Charles Arling

Charles Arling

출생 : 1880-08-22, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

사망 : 1922-04-21

프로필 사진

Charles Arling

참여 작품

Her Night of Nights
Cyrus Bradley
Molly, a glamorous clothing model in New York, though yearning for a life of luxury, spurns the advances of her boss's son in favor of a shipping clerk, late of the backwoods.
A Daughter of the Law
Inspector Hayes
When Eddie, the son of a police officer, gets involved with a criminal gang, his sister tries to steer him away from crime.
The Vengeance Trail
Lady Killer Larson
When a couple of ranch hands frame a youngster in a rustling scheme and a bank robbery, the young man must prove that he is a man.
The Road Demon
Tom Mix trades horses for cars. Tom Higgins meets Patricia O'Malley whose father is a car manufacturer. O'Malley is hoping to land a contract with a Japanese firm, if only his car wins the Los Angeles-Phoenix auto race. Hap enters, but O'Malley's driver, Luther McCabe causes the race to be lost. Higgins discovers that McCabe is in league with O'Malley's competition, so for the next race, in Fresno, he takes over when McCabe drops out and wins the race.
Blue Streak McCoy
Howard Marlowe
Ranger Job "Blue Streak" McCoy helps a miner and his pretty young daughter who are trying to protect their valuable mine from a gang leader who wants to take it.
The Jack-Knife Man
The Doctor
A dying mother left his child with an old man, but the village people want to take the child away from him because he is too old.
The Desperate Hero
Joseph Plant
Henry Baird, a young newspaperman with a second-hand car but little money, decides to raffle off the car at a county picnic, so that he can take out his sweetheart, Mabel Darrow, the daughter of a wealthy businessman. However, as soon as Henry gets the money, his tailor demands that he pay off his debt. Also, youngsters set the car on fire before he can give to the winner, Joseph Plant, whose wife Evelyn was formerly Henry's sweetheart.
The Woman in Room 13
Laura Bruce is married to John Bruce, police commissioner. She discovers her husband is enjoying a drunken revel with another woman, and vows she will obtain a divorce. After doing so she weds Paul Ramsey. His employer, Dick Turner, a libertine, offers his a responsible position in the west, and she faces a long separation. Ramsey later learns that Turner is interested in his wife and engages a man to protect her, who happens to be her former husband.
In Old Kentucky
Horace Holten
Illiterate Blue Ridge Mountain girl Madge Brierly falls in love with vacationing Blue Grass aristocrat Frank Layson, when he stops Horace Holten from defrauding her of her coal-rich lands. For revenge, Holten tells moonshiner Joe Lorey, who loves Madge, that Frank is a revenue officer. After Madge rescues Frank from Joe's attack, they go to Frank's home, where he teaches her reading and writing, and she rescues his racehorse, Queen Bess, from a fire set by Holten. Because Frank has nearly all of his family's money riding on the big Kentucky race, Holten gets Frank's jockey drunk. Madge, discovering this, disguises herself and rides Queen Bess to victory. She leaves for home unnoticed, and comes across the Night Riders chasing Lorey. After she persuades them that Holten killed her father years earlier, and was responsible for Lorey's attack, they chase Holten who falls from a mountain and dies. Years later, Madge's and Frank's children play at feuding.
Back to God's Country
'Sealskin' Blake
After her father is killed by an outlaw, Dolores marries Peter. While they're at sea in the Arctic, Dolores meets the ship's captain, who is the man who killed her father. The captain causes an 'accident' to happen to Peter, so Dolores is all alone and defenceless as they drop anchor in a remote harbour.
Wagon Tracks
The Captain
Buckskin Hamilton guides a wagon train across the wasteland, caring well for the pioneers he escorts, but hoping to solve the murder of his brother by one of the travellers.
When their father is reported missing at the front during World War I, Jane and Katherine are stamped and sent by parcel post across the country to their Aunt Lucille Forrest in New Jersey. The two girls manage to smuggle their dog into the mail bag as well. Aunt Lucille is in love with Lt. Tom Hayes, but she is angry with him after he resigns his commission at the start of the war. She does not know that Tom is in the Secret Service, and she becomes jealous of a female spy whom Tom is trailing. Jane and Katherine's mischievous pranks finally assist in capturing the spy and the secret plans, and getting Aunt Lucille back together with Tom.
