Youla Boudali

Youla Boudali

프로필 사진

Youla Boudali

참여 작품

사르가소해의 기적
엘리자베스는 10년전 그리스 서부의 깡촌 사르가소로 좌천돼 온 경찰서장으로 술에 쩔어 살고 있다. 지역사회를 발칵 뒤집은 강력 살인사건이 발생하고 엘리자베스는 신비로운 성격의 리타와 엮이게 되는데… 과연 이들은 서로를 구할 수 있을까?
Her Job
A devoted but underappreciated housewife's brief taste of autonomy as a mall cleaner (where she is a popular, model employee) is threatened by pending layoffs.
In a country shaken by major political events, three generations of a Greek family clash over an inside-the-family adoption.
In a country shaken by major political events, three generations of a Greek family clash over an inside-the-family adoption.
Another Empty Space
In the winter of Berlin, two former lovers meet for the first time since the breakup.