Floria Bloise

Floria Bloise

프로필 사진

Floria Bloise

참여 작품

Terapias alternativas
La demolición
Conversations with Mother
Jaime has lost his job and has to provide for his wife, son and daughter. Pressured by this circumstances, he visits his mom, who lives in an apartment he owns, to ask her to move with him so he can sell the apartment. But she is not going to cooperate. And, to Jaime's surprise, she also has a boyfriend!
Mother Superior
Cristina's life is thrown into turmoil when she is suddenly escorted from her strict Catholic school in Buenos Aires and told that she is really Sofía Lombardi, the daughter of activists who disappeared in the '70s. Questioning everything she once thought true, Cristina embarks on a journey to find her true identity. Meeting others like herself, the young girl soon discovers the real-life horrors of Argentina's relatively recent past and the nightmare that claimed tens of thousands of lives during the country's "dirty war."
Vendado y frío
Buenos Aires Viceversa
Doña Amalia
This is Buenos Aires, its characters, its history, its reality. A complex movie for a complex city, depicted in the character's language, and in their relationship with the present and the past
Secret Wedding
Doña Patricia
As an anonymous man, Fermin leaves his underground hideout in the subway. The dictatorship in the country is followed by democracy, but the bright light of it blinds Fermin: he is displaced. At the police station, his anonymity is complete and he doesn't remember his own name. He is fitted with a past of 13 years of illegal political opposition from the police archives. When he keeps silent about the crimes of the dictator regime, he will be a free man. The woman he promised to marry, doesn't recognize him anymore, and thinks he is dead.
Upon finding out that the bank where they work will go bankrupt, some employees decide to rob one of the institution's branches.
오피셜 스토리
1983년의 아르헨티나. 기업체 중역인 로베르토(헥터 알테리오 분)와 고등학교 교사인 알리시아(노마 알린드로 분)와 양녀로 키우는 딸 가비(아날리아 카스트로 분)는 단란한 가정을 이루고 있다. 로베르토는 상관인 아드라다가 갑자기 사라진 사실에 충격을 받고, 가비를 어느 병원에서 데려온 아이라고 알고 있던 알리시아는 갑자기 나타난 소꼽친구 아나의 이야기를 들은 뒤, 가비의 출생에 대해 의혹을 갖는다. 아나도 동거인 페드로의 반정부활동에 대한 보복으로 수감돼 고문을 당하고 석방됐다는 사실을 알고 알리시아는 정치적 현실에 눈을 뜨게 된다. 알리시아는 또한 남편에게 딸의 생모에 대해 묻지만 로베르토가 알려주지 않자 가비의 출생비밀을 조사한다.
Dagli Appennini alle Ande
A young boy travels by himself to reach his sick mother.
Aunque sea una película chiquita