When an apocalyptic event strikes, a group of people caught on the outside of civilization must take a perilous journey to find refuge.
Cal / Yellow Jacket
America calls on its greatest superhero, The Yellow Jacket, to defeat Japan's deadliest super agent, The Dragonfly, whose organization, Axis, has made an unholy alliance with the sinister Monarch Of The Moon. The Monarch's secret intent is to invade Earth and strip it of all its natural resources. America's greatest hero is the only thing that stands between the Monarch and his treacherous goal.
Bob Harris
Martian women from Mars have sent an army of killer robots to take over planet Earth, and the only hope for mankind may be a Doomsday weapon built by a mysterious inventor in this throwback sci-fi entry with a double shot of 1950s retro kitch. As killer robots descend from the sky, a hapless police officer is abducted by a UFO and a young couple finds their romantic picnic rudely interrupted by the shiny metallic invaders. Though a doomsday weapon of unimaginable power may be mankind's only defense against the powerful invaders, it could also spell the end for the human race as we know it.
John Babcock
1988년에 진 폴 오를렛 감독이 러브 크래프트 원작을 각색하여 영화로 만든 작품. 내용은 1800년대 때 네크로노미콘을 연구하던 조슈아 윈쓰롭의 아내가 형용할 수 없는 여자 괴물 알라이자를 낳고 죽은 이후 나무 감옥에 유폐시켰지만, 세월이 지나면서 봉인의 효력이 약화되어 결국 풀려난 알라이자에 의해 죽음을 맞이하고 그 이후 집은 크래프트 일행에 의해 폐쇄되고 수백년이 흐른 뒤 현대에 이르러 다시 부활하면서 벌어지는 이야기