The Border Wireless
Herman Brandt
Cowhand Steve Ransom discovers that German spies are operating along Mexican border, relaying their radio messages into Mexico and thus on to Germany. The spies learn that Steve is a fugitive from American justice.
No Man's Land
Henry Miller
Free and easy Garrett Cope loves Katherine Gresham, but his rival, Henry Miller, who is really Heinrich Mueller, a World War I German spy, gets rid of Garrett by having him arrested for the murder of Pembroke Van Tuyl. While Garrett is in prison, Katherine marries Mueller, but Sidney Dundas, knowing that the German actually committed the crime, finally confesses, and Garrett is freed. Meanwhile, Mueller takes Katherine to a remote island called No Man's Land, which he uses as a base for blowing up Allied ships.
Mile-a-Minute Kendall
Mr. Kendall
Young Kendall struggles for acceptance in the eyes of his wealthy father, who sees him only as a layabout.
The Spirit of '17
John Edwards
Davy Glidden is the son of the adjutant general in charge of an old soldier's home in a small town near the Top Copper mine. Davy idolizes Capt. Jerico Norton, an aged veteran of the home who entertains the boy with stories of his exploits in the Civil War. When Mrs. Edward and her daughter Flora come to visit Mrs. Glidden, Davy is smitten by Flora but she ignores him. Davy is bursting with patriotism by the stories told to him by the captain and is eager of doing something noble to attract Flora's attention. He finds the opportunity to accomplish both goals when he overhears two German spies, Carl Bender and Frank Schmale, plotting to create havoc in the mine by calling a strike and then dynamiting the mine. Enlisting the aid of his friend Capt. Norton, Davy provides the means for the old soldiers to serve their country once again.
Chased Into Love
The Lawyer
The will of T.W. Glutz provides that his bashful nephew, Hank, will inherit the entire estate if married by 2 P.M. of a certain date. Hank loves a girl who lives fifty miles away, but his uncle's executor, a lawyer, arranges a marriage with a somewhat antiquated home product. At 1 P.M. on the appointed day, Hank is sleeping off the effects of the night before. He wakens with a fever, a raging thirst, and an awful taste, when the lawyer enters and tells him the bride is waiting. "And my heart is fifty miles away," sadly muses Hank.
The Selfish Woman
Thomas Morley Sr
A young engineer, Tom Morley, is building a railroad through Imperial Valley. Tom's father also wants the job, and tries to persuade his son to give up the work, but Tom refuses. Tom falls for a society girl named Alice Hale, who marries him to bring prestige to her family. Initially, Alice plots against Tom, but Tom wins her over and they work together to defeat those who are plotting to destroy Tom's work.
A Favorite Fool
The Ringmaster
Arling, ringmaster of a small wagon circus, abuses Polly and her seven children. Foy, a farmhand, sympathizes with her and she decides to quit her place as trapeze woman in the show and get other work. She sends her brood to the poorhouse, and Foy, ignorant of her flock, makes love to her and is accepted.
Court House Crooks
Judge Grey
A farce involving a judge, his young wife, and the DA she's seeing.
The Cannon Ball
The Powder Demonstrator
An explosives and black powder expert visits a powder factory in order to inspect it, but when he appears to be more interested in its female workers, an explosive situation results.
The Music Teacher - the Suitor's Rival
A man falls in love with a piano player and tries to woo her. A passerby hears a maid's music, fancies he's found his true love, and chats her up. Her boyfriend arrives for his music lesson and jealously dismisses the interloper, who swipes a grinder's organ (and monkey) to help him serenade the maid. Later he follows the boyfriend to a residence hotel and plants a bomb in the man's piano. The organ-grinder is gunning for the thief, and soon the piano, bomb, monkey, thief, and pistol-packing grinder are rolling down the road to the delight of maid and lover. It's ka-boom for some and a kiss for others.
