Mari Paz Robles

참여 작품

Key Hair Stylist
평범한 인생을 살아오던 제약회사 영업사원 '해럴드'는 친구이자 사장인 '리처드'와 '엘레인'과 함께 떠난 멕시코 해외 출장 중 자신을 해고하려는 계획과 아내의 외도 사실까지 알게 된다. 잃을 것이 없는 ‘해럴드’는 납치 자작극으로 ‘리처드’에게 몸값을 요구하지만 되려 해럴드를 처치하려 하고, ‘리처드’의 제약회사로부터 마약 공급이 끊긴 멕시코의 마약 조직은 해럴드의 뒤를 쫓기 시작한다. 하루아침에 꼬일 대로 꼬여버린 인생 암흑기에서 헤럴드를 과연 탈출 할 수 있을까?
Así es la Suerte
Makeup Designer
Ramiro is a theater actor who lives estranged from his father and half brother. One morning, he runs into a suicide, who says he is an evil omen. Despite Ramiro´s efforts, the young man dies before his eyes, which leads him to believe that he has caught his bad luck. From then on, his life turns upside down, at the same time as he gets together with his family to fulfill his father´s last wish: to find the love of his life and say goodbye to her.
The Tequila Effect
Makeup Artist
A story of love of money and power. A story of courage and bravery. It is the life of José Fierro, a man who faces the consequences of his acts when he decides to go all out; of his wife Ana Luisa, who wants to experience love and eroticism beyond what is permitted. A brave movie that reflects the best and the worst of humans, but is also a tragicomedy (as is life), full of humor, hope and self-sacrifice: the reflection of a country undergoing a permanent financial crisis, produced by the Tequila effect, but which has the virtue of not letting itself be defeated.