Laura Toplass

출생 : 1981-09-11, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

참여 작품

인 데어 스킨
딸을 잃고 슬픔에 빠진 메리와 마크 부부는 어린 아들 브렌든과 함께 번잡한 도시를 떠나 시골의 외딴 별장을 찾는다. 평온을 찾으려던 부부의 다짐은 새벽부터 찾아온 이웃집 사코우스키 부부의 낯선 방문으로 깨지고 만다. 사코우스키 가족은 부담스러울 정도로 친절을 베풀며 새 이웃과 친해지길 원하고, 메리는 어쩔 수 없이 사코우스키 가족을 저녁 식사에 초대한다. 낯선 이웃의 방문이 어색하고 불편한 메리와 마크는 힘든 저녁식사를 서둘러 끝내고 손님들이 돌아가기만을 바라지만, 말도 많고 예의도 없는 사코우스키 부부는 돌아갈 생각이 전혀 없어 보인다. 돌아가 달라는 메리의 부탁에 낯선 방문자들은 위협적으로 돌변해 본성을 드러내기 시작하는데…
그레이브 인카운터 2
영화를 전공하는 알렉스. 어느 날 그에게 의문의 이메일이 전송된다. 그레이브 인카운터를 촬영 후 실제 실종된 제작진과 정신병원에 대해 알려주겠다는 의문의 제보자. 무언가 비밀이 있다고 직감한 알렉스는 이야기의 근원을 파헤치기 위해 친구들과 함께 정신병원으로 향하는데...
그레이브 인카운터
Associate Producer
어느덧 6회째를 맞은 리얼리티 TV쇼 ‘그레이브 인카운터’의 진행자인 랜스 프레스톤과 촬영팀은 도시의 폐가이자 귀신이 출몰하는 것으로 유명한 콜링우드 정신병원을 찾는다. 수십 년 전 폐쇄된 이 건물 안에서 충격적인 영상을 담기 위해 하룻밤 동안 묵으며 모든 현상을 기록해 나가던 촬영팀.점차 시간이 지날수록 미로처럼 변해버린 건물과 위협적인 존재에 대한 공포감에 사로잡히게 된다. 급기야 촬영팀들도 한 명씩 사라지게 되고, 콜링우드 정신병원은 실제 공포의 공간으로 변모한다. 그로부터 몇 개월 후 발견된 여러 개의 테잎, 그리고 그 안에 담겨진 충격적인 영상… 과연 그들에게 무슨 일이 있었던 것일까? 병원에 숨겨진 공포의 실체는 무엇인가?
그레이브 인카운터
어느덧 6회째를 맞은 리얼리티 TV쇼 ‘그레이브 인카운터’의 진행자인 랜스 프레스톤과 촬영팀은 도시의 폐가이자 귀신이 출몰하는 것으로 유명한 콜링우드 정신병원을 찾는다. 수십 년 전 폐쇄된 이 건물 안에서 충격적인 영상을 담기 위해 하룻밤 동안 묵으며 모든 현상을 기록해 나가던 촬영팀.점차 시간이 지날수록 미로처럼 변해버린 건물과 위협적인 존재에 대한 공포감에 사로잡히게 된다. 급기야 촬영팀들도 한 명씩 사라지게 되고, 콜링우드 정신병원은 실제 공포의 공간으로 변모한다. 그로부터 몇 개월 후 발견된 여러 개의 테잎, 그리고 그 안에 담겨진 충격적인 영상… 과연 그들에게 무슨 일이 있었던 것일까? 병원에 숨겨진 공포의 실체는 무엇인가?
Encounter with Danger
Lori's fiancee Jack disappears after she accompanies him on a business trip. After she discovers he was about to expose a corruption scandal, all traces of Jack's existence vanish as well. Does Jack really exist or is he a fragment of Lori's imagination? She sets out on a wild hunt for answers.
크리스마스 타운
A week before Christmas Liza McCann visit her estranged father who strangely lives in a town decked out for the holidays and is full of Christmas spirit. Strange events immediately occur when they arrive challenging everything Liza had once believed in.
Toxic Skies
A doctor must find a cure for a viral epidemic that is spreading through vapors from jets.
