David Jean Thomas

참여 작품

Black Limousine
A ghost story set in the city of dreams (IMDb.com).
Casino Croupier
샤토 마몬트 호텔 59호에 장기투숙하고 있는 유명배우 조니. 늘 누군가의 시선을 의식하고 화려한 파티와 시상식 촬영이 일상이다보니 웬만한 자극에는 반응하지 않을 만큼 감각이 무뎌져 있다. 영화 홍보를 위한 사진 촬영과 인터뷰 그리고 또 다른 영화 촬영 스탭들에 둘러싸여 스케줄에 따라 움직이는 스타 자신의 인생이 아닌 남의 인생을 살고 대중이 원하는 이미지로 살아야 하다보니 일상으로 돌아온 조니는 진짜 자기 모습을 잃어버린 것 같다. 그에게는 11살된 딸 클리오가 있다. 피겨 스케이트를 배우는 딸을 위해 라이드를 해주는 아빠이기도 하다. 어느날, 예고도 없이 클리오가 호텔로 찾아왔다. 열흘 남짓 캠프를 가기 전까지 클리오를 돌봐야 한다. 클리오의 엄마는 어디가는지 언제오는지 말도 없이 그냥 클리오를 맡겼다. 조니와 클리오 엄마와의 관계가 정리되었는지 어떤지 설명이 없다. 다만 이혼했을꺼라는 짐작뿐... 조니는 클리오와 함께 밥을 먹고 수영을 하고 게임도 하고 조니의 친구들을 만나기도 하고 해외 시상식에도 함께 참석하는 등 조니의 스케줄을 따라 다니며 함께 시간을 보낸다. 캠프를 떠나는 클리오 엄마는 언제 돌아올지 모르고 아빠는 함께 있어주지 않는다고 눈물을 흘리는데 조니는 감각이 되살아나는 것을 느낀다. 아~ 나는 나쁜 아빠인가 보다라는 자각과 함께... 클리오가 떠난 뒤 조니 혼자남은 호텔방의 무료함을 이제는 견딜 수 없다. 조니는 체크아웃을 하고 어.딘.가.로 떠난다.
지.아이.조: 전쟁의 서막
Foreign General
타고난 재능과 강인한 결단력을 지닌 특수부대 대위 듀크는 가공할 파괴력의 최첨단 무기를 운반하는 임무 중 정체불명의 공격으로 팀원들을 모두 잃는다. 무기를 노리고 공격을 해온 이들은 인류를 위협하는 테러리스트 군단 코브라. 치명적인 매력으로 일급 기밀을 손에 넣어 전세계를 파괴하려는 코브라의 계획에 앞장선 배로니스와 선과 악의 구분 없이 주어진 임무만을 수행하는 비밀 병기 스톰 쉐도우가 속한 코브라 군단에 맞서기 위해 전세계 최정예 엘리트 멤버들만이 모인 특수군단 지.아이.조가 투입되고, 듀크 역시 이에 합류한다. 그리고, 이집트 사막부터 극지의 빙하에 이르기까지 불가능도 실패도 없는 두 군단 지.아이.조와 코브라의 격돌이 시작되는데…
Angry Homeless Man
매일 특종을 쫓으며 가족도 친구도 멀어지면서 삶에 지쳐가던 LA 타임즈 기자 로페즈는 어느 날 우연히 길 한복판에서 바이올린을 연주하는 나다니엘과 마주친다. 무심코 지나치기엔 어딘가 특별해 보이는 나다니엘과 이야기를 나누던 중 로페즈는 그가 줄리어드 음대 출신의 천재 음악가이지만 현재는 혼란스러운 정신 분열로 재능을 펼치지 못하는 사실을 알게 된다. 그의 안타까운 이야기를 기사로 연재하며 로페즈는 그를 점점 알게 되고, 그를 도와 재능을 다시 찾아주려 하지만 나다니엘은 그의 호의를 쉽게 받아들이지 못하는데…
God's Ears
Noah Connelly is a boxer with a tireless opponent: Autism. But when he meets a dancer named Alexia, the two discover together that the toughest fight may be not be of the body, but of the heart.
