Philip Tonge

Philip Tonge

출생 : 1897-04-26, Hampstead, Middlesex, England, UK

사망 : 1959-01-28

프로필 사진

Philip Tonge

참여 작품

Fury River
General Amherst
Rogers Rangers fight the French & Indians in Canada while searching for a waterway which will lead to this ocean.
Mission of Danger
General Amherst
After his Rangers are caught during a raid, a major must infiltrate the French army to save his men.
Invisible Invaders
Dr. Adam Penner
Aliens, contacting scientist Adam Penner, inform him that they have been on the moon for twenty thousand years, undetected due to their invisibility, and have now decided to annihilate humanity unless all the nations of earth surrender immediately. Sequestered in an impregnable laboratory trying to find the aliens' weakness, Penner, his daughter, a no-nonsense army major and a squeamish scientist are attacked from outside by the aliens, who have occupied the bodies of the recently deceased.
Frontier Rangers
General Amherst
A pastiche of three episodes from the 1958 TV series Northwest Passage, stitched together as a feature and released theatrically in Europe.
Jode Wetherby
After his wife and her blind sister have died under his care, a doctor's small daughter is kidnapped and reported as buried alive, and he is given just five hours to find and rescue her.
검찰 측 증인
Inspector Hearne
남편 레너드를 사랑하는 부인 크리스틴은 살인죄로 구속되자 검사측 증인이 되어 남편 레너드의 범죄를 증언한다. 그 때 정체불명의 여인이 나타나법정에 크리스틴 필적의 편지를 공개해 크리스틴은 위증죄로 걸리게 되고 남편은 석방된다. 하지만 이것은 남편을 구하기 위해 크리스틴이 꾸민 계략이다. 그렇지만 석방된 남편은 애인 다이애너와 달아나 버린다. 세계적인 추리소설가 애거서 크리스티의 <검찰 측 증인>을 각색하여, 인간의 추잡한 욕망을 지능적이고 긴장감 넘치는 법정 스릴러로 밀도 있게 그려낸 걸작이다. 배우들의 탄탄한 연기력이 돋보이지만, 단연 1930~40년대 섹스 심벌로 유명했던 마를렌 디트리히의 악녀 연기가 압권이다.
레스 걸스
Associate Judge
After writing a tell-all book about her days in the dance troupe "Barry Nichols and Les Girls", Sybil Wren is sued for libeling her fellow dancer Angele. A Rashômon style narrative presents the story from three points of view where Sybil accuses Angele of having an affair with Barry, while Angele insists that it was actually Sybil who was having the affair. Finally, Barry gives his side of the story.
The Peacemaker
Elijah Maddox
A former gunfighter who went to prison but then took up religion arrives in a western town as the new preacher. There he finds a feud between the ranchers and the farmers. The Railroad Agent is after the ranchers land and has his men causing all the trouble. The new preacher sets out to bring the two sides together and he says he will not need a gun.
Mr. Baxter, Footman
Rich momma's boy Wade Kingsley Jr. an Eastern dude, tries to follow in his murdered father's footsteps by returning to the West to partner up with Slim Moseley Jr.,the son of his father's former partner. Wade overcomes Slim's initial reluctance to accept him by using his fortune to buy a prize cow and new car to help Slim in his job as foreman on the Kingsley family ranch, currently under siege by a gang of outlaws called "masked raiders." Wade generously tries to pay off the ranch's mortgage with $15,000 of his own money, but unfortunately neither "pardner" realizes that respected banker Dan Hollis, the son of their fathers' murderer, is the leader of the gang.
Blithe Spirit
Dr. Bradman
Television adaptation of Noël Coward's famous play about an unhappily married man plagued by the spirit of his dead previous wife.
Desert Sands
Cpl. McTavish
The French Foreign Legion battles rebellious Arabs in North Africa.
The Prodigal
A wealthy young Hebrew traveling in Damascus renounces his faith after he is seduced by an alluring pagan priestess and cheated of his fortune by the High Priest as well.
1세기에 로마에 노예로 팔려간 그리스인 조각가는 예수의 제자들로부터 예수가 최후의 만찬에서 마신 포도주 잔을 디자인하라는 주문을 받는다. 하지만 로마인들과 네로 황제는 예수의 은술잔은 파괴하려 한다. 자만심에 가득 차있던 시몬은 네로 황제에게 이 계획을 이룰 수 있게 하겠다고 공언한다. 시몬은 자신의 능력을 과시하려고 바벨탑을 만들어 그 위에서 뛰어내려 하늘을 날아감으로써 하느님에 대항할 수 있다고 단언하는데...
