력했고, 그들 역시 섬을 탐사하면서 하나둘씩 죽임을 당한다. 섬 안의 주민들을 모두 잡아먹고도 배가 고파 식량을 찾는 식인종이 살고 있었던 것이다.
Moment to Moment
Unit Production Manager
When an erring wife's supposedly dead lover turns up an amnesiac, it's her unsuspecting shrink husband who's enlisted to get those memories back.