Nikolai, a Russian hit-man escapes from his adversaries into the streets of Los Angeles. He is taken into the household of Lesley and her son Johnny. In exchange for refuge, Nikolai repairs the single mother's decaying house and symbolically mends fences between everyday people of Russia and the U.S. When enemies get too close to his new home, Nikolai makes his escape to Montana.
The Minis
Game Announcer
A talented team of basketball players made up of little people enters a tournament to help a teammate's son go to college.
During their nightly poker game a group of lowlifes are terrorized in their own convenience store by a masked killer.
Voodoo Moon
Voodoo Moon takes place in the mid-west United States, where a demonic figure murders the entire population of a small town, save for one young boy and his sister. Twenty years later, the boy has been consumed with trying to track the devil down and now he thinks he's found him. His sister is now an artist who has developed psychic abilities which enable her to sense disaster, visions she expresses in her art. The two siblings work together in fighting the devil, and also get the assistance of several people they have helped over the years
Two time travelers with opposing views are sent back to the present aboard a research ship in the Antarctic to prevent a global biological disaster from occuring
The Drone Virus
Dr. Caine
The unthinkable strikes when the advanced MRI scanner within a hospital forces Dr. Colleen O'Brian to choose between her superiors and a desperate father who has lost a child to the scanner before the it claims its next victim.
A Night In Compton
Mr. Bell
James Bishop is a young psychology resident, excited about his new job at St. Andrews Mental Hospital and the chance to help severely ill patients. The excitement changes to puzzlement, concern and finally terror as some of those patients mysteriously die and James' efforts to find the cause results in increasingly strange behavior from the St. Andrews staff. Things begin to clarify when James finally encounters the Harvester...
Straight From the Heart
Jesse Syms
Jordan Donavan, a photographer in New York, is so disappointed when after five years of going steady Edward Morgan offers her not marriage but just to move in with him, that she accepts the match-making arranged via a magazine by her female friend with Tyler Ross, a horse rancher in the West, whose candidacy was actually also posted by his sister. After a bad start they soon grow closer.
Demon Under Glass
Leroy Smith
The city of Los Angeles is being terrorized by a serial killer who preys on youthful females and bleeds them dry after abusing them. With no calling card, no tangible forensic evidence and a growing list of victims, a specialty force made up of highly skilled authorities is called in. When one of their own goes in to trap the killer, will she come out alive, or will the killer have the upper hand?
Mr. Jones
A woman is released from prison and heads home to help outwit a local mob boss and pull off the scam of a lifetime.
Sexual Predator
A female parole officer unwittingly gets involved with a handsome photographer who might be a serial killer.
Tha Eastsidaz
Double O.G.
Snap, Crackle, and Pop are top dogs in the Eastsidaz gang in Long Beach. Pop, also known as Killa, is the alpha dog. He has Crackle and Snap set up a big drug deal that's going to put him on easy street. But Crackle and Snap have their own agenda: they kill the suppliers, take a suitcase of money, and set up Killa to take the fall. Stuck in the state pen in Chino, Killa has his gang figure out what really happened while he hatches an escape plan. Meanwhile, Crackle has kidnaped Killa's sweetie, Booboo, and the government has confiscated his assets. Can Killa Pop escape Chino, rescue Booboo, exact revenge, find the loot, and elude the police? Written by
Future Murder
Surgeon Simon Thorne suffers from paranoia, obsessions and hallucinations, and loses both his wife and his job. But then he meets a couple from one of his dreams where they kill him. So he has to kill them first.
Bronto Crane Examiner
둘도 없는 친구 프레드 플린스톤과 친구 바니 러블은 방금 공룡 기중기 학교를 졸업하여 '베드 락'에 취직한다. 한편, 윌마 슬래우플(전편에서 프레드의 부인으로 나오는)은 지도자이자 대지주인 슬패우플의 상속녀이지만, 호화로운 생활을 즐기는 그녀의 어머니와는 달리 자신의 삶이 무미건조하고 따라서 불행하다고 느낀다. 그녀의 현재 최고 고민은 칩 록펠러(!)와의 결혼이 내정된 상태라는 점인데, 록펠러는 비록 '캐디록'을 몰고 다니고 '프린스톤' 대학에서도 1등을 차지하는 사람이지만 윌마에게 있어서 그는 따분한 사람일 뿐이다. 고민 끝에 가출을 단행한 그녀는 '베드록'에서 베티 오세일(전편에서 바니의 부인)을 만나는데, 둘은 멜록 팰리스에서 살면서 '브론토 킹'에서 일하게 된다. 그러던 중 윌마와 프레드는 황당한 첫 데이트를 치른 후에 사랑에 빠지고 그 사이에 베티와 바니 역시 둘도 없는 사이가 된다. 두 커플은 '록 베가스'로 로맨틱한 주말 여행을 떠나는데...