그녀가 외출하는 동안
중상류층 가정의 주부인 델라 마이어스(킴 베이싱어)는 교외의 저택에서 쌍둥이를 키우며 폭력적인 남편 케네스(크레이그 셰퍼)와 살고 있다. 어느 날 밤, 쇼핑몰을 방문한 델라는 가뜩이나 붐비는 주차장에서 몰상식하게 두 칸에 걸쳐 주차해놓은 차를 발견하고 화가 난 나머지 비난의 글을 담은 쪽지를 남긴다. 쇼핑을 마치고 나온 델라는 자신이 쪽지를 남겼던 차의 주인이었던 4명의 불량배에게 둘러싸여 희롱을 당하게 된다. 때마침 나타난 경비원이 그들을 제지하려 하자 그들은 우발적으로 경비원을 쏴버리고 만다. 이 장면을 보고 충격을 받은 델라는 그들의 추격을 피해 필사적으로 도망치기 시작하는데…
허트 로커
바그다드에서 특수임무를 수행하는 폭발물 제거반 EOD, 예기치 못한 사고로 팀장을 잃은 EOD팀에 새로 부임한 팀장 제임스(제레미 레너)는 독단적 행동으로 팀원들을 위험천만한 상황에 빠뜨린다. 언제 터질 지 모를 급조폭발물과 시민인지 자폭 테러리스트인지 구분할 수 없는 낯선 사람들은 EOD팀을 극도의 긴장과 불안감에 빠뜨리고, 제임스의 무리한 임무 수행으로 팀원들간의 갈등은 깊어만 간다. 숨막히는 공포 속에서 하루하루 본국으로 돌아갈 날을 손꼽아 기다리지만, 킬 존에서의 시간은 더디게만 흘러가는데... 과연 이들은 무사히 본국으로 돌아갈 수 있을까?
킬 스위치
제이콥 형사는 10살 생일 때 쌍둥이 형이 살해당하는 장면을 목격한 끔찍한 기억을 갖고 있다. 사건 현장에 투입된 그는 한 여자의 가슴에 c4 폭탄 선을 박혀 있는 걸 보고 범인이 ‘빌리 조’일 것이라고 확신하고 빌리를 잡아 죽기 직전까지 폭력을 선사하고서야 폭탄을 해체 방법을 알아내서 사건을 해결하고 그는 영웅이 된다. 하지만, 구속시킨 빌리 조는 증거 불충분으로 풀려 나오고 그 시기, 또 다른 연쇄 살인범이 나타나는데 그 연쇄 살인범은 별자리를 암호처럼 이용해 경찰에게 자신의 정체에 대한 힌트를 주고 제이콥은 암호를 하나하나 풀어 나간다.
Nightmare at the End of the Hall
Courtney Snow, an author with writer's block, still haunted by the suicide of her best friend while they were in prep school, finds herself teaching at the very same school while trying to get back on her feet. She encounters a young student, Laurel, who seems in every way to be the reincarnation of her best friend from years ago. Laurel seems to know things about Courtney that only dead friend would have known. Is she losing her mind or is it all a cruel hoax?
Riddles of the Sphinx
An astronomer and a cryptographer uncover a series of ancient tunnels, unwittingly unleashing a deadly Sphinx. In order to trap the Sphinx back in its tomb and stop impending destruction, our explorers must solve a series of complicated and possibly deadly riddles.
The Boy Next Door
A novelist (Dina Meyer) moves to a little town to write her next novel. She loves to get inspiration and as time goes by she gathers information about her neighbor, a young and wealthy guy whom she observes and picture from her window most of the time. Soon, she gets involved in a crime and most of the evidence is pointing at her due to her lonely life and life style. She needs to fight to demonstrate her innocence and that's what will be the plot of the movie till the end.
Mom, Dad and Her
Sydney is a troubled teen heading for trouble. After being caught shoplifting and a case of alcohol poisoning, Sydney's desperate single mother sends her off to the country to live with her father, Ben, and his new pregnant wife, Emma. Sydney misses her boyfriend, her city life and doesn't get on with her dad or stepmom. Slowly she starts to settle in as she makes friends with Jess, a local girl whose mother died of cancer. Sydney makes a couple of mistakes but after her grandfather's death the extended family start to heal.
