Barnabás Tóth

Barnabás Tóth

출생 : 1977-12-09, Strasbourg - France

프로필 사진

Barnabás Tóth

참여 작품

Bereményi kalapja
살아남은 사람들
제2차 세계대전 직후 헝가리 부다페스트. 부모가 행방불명 된 소녀 ‘클라라’는 홀로코스트로 가족을 모두 잃은 의사 ‘알도’를 만나 나이를 뛰어넘는 친구가 된다. 점점 딸과 아버지처럼 서로를 돌보며, 오랫동안 잊고 살아온 삶의 달콤함과 따뜻함을 다시 맛본다. 하지만 스탈린 지배 하의 경직된 헝가리 사회는 둘의 관계를 차갑게 예의주시하는데… 시대의 비극 속에서도 온기를 잃지 않은 아름다운 사람들의 이야기가 시작된다.
살아남은 사람들
제2차 세계대전 직후 헝가리 부다페스트. 부모가 행방불명 된 소녀 ‘클라라’는 홀로코스트로 가족을 모두 잃은 의사 ‘알도’를 만나 나이를 뛰어넘는 친구가 된다. 점점 딸과 아버지처럼 서로를 돌보며, 오랫동안 잊고 살아온 삶의 달콤함과 따뜻함을 다시 맛본다. 하지만 스탈린 지배 하의 경직된 헝가리 사회는 둘의 관계를 차갑게 예의주시하는데… 시대의 비극 속에서도 온기를 잃지 않은 아름다운 사람들의 이야기가 시작된다.
Babu, a fifteen-year-old boy from a small village in Konkan (Maharashtra), has not met his mother for many years due to her work in Paris. The boy and his uncle, who is entrusted with the responsibility of taking him to his mother, start their journey to Paris, which turns out to be an unforgettable sojourn for them. Babu's quest to meet his mother with the help of his uncle reveals many dimensions of human nature, feelings, and emotions.
During a professional conference in Prague, two interpreters in the Hungarian booth hilariously vie for the attention of one listener.
During a professional conference in Prague, two interpreters in the Hungarian booth hilariously vie for the attention of one listener.
Van egy határ
Van egy határ
The Boy on the Train
An American film director screening his new film in Budapest meets one of the subjects of that film. What begins as a simple chat over coffee turns into an alternately comic and suspenseful road trip.
나만의 네비게이션
교통 체증 속에 놓인 노년의 부부. 아내는 떠들고 경고하고 명령한다. 아내는 경찰이자, GPS이며 평론가이다. 남편은 성내면서 반기를 든다. 이 영화는 그들의 세상이 어떻게 돌아가는지에 대한 것이다. 그러나 인생은 끝없는 재구성이지 않은가...
피카소: 명작스캔들
1907년, 파리에 정착한 가난한 예술가 파블로 피카소는 몇 달간 매달린 충격의 문제작 ‘아비뇽의 처녀들’을 공개하지만 거장 마티스를 비롯한 예술계의 외면을 받을 뿐이다. 피카소는 그의 화풍을 지지한 단 한 사람, 조르주 브라크와 함께 입체파를 창시하고 점차 돈과 명성을 얻게 되지만 첫사랑 페르낭드와의 사이가 삐걱대기 시작한다. 그러던 어느날 피카소의 절친 기욤 아폴리네르가 모나리자 도난사건에 휘말리게 되면서 파리 전체가 발칵 뒤집히는데…
Location Hunting 2.
Seven years have passed since we left our Director disappear in the purple fog somewhere on the Hungarian Puszta along with his faithful fellow, the D.O.P. This year a hard disk has been found, proving that their appetite for creation did not fade. Or did it?
Location Hunting 2.
Seven years have passed since we left our Director disappear in the purple fog somewhere on the Hungarian Puszta along with his faithful fellow, the D.O.P. This year a hard disk has been found, proving that their appetite for creation did not fade. Or did it?
Location Hunting 2.
Seven years have passed since we left our Director disappear in the purple fog somewhere on the Hungarian Puszta along with his faithful fellow, the D.O.P. This year a hard disk has been found, proving that their appetite for creation did not fade. Or did it?
Camembert Rose
19-year old Dani Papp lives with his father Tibor, a sex-obsessed and hedonistic gynecologist who pushes his young son to follow in his footsteps. Dani is his exact opposite, shy and romantic, looking for true love instead of sex. A trip to France to visit his musician uncle helps him to understand his own personality and his relationship to his father.
Camembert Rose
19-year old Dani Papp lives with his father Tibor, a sex-obsessed and hedonistic gynecologist who pushes his young son to follow in his footsteps. Dani is his exact opposite, shy and romantic, looking for true love instead of sex. A trip to France to visit his musician uncle helps him to understand his own personality and his relationship to his father.
Camembert Rose
19-year old Dani Papp lives with his father Tibor, a sex-obsessed and hedonistic gynecologist who pushes his young son to follow in his footsteps. Dani is his exact opposite, shy and romantic, looking for true love instead of sex. A trip to France to visit his musician uncle helps him to understand his own personality and his relationship to his father.
Location Hunting
A zonked-out student director and his responsive D.O.P. friend are hunting for location to their new black and white movie in the great Hungarian desert. Strictly fiction?
Location Hunting
A zonked-out student director and his responsive D.O.P. friend are hunting for location to their new black and white movie in the great Hungarian desert. Strictly fiction?
Location Hunting
A zonked-out student director and his responsive D.O.P. friend are hunting for location to their new black and white movie in the great Hungarian desert. Strictly fiction?
Child Murders
A melodrama about children, the child murders that the film’s title refers to are the million and one ways that children’s souls are ravaged by neglect, unkindness and cruelty, even though several physical deaths take place in the story.
Stefan Berghaus
19세기 동유럽의 작은 항구 마을. 9살 소녀 ‘라우린’은 아빠(아르네), 엄마(플로라), 할머니(올가) 와 함께 숲 속 오두막집에서 살고 있다. 선원인 아빠는 한번 집을 나서면 길게는 반년 동안 배를 탄다 아빠가 배를 타던 날, 엄마는 아빠를 배웅하고 돌아오던 길에 살인 사건을 목격한 후 그만 다리에서 떨어져 익사하고 만다 사고가 있은지 2년 후 할머니 올가는 아들이 바다로 떠나면 늙고 몸 불편한 내가 어린 라우린을 돌봐야 한다며 불안해한다 이제 배는 그만 타라는 할머니의 당부를 아빠는 무시하고 다시 떠나간다 라우린은 할머니와 단둘이 남게 되었다 아빠의 부재와 엄마의 죽음으로 라우린은 혼란스런 사춘기를 보내고 있다 한편 마을 목사 아들인 ‘반 리스’가 2년 만에 고향에 돌아와 초등학교 교사로 부임하게 된다 어려운 형편인 자신을 도와줘서일까? 라우린은 새로 부임한 선생님에게 호감을 느낀다 그러던 어느 날 라우린의 친구 스테판이 실종되면서 2년 전에 있었던 소년 실종사건의 악몽이 되살아난다
The Pregnant Papa
Józsi fia
In the small village of Rátót, every male is called Béla. When a woman gives birth to her child, she names him Józsi...
The Midas Touch
Valkó Imi
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
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