Ashfaq Makrani

참여 작품

An orphan, with a brilliant mind, joins RAW and is burdened by the killing of his entire team. Until he doesn't avenge their death, he can't live in peace with his love. So, he hatches a genius plan.
Welcome Back
A pair of reformed gangsters try to find a husband for their newly discovered sister, but complications arise due to mistaken identities.
Singh Saab the Great
A common man fights corruption and injustice.
Costume Design
A new English school teacher ends up leading both teachers and students to revolt against the school management.
A new English school teacher ends up leading both teachers and students to revolt against the school management.
Right Yaaa Wrong
Two cops who are best friends have a friendly rivalry until their need for supremacy leads them to fight to be top dog.
비르: 위대한 전사
영국과 손을 맞잡은 마드하브가르의 왕은 자신을 도와준 모든 이들을 배신하고 잔혹한 학살을 시작한다. 가까스로 살아남은 리더 프리트비는 자신의 아들 비르, 그리고 몇 안 되는 생존자와 함께 다른 곳으로 이주하여 훗날을 도모한다. 그러나 비르는 그 무시무시한 독재자의 딸과 사랑에 빠지고 이를 알아차린 왕은 비르를 죽이려 드는데! 자신의 일족을 몰살시킨 자에 대한 복수, 그리고 사랑하는 그녀와 다른 모든 사람들을 구하기 위해 비르는 칼을 뽑기로 결심한다.
A grieving policeman and a rickshaw driver are brought together by a dark, tragic secret that will change their lives forever.
Karan Arjun
Assistant Editor
Karan and Arjun reincarnate in the different parts of the country. But the faith of their previous mother brings them together in order to avenge their death.