Past Lies
An ordinary mom lives a perfect life until a visit from an FBI agent threatens to drag her back into a criminal past.
The Unquiet
Do you believe in ghosts? Well, whether you do or not, you'll want to tune in for this superspooky flick that takes you inside an abandoned -- and possibly haunted! -- women's prison. A skeptic and her ex-husband, a documentary filmmaker, both with differing opinions about the supernatural, stumble across some scary revelations about the facility's violent and abusive history.
Judicial Indiscretion
A federal judge’s life is disrupted by sexual assault, blackmail and murder after she’s put on the shortlist to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat.
Her Fatal Flaw
If you think your dating life is hard, check out what happens to poor Laney! Talk about a love hangover: The nice guy this prominent attorney spent last night with winds up being the main suspect in the brutal murder of a Chicago city councilman. If that isn't bad enough, his only alibi is his one-night-stand with Laney. Watch what happens when this talented lawyer puts her career - and her heart - on the line.
The Secrets of Comfort House
A multiple murder investigation in a small hunting town focuses on one suspect, Wendy Sinclair, who operates a battered women's shelter where each of the victims' wives have sought shelter.
낫 마이 라이프
After a car accident, a woman with a seemingly perfect life begins to have visions that suggest she is not who she thinks she is.
Family in Hiding
A woman witnesses the murder of a prosecutor by a criminal he is trying to convict. She informs the FBI, who then places her and her family in Witness Protection. And their lives are turned upside down. The agent tries to get the criminal but it seems he has someone in the FBI helping him. And when her daughter calls her boyfriend, it places her family in danger.
12 Hours to Live
Eighteen-year-old Amy is having a bad day. Not only has she been kidnapped by a deranged gunman, but as a diabetic without her insulin, her chances of survival are diminishing with each tick of the clock. FBI agent Megan Saunders isn't walking on sunshine either, since this madman killed her partner when Megan hesitated to pull the trigger. Now Megan won't stop till she nails this guy, but can she save Amy before her time's up?
Dark Storm
On a secret military base a group of scientists have made a discovery unequaled since the invention of the A-bomb; code-named Eruptor, it's a device that supercharges Dark Matter and uses it to change the molecular structure of its target, thereby eradicating it. But when the Eruptor malfunctions and a leading scientist on the project is blasted with Dark Matter, he receives incredible abilities
Ties That Bind
A young married couple find their relationship and their lives threatened after a beautiful and dangerous seductress moves into their pool house.
히즈 앤드 허 크리스마스
Tom Lane is the star columnist for the media conglomerate owned San Francisco Sun newspaper. The company is thinking about increasing Tom's exposure by producing a new television show around him. Liz Madison is the advice columnist for the little read community newspaper, the Marin County Voice, which is a throwback to gentler times. Besides their journalistic occupations, one other similar aspect between Tom and Liz is that they are both currently single, with their friends and family doing whatever they can to find that special someone for their personal life. On November 2, the staff at the Voice learn that the Sun ownership has bought their newspaper, with the probable goal of folding it into the operations of the Sun. If this move does happen, the staff at the Voice will lose their jobs. To fight back, Liz decides to change her column to an editorial espousing the meaning of Christmas and the newspaper to the community...
홈 포 더 홀리데이
After their parents are killed in a terrible accident, the four McMurrin children live with their loving Aunt Martha. Martha wants to adopt the children but the town's bitter old banker stands in their way. However, the children's courage and ingenuity triumph and they become a family just before the holidays.
Stranger in My Bed
To escape her abusive spouse, Sarah fakes her own death and flees. Seems like a good plan, right? Sadly, it doesn't take her estranged husband long to get wise and hunt her down. This game between them will turn deadly and it looks like only one will survive.
Captive Hearts
A newly hired executive for a multinational corporation is kidnapped at gunpoint. His wife and a detective uncover a much more sinister international conspiracy.
Deck the Halls
In the tradition of such classic films as "Miracle On 34th Street", a hip, eccentric marketing genius teaches a widow and her son the miracle of Christmas.