Droppington's Devilish Deed
Actor / The Devil
Droppington's Devilish Deed
A One Night Stand
The Actor
Two clownish stagehands make life difficult for the manager and cast of a dramatic production.
That Little Band Of Gold
Maitre D' (uncredited)
A happy young couple become engaged, and soon afterwards they are married. But after their marriage, the husband begins to stay out carousing with his friends, leaving his wife at home with her mother. Then, when the three of them go to the opera together, the husband spots one of his friends in another box. Soon the domestic difficulties reach their peak.
Detective Craig's Coup
Billy's Séance
Billy is out for a stroll when he spies a prepossessing-looking young woman. He follows and she enters the office of a spiritualist. Producing a tip, he is initiated into the mysteries of table rocking and other occult practices and becomes interested. In the séance he is impressed with the idea that he is out to mystify his friends, and the soothsayer sells him a book, which explains all about it. Repairing to the club he cons the book and engages in experiments. The results are magical and he hastens to announce the fact to his friends. They are skeptical and treat his efforts lightly. They make all manner of sport of his demonstrations and Billy waxes wroth. He is rudely disturbed and casts about for a method of revenge. Adjoining the room is the electrical apparatus and Billy enlists the services of the electrician by means of a generous bribe. A wire is strung to the table and the plans carefully made to humiliate the unbelievers.
The Rival Brothers' Patriotism
Two brothers, of good old New England stock. Love the same maid, but she loves one a great deal more than the other, so when war breaks out Jim decides to go, and is one of the first volunteers. His brother follows him almost immediately and the next few weeks are taken up in camp. Both brothers win favor and promotion and have a record for daring. Once when the mail arrived at camp, Jim gets a letter, opens it and reads what was never intended for his eyes. It is a love letter from the girl to his brother and he had opened it by mistake.
Artful Kate
The story opens with a pretty love scene between the Lieutenant and his betrothed, Kate Stanley. Hammond is ordered to join his regiment in Cuba and Kate is heartbroken. He tells her they must part, and the girl decides to be brave. She exacts from him a promise that he will be true to her, and not indulge in any flirtations with the dark-eyed senoritas she has been told lure men from their vows of constancy in the land of flowers. Hammond is only too willing to swear eternal constancy. Kate places in his watch case a photograph of herself, kisses her manly soldier, and the leave-taking is very affectionate. The scene reverts to Cuba, Lieutenant Hammond arrives, and is impressed with the country. Kate, having relatives in Havana, receives an invitation to pay them a visit and eagerly accepts, thinking she will meet her lover. She is apprised of his arrival at Havana, and, knowing the predilection of soldiers to flirt, resolves to investigate.
At the Duke's Command
The Hunchback
When the Cat's Away
Parker, The Husband
Mr. and Mrs. Parker leave their apartment to the care of their servants, Riley and his wife, while Mrs. Parker pays an extended visit to her mother, and Mr. Parker makes a business trip. Riley assists at the going away and the furniture is covered with care. Riley finds the need of some ready money, and he resolves to turn a penny his way by letting the apartments in the absence of his master and mistress.
The Dream
The Dream Man (uncredited)
A loutish husband neglects his patient, loving wife to enjoy a night on the town. When he comes home drunk and irritable, he mistreats her. Then he falls asleep, and has a dream that causes him to reconsider the way that he treats his wife.
In the Border States
During the Civil War, a father living in a border state leaves to join the Union Army. After he leaves, Confederate troops forage on his property, where a soldier encounters one of his daughters. The father himself is wounded on a hazardous mission and must run for his life, pursued by Confederate soldiers.