트랙 오브 더 캣
Pa Bridges
A family saga: In a stunning mountain valley ranch setting near Aspen, complex and dangerous family dynamics play out against the backdrop of the first big snowstorm of winter and an enormous panther with seemingly mythical qualities which is killing cattle.
Ricochet Romance
Mr. Webster
Marjorie Main is the whole show in the Universal programmer Ricochet Romance. Playing the outspoken new cook at a rundown dude ranch, Marjorie forces everyone around her to pitch in and bring some life back into the place. She also sets her sights on old layabout Chill Wills, scheming to rope the critter into marriage. Veteran comedy director Charles W. Lamont moves the proceedings along with style, never missing an opportunity for a low-comedy slapstick turn. The most surprising aspect of Ricochet Romance is that it is not an entry in Marjorie Main's Ma and Pa Kettle series.
거상의 길
Planter John Ralph
우렁찬 코끼리 울음소리로 시작하는 이 모험 액션영화는, 실론의 정글속에서 벌어지는 남녀간의 로맨스와 삼각관계의 갈등 코끼리떼와 벌이는 인간의 대결구조가 볼 만한 부담없는 작품이다. 이 영화는 아프리카가 무대가 아니라 실론 (지금의 인도네시아) 차 농장이 그 무대로 결혼한 지 얼마안된 여주인공 루스 윌리 (엘리자베스 테일러)가 새로운 환경과 시아버지에 대한 강박관념 때문에 환경에 적응하는 못하는 상황을 그려준다.
Scandal at Scourie
Fred Gogarty
After their orphanage burns down, a group of children are being transported west by train to Manitoba. All of them are available for adoption and at a stop at Scourie, Ontario little Patsy meets Victoria McChesney. Victoria and her husband Patrick have no children and she immediately decides to adopt the girl. The only condition imposed on them is that as Patsy has been baptized a Roman Catholic the Protestant McChesneys agree to raise her as a Catholic. Patsy is a well-behaved little girl whose only real problem is a school bully, also one of the orphans, who spreads stories that she set their orphanage on fire.
밀랍인형의 집
Bruce Allison (uncredited)
밀랍 인형으로 역사 속 아름다운 장면들을 재현하는 탐미 예술가 제로드는 주식 투자가 버크의 투자로 작품 활동세계를 하고 있다. 그러던 어느날 버크는 제로드의 예술 활동이 돈벌이가 되지 않자 전시장에 불을 내어 화재 보험을 타자고 제의한다. 하지만 제로드는 버크의 제의를 거절하고, 둘은 몸싸움 끝에 전시장에는 화재가 나고 만다. 하지만 제로드는 미처 그곳을 빠져 나오지 못한다. 그 후 버크는 화재 보험으로 연인 캐시와 여행갈 준비를 하던 중 살해를 당하는 사건이 발생한다.
Small Town Girl
Rick Belrow Livingston, in love with Broadway star Lisa, is sentenced to 30 days in jail for speeding through a small town. He persuades the judge's daughter Cindy to let him leave for one night, so that he can visit Lisa on her birthday. After that he goes on the town with Cindy and she falls in love with him. But Dr. Schemmer wants his son to become her husband.
A small-town shoemaker with a knack for spinning yarns, Hans encounters happiness and heartbreak on his road to becoming a full-fledged writer.
Love from a Stranger
Dr. Gribble
Cecily Harrington, struggling along on a small allowance, wins a fortune in a lottery. She decides to travel rather than marrying her fiance Nigel Lawrence. A stranger, Manuel Cortez, comes to rent her flat and she falls in love with him, and they are married. For their honeymoon, they go to an isolated English college where she, unlike the audience, doesn't realize she has married a fortune-hunting Bluebeard with a few murdered wives in his past. The question is will she be able to repent in leisure her decision to marry in haste.
34번가의 기적
Julian Shellhammer
아빠 없이 자란 수잔은 산타클로스 할아버지의 존재에 대해 의문을 갖고 있었으나 이런 생각은 엄마가 일하는 백화점에서 산타로 일하는 크리의 등장으로 완전히 바뀌게 된다. 수잔에게 산타의 존재를 믿게 하려는 크리의 노력으로 수잔은 물론이고 그 주변의 사람들도 마침내 사랑과 밑음, 그리고 가족의 소중함에 대해 새로이 눈을 뜨기 시작한다.
His Double Life
Leek Twin - Henry
Priam Farrel is a celebrated artist but a social recluse. When his valet dies of a sudden illness, a mix-up leads to the body being identified as Farrel's. The timid artist then assumes the identity of his former servant, but finds himself faced with constant dilemmas as a result.