크로우: 구원의 손길
애인 로렌을 잔혹하게 살해한 누명을 쓰고 전기 의자에 앉아 사형에 처해진 주인공 알렉스(에릭 마비우스)는 복수를 위해 부활한다. 로렌을 살해한 '미스터리 맨'을 추적하던 중 알렉스는 이 '미스터리 맨'보다 더욱 미스터리한 사건에 접한다. 로렌의 동생 에린(커스틴 던스트)의 도움을 빌어 사건의 실체에 접근하던 알렉스는 로렌의 끔찍한 죽음에 그녀의 아버지가 개입됐다는 사실을 알고 경악한다.
육체의 거래
Judge Atkins
Forbidden Sins는 로버트 안젤로가 감독 한 에로틱 스릴러 영화입니다. 2000 년 4 월 18 일에 출시 된이 영화에는 Shannon Tweed와 Amy Lindsay가 출연합니다.
파이트 클럽
자동차 회사의 리콜 심사관으로 일하는 주인공(에드워드 노튼)은 일상의 무료함과 공허함 속에서 늘 새로운 탈출을 꿈꾼다. 그는 비행기에서 자신을 비누 제조업자라고 소개하는 타일러 더든(브래드 피트)을 만난다. 집에 돌아온 주인공은 아파트가 누군가에 의해 폭파되었음을 발견하고, 타일러에게 도움을 청해 함께 생활하게 된다. 어느 날 밤 타일러는 주인공에게 자신을 때려달라고 부탁한다. 사람은 싸워봐야 진정한 자신을 알 수 있다는 것이다. 결국 이들은 매주 토요일 밤 술집 지하에서 맨주먹으로 격투를 벌이는 파이트 클럽을 결성하기에 이르는데...
Dark Nova
A former criminal, blackmailed into one last heist, seeks revenge on the partners who double-crossed her.
In the 22nd century, seven explorers set out on a mission to earth's nearest sister planet, AURORA. Their mission - to survey and explore for future colonization. When their ship suddenly malfunctions, the crew is forced to crash land on the planet's surface, where crippling heat, poisonous water, and fierce storms threaten their lives at every turn. With a handful of supplies and little hope of rescue, their only option is a grueling four hundred mile trek to their ship's lost supply bunkers. To survive, the men will have to push their endurance to the limit and entrust their lives to a leader who will risk everything to succeed, no matter what the consequences.
별난 커플 2
Bus Driver
68년작 '별난 커플'의 속편으로, 전작의 두 배우가 그대로 다시 출연한다. 주인공인 오스카와 펠릭스는 로스앤젤레스 국제공항에서 다시 만나 산말리나에서 열리는 자녀들의 결혼식에 참석하기 위해 차를 빌리고, 산말리나로의 여행을 하는데...
The Advanced Guard
Cop 1
A group of aliens arrive on Earth as part of an advance invasion force. Their mission is to kidnap a small sample of humans and run them through a series of rigorous tests to determine if they would make suitable slaves. Harper, one of the alien experimenters, has beceme frustrated with her planet's endless cycle of conquest and extermination and begins to feel some sympathy for her human captives. While the prisoners see a glimmer of hope in the compassionate alien, will it be any use in stopping the enormous attack fleet just a few days from Earth?
Buffalo Soldiers
Cpl. Roseman Lloyd
They've ridden dusty miles without end and fought fierce battles. Yet when these brave African-American cavalrymen enter a scraggly frontier town, they must walk through it instead of ride. The town dishonors them but the soldiers' Native-American foes do not. Apache leader Victoria and other warriors give the horsemen a name of honor and strength: "Buffalo Soldiers". The troopers' daring hunt for Victorio frames this stirring tribute to the former slaves and other African-Americans of the 9th and 10th U.S. Calvary Regiments. Danny Glover, Mykelti Williamson, Glynn Turman, Carl Lumbly and Michael Warren star in an adventure bringing to light that largely unknown story and the unique moral dilemma the men faced. Atten-hut! "Buffalo Soldiers are riding" through town.
