Tom Flynn

출생 : 1955-08-10, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA

참여 작품

1925년 겨울, 최고의 썰매개 조련사인 레온하드 세팔라와 그의 개썰매팀 선두견 토고의 알려지지 않은 실화에 관한 영화다. 디프테리아 혈청을 작은 마을 '놈'으로 가져오기 위해 세팔라와 토고는 위험을 무릅쓰고 거친 알래스카 툰드라를 향한 감동적이고 희망찬 모험을 시작한다. 그리고 이것은 그들의 강인함과 용기, 결단력을 시험하는 여정이 된다.
어메이징 메리
해변가 조용한 마을에서 삼촌 프랭크(크리스 에반스)와 함께 살아가는 7살 수학 천재 소녀 메리(맥케나 그레이스). 메리가 학교에 들어가면서 그녀의 천부적 재능은 세상에 알려지기 시작하고, 세계적인 수학계 저명인사이자 메리의 할머니인 에블린(린제이 던칸)은 그녀가 세상을 바꿀 수학자가 되기를 희망한다. 바닷가에서 뛰어놀기 보다 어려운 수학문제 풀기를 즐거워하는 메리 그리고, 그녀에게 세상이 필요로 하는 수학자의 길을 열어주고자 하는 할머니. 촉망받는 천재 수학자였지만 불행한 죽음을 맞은 여동생과 약속한 메리의 평범하고 행복한 삶을 위해 이를 반대하는 삼촌 프랭크. 이들의 바람은 결국 특별한 천재 소녀 메리를 둘러싼 법적 분쟁으로 번지는데… 7살 사랑스러운 천재 소녀 메리의 선택은 어느 쪽일까? 과연 그녀는 행복해질 수 있을까?
Second String
American football coach Chuck Dichter has worked wonders with the Buffalo Bills, and is even confident to crown his career with a Super Bowl victory, but before the play-offs an oyster food-poisoning wipes out his first team for a month. Dan Heller, an insurance salesman and former college quarterback, who was hired -relactantly, but his wife twisted his arm- just for practice, now has to captain and train a bunch of rookies and old-timers against the hardest adversaries. Dichter decides to sign up triple Super Bowl-winner Tommy Baker in Dan's place...
Second String
American football coach Chuck Dichter has worked wonders with the Buffalo Bills, and is even confident to crown his career with a Super Bowl victory, but before the play-offs an oyster food-poisoning wipes out his first team for a month. Dan Heller, an insurance salesman and former college quarterback, who was hired -relactantly, but his wife twisted his arm- just for practice, now has to captain and train a bunch of rookies and old-timers against the hardest adversaries. Dichter decides to sign up triple Super Bowl-winner Tommy Baker in Dan's place...
Watch It
Mike, Danny, and Rick are grown men who share a house in Chicago. They take on a fourth house mate, John, who is Mike's estranged first cousin. John's welcome to the house is crowned by his introduction to a game of perpetual pranks called "Watch it!" When not playing pranks on each other, the three men spend their time womanizing, avoiding commitment, treating women badly, and talking about women in the coarsest terms. John, somewhat of a drifter with a fear of commitment, is nonetheless a man apart from this trio of feckless cowards. He takes a shine to Anne, recently jilted by his cousin Mike. Meanwhile, Rick is doing his best to ruin a promising relationship with the fetching and sincere Ellen. How Annie, Ellen, Rick, Mike, and John sort out (or fail to sort out) their social lives becomes the focus of the movie.
Watch It
Mike, Danny, and Rick are grown men who share a house in Chicago. They take on a fourth house mate, John, who is Mike's estranged first cousin. John's welcome to the house is crowned by his introduction to a game of perpetual pranks called "Watch it!" When not playing pranks on each other, the three men spend their time womanizing, avoiding commitment, treating women badly, and talking about women in the coarsest terms. John, somewhat of a drifter with a fear of commitment, is nonetheless a man apart from this trio of feckless cowards. He takes a shine to Anne, recently jilted by his cousin Mike. Meanwhile, Rick is doing his best to ruin a promising relationship with the fetching and sincere Ellen. How Annie, Ellen, Rick, Mike, and John sort out (or fail to sort out) their social lives becomes the focus of the movie.