Tim Major

참여 작품

Not Alone
Police Chief
Torn by years in an abusive marriage, an emotional Ellie Rose arrives alone at the family cabin on the East Coast. Her story and motives for being there are unclear. Arriving unprepared and packed with few supplies she seems anxious at either leaving or someone else arriving. The cabin unused for years, still holds memories providing hints of a shattered family.
Kicking Off
Kicking Off starts with the most important game of the season. Loyal fans Wigsy and Cliff watch in trepidation as their football team score the goal that will save them from relegation. Victory is bliss as a chorus of supporters chant and cry with elation. However, this frenzy of happiness quickly turns ugly as the referee disallows the deciding goal. With their hearts and fists pumping, adrenalin running and fury racing through their bloodstream, the fans take matters into their own hands and Cliff makes the fatal mistake of planning while intoxicated. Wigsy, a confirmed idiot, follows through with the said plan and in the darkest hours of the night he commits a crime that will cause chaos and catastrophe for him and his best mate Cliff. Kicking Off is cleverly filmed with split screen shots and slow motion montages. The characters are lovable thugs who will leave you laughing and grimacing at their lack of common sense. The beautiful game just got ugly.
1944년 노르만디 상륙작전후 연합군수뇌부는 미군레인저 잭슨대위와 해리하사가 이끄는 영국 특전단으로 구성된 연합특수부대를 구성 프랑스의 독일군 후방 지역에 침투시킨다. 극비지도를 가진 독일군 정찰대를 매복 공격후 지도를 얻는 데는 성공했지만, 팀원 대부분이 전사하고 두명만 살아남는다. 독일군의 추격은 계속되고, 미제3군에게 지도를 전달해야 하는 최후의 돌파작전을 벌이는데..
Bula Quo!
Status Quo play a series of shows in Fiji and become embroiled in a secret Russian Roulette ring lorded over by Jon Lovitz.
A group of friends awake one morning to find all electricity and power shut off and an immense alien aircraft hovering in the air above their heads. Suddenly this regular group of friends is battling to survive as the entire human race is threatened by the alien army hovering ominously above.
Kill Keith
Keith Chegwin becomes embroiled in a murderous spree involving television presenters.
Scar Crow
The three Tanner sisters live in fear after their mother is hanged for witchcraft, in her absence their father takes advantage of his daughters leaving the family somewhere between life and death cursed for an eternity.
24 Hours in London
Office Roberts
London gangster Christian has a plan to kill off the opposition, but things get messy when a witness survives.