Jason Turner

Jason Turner

프로필 사진

Jason Turner

참여 작품

Dashing Through the Snow
Eddie Garrick is a good-hearted man who has turned his back on Christmas due to a traumatic childhood experience. At the request of his wife Allison Garrick, from whom he is separated, Eddie takes his 9-year-old daughter Charlotte to work with him on Christmas Eve, where they meet a mysterious man in a red suit named Nick. Eddie, who is a social worker, thinks the man is delusional and needs professional help, but when he evokes the wrath of a local politician, he and his daughter are taken on a magical adventure that just might restore his faith in Christmas.
Rolling Into Christmas
Two Childhood sweethearts who shared a passion for roller skating are reunited 15 years later during the holidays, forcing them to question their love and life choices.
Steppin' Back to Love
A once-loving couple connected by dance, after facing marital struggles, use their passion for Chicago-style step-dancing to reignite the spark in their marriage.
Dear Santa,  I Need a Date
DEAR SANTA, I NEED A DATE tells the comedic story of two successful and ambitious siblings Janelle Vaughn (Gomez-Preston) and Jason Vaughn (Ray J). Their parents, Mr. Vaughn (Jay DeVon Johnson) and Mrs. Vaughn (Johnson), are proud of their children’s flourishing careers but are displeased with their dating lives. Every holiday season, the Vaughn’s anxiously prepare for their children to bring home a significant other only to be disappointed. This year, The Vaughn’s apply pressure by expressing their concerns to Jason and Janelle, which sparks a bet between the siblings on who can find a date by Christmas.
The Bobby Debarge Story
The tumultuous life of Bobby DeBarge, the former lead singer of 70's R&B/Funk Band Switch, and the eldest sibling of the world-famous pop group DeBarge. Despite his success in music, the iconic falsetto found his life in peril as he struggled with fame and fortune while coping with the memories of his dysfunctional childhood.
메건 리비
Receiving Marine #2
이라크 전에 참전한 메건 리비의 실화를 바탕으로 군견병으로 수많은 생명을 구한 그녀의 이야기를 그린다. 언제나 대인관계가 불편했던 메건은 사랑하는 친구의 사망으로 방황하다 해병에 입대하게 되고 그곳에서 새로운 삶을 얻고자 했으나, 자대배치를 받은 첫날 술에 취해 노상방뇨를 한 벌로 군견 우리 청소를 맡게 되는 등 해병대에서도 문제아로 낙인찍히게 된다. 그러던 중 메건은 군견의 매력에 빠지게 되고, 결국 군견병으로 보직을 변경하여 3주간 훈련 후 군견 렉스와 함께 이라크로 파병된다. 여자는 임무에 투입시키지 않는다는 룰을 깨고 적진에 침투한 날, 대량의 불법 총기를 발견하게 된 메건과 군견 렉스, 그 일을 계기로 영웅이 되고, 임무를 받던 그들은 적진에서의 폭발물로 큰 부상을 입게 되는데…
The Coffin Footage
A young man slowly realizes that he has become the chosen target of an ominous supernatural presence. As he scrambles to stop it, he realizes there is more to this haunting than meets the eye.
Dark Remains
After their daughter is brutally murdered in their home, a grieving young couple, Allena and Julie Pkye; escape the city to find solace in the mountains. Julie photographs an abandoned prison she finds in the woods. Upon developing the prints, she becomes convinced her dead daughter is contacting her through the photographs.