Shigenori Shimoishizaka

참여 작품

Asian Blue: Ukishima-maru Incident
Production Design
Asian Blue focuses on Koreans brought to Japan to work in forced-labor brigades during World War II
Production Design
아빠, 엄마와 함께 행복하기만 한 렌코, 그러나 그 행복에 금이 가기 시작한다. 엄마와 아빠는 서로를 상처 주고 싸우며 결국 떨어져 살기로 결정한다. 전학생이 오면서 학교 생활도 예전 같지 않고 주변의 변화는 점점 벅차기만 하다. 익숙하고 친근했던 모든 것이 무너져 내리면서 어린 소녀의 세계도 조금씩 변해간다. 유명한 가수인 사쿠라다 준코가 엄마로, 아역 배우 타바타 토모코가 렌코로 출연했다. 소마이 신지 감독의 영화 중 가장 대중적이면서 가족적인 영화로 소녀의 감정과 성장을 통해 삶을 포착하고 있다. 초현실적인 이미지와 롱 테이크 속에 내러티브를 담아낸 소마이 신지 감독의 연출력이 돋보이는 수작이다. 1993 키네마 준보 여우주연상, 여우조연상 수상.
Art Direction
One of Japan's favorite sword stars, Fujita Makoto, returns as the legendary Tange Sazen, the one-eyed, one-armed samurai who is a champion for the common people. Unflappable, except with the ladies, he fights evil in Shogun Yoshimune's Edo. The kokezaru no tsubo (earless monkey jar) has gone missing with a secret hidden inside that could change the course of history. All of Edo's top swordsmen, including Yagyu Genzaburo and Ooka Echizen are involved as villains pursue their evil quest! Superb swordplay highlights this exciting all-star extravaganza!
Irezumi (Spirit of Tattoo)
Art Direction
To satisfy her lover's fetish for tattooed women, Akane agrees to have her body covered in eloborate tattoos by Kyogoro, an old craftsman. Kyogoro has developed a special technique, by which his assistant, Harutsune, keeps Katsuko's mind off the pain while Kyogoro does his work. After the work is done, Harutsune makes the shocking discovery of how Kyogoro mastered his technique.
감각의 제국
Art Direction
나가노의 요리점 <요시다야>에서 일하는 여종업원인 사다는 그 곳에서 주인인 이시다 기치조를 만나게 된다. 그녀는 순식간에 그와 격정적인 정사를 나누고픈 욕망에 빠져든다. 첫눈에 반한 두 사람은 늦은 밤 응접실이나 객실 등에서 지속적으로 밀회를 나누다가 기치조의 아내에게 발각된다. 결국 사다는 요리점을 나갈 수 밖에 없는 상황에 놓이자 기치조의 부인을 속이고 도망을 나와 요정 마사키에 틀어박혀 격렬한 사랑을 수 차례 나누게 된다. 두 사람의 사랑은 애정을 넘어서 서로의 육체에 대한 집착으로 나타나고, 결국 사다는 기치조를 영원히 자신의 남자로 만들고 싶다는 욕망에 사로잡히게 되는데...
아들을 동반한 검객 5
Production Design
아들을 동반한 검객 5
Internal Sleuth
Art Direction
When 150 guns are stolen from Iwakuni base and two police officers are shot dead, a detective criminal tries to find out the truth.
Time Within Memory
Art Direction
Minoru visits his home on Okinoerabu island for the first time in thirty years. Seeing the old man who used to be in love with his mother, Minoru recalls the old days spent on the island with his young, beautiful mother.
아들을 동반한 검객 4
Art Direction
아들을 동반한 검객 4
Mission: Iron Castle
Art Direction
The Shinobi-no-Mono series was so successful that Daiei Studios dipped into the well one more time, making the best 60′s B&W ninja movie ever seen in the otherwise color-dominated year of 1970. Issei Mori directs Hiroki Matsukata as the reluctant leader of a small band of spies charged with kidnapping a noblewoman from a heavily ninja-proofed castle. The finality of the air slowly began to fill like smoke, and in all that had become dark the loyalty of the Ninja who dared to go shone like light as they entered a world shrouded in mystery. Things do not go as planned in what is possibly the darkest and most fatalistic of the already noir-ish 60′s fare. Both the decade and it’s distinctive style of shinobi cinema went out on a high note with Mission Iron Castle.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 12: Castle Menagerie
Art Direction
Just when you think Kyoshiro's life can't get any stranger, someone starts running around raping and murdering, and leaving notes proudly proclaiming that he did it. Tracking down the real culprit willtake him along a twisted trail that involves the Shogun's harem, hidden christians, and positively pregnant politics!
Prison Break
Art Direction
Set up to be the patsy by a rival gang, Furuta Makoto attacks the yakuza boss he thinks is responsible for his father’s murder. He then learns it was all a plot to take over his father’s turf and he seeks vengeance against the puppet master behind the entire conspiracy. His quest for justice leads him to prison where he must fend off the attack of a master assassin before he can make his escape and go after the true killer!
Sleepy Eyes of Death 11: In the Spider's Lair
Art Direction
The titular "tarantula" is a murderous woman who, along with the brother who is in love with her, kill without warrant because they are wealthy & above the law. Kyoshiro the homeless masterless wandering samurai has nothing to lose, & no scruples anyway, so can reproach even the powerful with ease. He is thus, for all that he has broad streaks of villainy all his own, a champion of the people by default.
자토이치: 피연기 가도
Art Direction
Ichi is staying at an inn when a woman dies. Her dying wish is that Ichi take her son to his father, an artist living in a nearby town. After arriving in the town, Ichi finds out that the father has been forced by a local boss to create illegal pornography to pay off his gambling debts. Ichi makes it his mission to save tha man and reunite the family, even though it brings him into conflict with a samurai he sort of befriended on his way to the town.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 9: Trail of Traps
Art Direction
The Son of the Black Mass returns in this ninth installment in Daiei's longstanding Nemuri Kyoshiro series. This time Raizo Ichikawa as Nemuri is called to see that a gold statuette of the Virgin Mary gets safe passage to Kyoto from the prying hands of a sect of murderous Christian ronin that call themselves the Black Finger Group.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 8: Sword of Villainy
Production Design
Nemuri Kyoshiro discovers a conspiracy centering around a band of disgruntled samurai wanting to avenge the death of their sensei, a political reformer that pushed for better provisions for the lower classes until he was assassinated by Shogunate agents. Their plot, to set fire to the oil refineries of two rich merchants and unleash a raging inferno that will hopefully burn down the Edo Castle.
Dianas of the Campus
Art Direction
The Virgin Witness
Art Direction
A father decides to put his delinquent daughter into a temple in Kyoto known for its austere novitiate. Initially resistant to all forms of discipline, she ends up falling in love with the nun who is in charge of her.
Set Decoration
꽃을 키우는 데 특별한 재능을 가진 한페이는 한 군주의 정신병을 치유하기 위해 특별히 정원 관리사로 뽑혀 온다. 하지만 한페이는 미친 줄 알았던 군주에 의해 점점 전문 암살자로 길들여진다.