Irv Goodnoff
출생 : 1948-01-01, New York City, New York, USA
사망 : 2009-05-03
A gay movie star struggles to stay in the closet, an art dealer fends off her abusive ex, and a televangelist plots to force his gay son into conversion therapy. Little do they know, their lives are about to converge on a deadly collision course.
Director of Photography
A romantic drama about a man who awakes from a coma without his sense of touch and the nurse who comes to his aid.
Director of Photography
One night, at a Miami nightclub she is caught in the middle of a gunfight and is blamed for a murder she didn't commit. When running from the police, she changes her name and identity until she is able to prove her innocence without getting killed in the process.
Director of Photography
A respected civic leader is caught between two rival underworld crime families on the verge of war.
Director of Photography
Sexuality and serial murder in an American village.
Director of Photography
In the town of Amity, the cops take crime off of the streets and put it into the police station where it belongs.
Director of Photography
With the future of the world hanging in the balance, one fearless hero's quest to solve "The Riddle of the Chosen". As the Lord Protector makes his way through a land of magic and mystery, his allies grow stronger and his enemies more fierce. Will the Lord Protector make it to the center of evil and banish the dark forces that plot destruction, or will the power of evil overwhelm this mortal man and envelope the entire planet in a shroud of darkness and despair?
Director of Photography
Marines on a deserted island are ordered to defuse bombs, but then an alien creature terrorizes them.
Director of Photography
Brother and sister Ninja warriors get revenge for their sister's death by killing the drug dealers in New Orleans. The police enlist the help of a biker warrior to solve the crime. The head drug dealer stirs the pot even further by hiring Cajun warriors to kill those he believes are responsible for the deaths of his dealers.
Director of Photography
AT HOME WITH THE WEBBERS explores what happens when a typical American family is turned into a hot, new, totally uncensored TV show. Viewers get hooked on the real-life soap, while the Webbers grapple with their unexpected fame.
Director of Photography
정신 병원에 수감된 찰스 워드가 병원의 간호부를 살해하고 탈출한다. 사립탐정 존 마치는 워드의 아내 클레어의 의뢰로 워드의 조사를 시작한다. 클레어의 말에 따르면 남편 워드는 화학기사로써 아무 이상이 없던 중 매쉬 박사라는 자의 방문 이후 마을 밖에 있는 농가에 실험실을 차렸는데 인근의 주민들이 실험실에서 비명소리와 악취가 난다고 항의를 해오니 실험실에서 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는지 조사해 달라는 것이었다. 마치는 소방 검열관으로 위장하여 워드의 실험실을 방문하지만 워드는 동물 실험 중이라고 한다, 마치는 클레어에게 워드의 기벽이 언제부터 시작되었는가를 묻는데 클레어는 먼 친척으로부터 트렁크가 배달되었을 때부터라고 대답한다. 문제의 트렁크 안에서는 옛 친척들의 서류와 사진이 있었는데 그중 워드는 18세기의 조상 조셉 쿠윈이라는 마녀에게 깊은 관심을 두었다는 말을 듣는다. 그날 밤 실험실 주변에 살던 주민이 피살되는데 워드는 옛 영어 악센트에 뜻모를 말을 중얼거린다. 이에 마치는 클레어에게 워드를 정신병원에 입원시키라고 한다. 한편 워드의 일기를 조사하던 중 조셉 커윈이란 자가 죽은 자의 부활에 대해 연구하던 것을 알아내고 워드와 관계가 있을 것이라고 판단, 커윈의 옛 실험실을 조사한다. 조사하던 중 워드의 실패작인 괴물체를 발견하고 의문이 해결된다.
Three strangers - two women and one man - find themselves trapped inside an unfamiliar house with no recollection of how they got there. They soon discover that the house has been borrowed to serve as a temporary way station between life and death.
Director of Photography
Based on the diary of an unknown Viet Cong soldier, this film provides a sympathetic look at a Viet Cong soldier who protected a captured American soldier whom he believed did not kill him when the American had the opportunity. Written by John Sacksteder
Director of Photography
Bullied by classmates, a pudgy military-school student fights back by computer with the devil.
Ostracized at a snooty private school because of her rural, poor background, a scholarship student is tormented to the point where her only remaining recourse is revenge, using the only method she knows: her psychic control over snakes!
Director of Photography
공원 관리인 요리사 등등 수없이 직업을 전전하는 버논은 약간 모자란 듯 하지만 아이들을 좋아하고,심성이 착한 사람이다. 요리사로 취직한 식당에서 일하다가 불을 내고 도망나온 버논은 형사같이 보이는 사람들에게 체포되어 가는데, 잡혀간 곳은 유명한 츄츄 트레인 기업의 회장 앞이었다. 버논은 트레인씨의 생존하는 유일한 핏줄로 회장의 뒤를 잇기 위해 테스트를 받는다. 트레인 회장은 ' 보' 란 개를 내어주며 6일안에 시애틀까지 가라는 임무를 준다. 시애틀에 가는 도중, 기차를 잘못 타서 다시 자동차에 합승을 하지만 중화민국에서 선물로 오는 리친우라는 개를 납치할 계획을 세우고 있는 도둑놈들을 만나 그들에게 이용당하기 시작한다. 착하기만 하고 의협심이 강한 버논은 시애틀로 가는 임무도 잊어 버린채, 리친우를 되돌려 주려고 최선을 다해 애를 쓴다. 버논의 원대로 리친우는 다시 찾게 되었지만 버논은 범인들 중의 한사람으로 누명을 쓰고 범인들과 같이 검거되는데...
Camera Operator
Cynthia inherits a large estate and moves in. She reads her aunt's diary and finds out how she was taught in the ways of love by her gardener in 1901 at the age of 21. She decides to continue the fruitful relationship and gets it on with the handsome young gardener herself.
Director of Photography
Bobby blows all his college savings on a van and tries to get the girl of his dreams. It's a wild time with Bobby and his friends.
Director of Photography
Decorated soldier Kyle Martin returns home after WW2 to discover his family farm is in foreclosure. With only a silver star to his name, Kyle is in dire straits until gambler Johnny O' offers to give him money in exchange for killing a gangster.
Director of Photography
Danny DeVito stars in and directs this critically acclaimed short film which was part of the ground breaking HBO/Cinemax anthology series, "Likely Stories." Danny plays corrupt Congressman Vince D'Angelo who is making a sleazy run to become Senator of New Jersey. In the process he spreads vicious rumors about his running mates and uses incendiary campaign commercials to get himself elected. His campaign is derailed when he is caught-on-tape giving a bribe to a G-man posing as a mobster. His response to the "Mobscam" debacle is to claim he was "conducting his own investigation" and then fakes an 11th hour assassination on himself to engender voter sympathy.
Teenager Lynn kills her father while he tries to rape her - the receiving officer at the mental hospital cannot convince her that her father is dead. After electric shock treatment she escapes in a nurses car. There is a farm where the manager is unable to feed his pigs on the usual swill, they have tasted blood - Human Blood! Lynn stumbles on the farm, she is looking for work she explains. "Papa they tell me, what do you see One little girl as deadly as can be." The circle begins, feed people to the pigs - then eat the pigs.
Director of Photography
A retelling of Edgar Allan's Poe haunting tale.
The fictional story of a 13 year old Mexican-American girl's struggle for identity when her mother forces her to bleach her skin white to fit into the Anglo society of San Antonio, Texas, in the late 1950s.