My Son Is Innocent
After a brutal nighttime attack on a woman alone in her suburban home, police investigators zero in on teenager Eric Sutter. When the victim identifies Sutter as her attacker, the legal system closes in on the boy as friends, neighbors and the media turn against him. Only through the dogged determination of his mother, and her loyal boyfriend does Eric and the victim have a chance for justice to be served.
Killing Cupid
This "Best Fiction Film Winner"* follows Valentine, a female assassin who is trapped in a room with one of her marks during the last few minutes of his life. The moment changes her own life as she vows to give up the business and seek redemption by finding the son of the man she has killed. But once in the small desert town of "Godfree", which may or may not be stranger than the world she has just left, her old life returns to haunt her. Convinced she has joined forces with an elusive ex-assassin named "Cupid", her former comrades hunt her down and soon discover that some things are not what they appear.... *Hollywood Documentary And Fiction Film Festival (2006)
Joe's Rotten World
Police Sergeant
Joe has been wasting his life writing an unpublished, voluminous book about the ills of modern society. His wife, Annie, is fed up and leaves him.
The Other Woman
Gas Station Owner
After the divorce from Michael, Tessa raises her daughters Kate and Lara alone. None of them can stand Michael's new young wife Carolyn, a model. But when Tessa learns that she's suffering from cancer and soon will die, she tries to get her kids to accept Carolyn as new mother. She takes them on a trip across the country to her father Jacob's ranch in Wyoming. During this trip, Tessa tries to teach Carolyn about the responsibilities involved in raising kids.
Tornado Run
John Sherman
"First Strike" pilots have the mission of destroying nuclear arms that have fallen into the hands of bandits.
Wish Me Luck
Dr. Riddle
When a beautiful genie accepts an evil sorcerer’s challenge, she has 48 hours to break a terrible curse. She must help a mortal nerd attain his “manhood,” or she will be doomed to a thousand years as the sorcerer’s slave. All without the help of her magic! What happens next is a hilarious romp through Oak Valley Junior College, as “Jeannie” enlists the help of three beautiful cheerleaders, and battles a trio of nasty jocks, to break the curse before the clock runs out. “Jeannie’s” journey takes her through astronomy class, cheerleading try-outs, and a provocative lingerie party. WISH ME LUCK is a sexy comedy with warmth, laughs and most of all….magic!
Deadly Diversions
The computer disc held all the answers and all the dangers. Drake, an everyday man suddenly faces unknown dangers from everywhere - all after the disc. Who can he trust? The man in the black suit? The girl next door who just moved in
Dr. Elgin
A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.
L.A. Wars
Captain Roark
As the drug war rages, a powerful Mafia kingpin and rich drug lord battle for control of Los Angeles streets.
Rule No. 3
Captain Hampton
Fact-based story of a con artist (Mitchell Cox, who also scripted and directed) who juggles two swindles while trying to avoid the law.
Double Cross
Police Sgt. Thomas
A troubled, but goodhearted artist and motorcycle rider struggles to stay on the straight and narrow when he has easy access to drugs, orgies and a lucrative car theft racket.
Cause of Death
Lt. Detective Weller
Colombian Drug Lord Mannel Ramirez is lured to Los Angles to retrieve his millions in Blood Money after the chance death of his brother. Jeff Rollins, who is a DEA agent, is alerted to Ramirez' arrival by his partner Harold McBain. Ramirez is tough and smells a double-cross. A trail of death follows Ramirez after he arrives in L.A. The last man in his way is Jeff, who he quickly stabs. But is it safe for Ramirez to get his money from a bank vault that only he can open? Jeff Rollins, left for dead, reaches his younger brother Campbell before he dies, Campbell, a college senior, and his girlfriend Jessica, are now involved. Campbell, an unlikely hero, is now caught in a double intrigue and must avenge his brother's death. He is willing to stop Ramirez at any cost.`