Ling Ling

Ling Ling

프로필 사진

Ling Ling

참여 작품

Forever My Love
Alan Tang plays an engineering student in Taipei, Taiwan who meets and falls in love with another college student played by Brigitte Lin. Tang is the rich spoiled playboy son of a wealthy builder. When he meets Brigitte, Tang's life changes and he becomes very serious about her. There are many wonderful romantic scenes between the two on the beach and in the country under a maple tree.
The Female Chivalry
Chia plays a government agent, Iron Phoenix, who’s after a bunch of crooked miners, and Barry plays a boastful young man without much fu talent. Iron Phoenix teaches Barry some martial arts skills, mainly because it helps her investigations about the miners, as she waits for her chance to strike and close down their illicit operation.
Intrigue in Nylons
Wang Man Li
The beautiful Ching Li works for her father's stocking company while treacherously becoming the secretary to her father's competitor Li Tzu-yang. They fall in love as she teaches him new meanings to the words "mannequins" and "hosiery".
The Warlord
Pang's 18th mistress
No list of the screen's comic geniuses would be complete without Michael Hui Kwun-man. He created a hilarious and lovable comic persona that was both uniquely Asian but also universally beloved. This, his first film, not only showcased his incomparable sense of humor but revolutionized Hong Kong comedy. Evoking Chaplin, he plays a warlord in early 20th Century China, but makes the role his own with both laughs and some of the sexiest ladies on the Shaw Brothers lot.
The Merry Wife
Huang Meichun
Under false pretenses, Zhenzhen marries Mr. Lin, who happens to be her teacher. She wants to still study and wants to enroll in his school in Hong Kong. The head of the school agrees to this under the condition that they conceal the fact that they are married. Zhenzhen finds out right away that her husband is fawned over by the girls, they all have a crush on him, as also does the spinster librarian. However, Mr. Lin finds that that the boys in the school (they are late teens, 17 or so) really like Zhenzhen. This leads to hurt feelings, questions about fidelity and even, in Zhenzhen's case, innocuous dates with one of the boys who rides a motorcycle.
Madam Jia, Lu Junyi's wife
부조리한 관부를 상대로 일어선 양산박 영웅들의 활약상을 담고 있는 이 작품은 강대위, 적룡, 곡봉, 약화, 하리리, 우마 등 홍콩 영화계의 굵직한 배우들이 열연하고 있다. 양산의 조 천왕은 대명부의 상황을 살피러 갔다가 증두시의 사문공에게 치명상을 입고 숨을 거둔다. 이에 양산은 조 천왕의 복수를 결심하지만 경계가 삼엄하고 군사가 많은 증두시를 치기엔 역부족임을 느낀다. 결국 사문공의 동문 사형인 노 원외를 끌어들이기로 하고 양산의 책사인 오용이 급파된다.
The Yellow Muffler
You Meng
Two sisters, Ching-ping (Irene Chen I-ling) and Pai-hung (Betty Ting Pei) struggle to find a workable act after their magician father and younger sister leave to try their luck in Taiwan. A good friend gets them cast in a new movie, and the rest is history....
문성주를 중심으로 송나라를 복원시키려는 저항세력은 그가 원나라의 대원사에게 체포되자 구출계획을 세운다. 저항세력은 정체를 알 수 없는 협객 이호주의 도움으로 감옥 안으로 들어가는데 성공하지만 성주는 보이지 않는다. 한국배우 김기주가 대원사로 등장해 무게감 있는 연기를 펼치고 합작영화의 단골 홍콩 스타 로례이가 이호주로 등장한다. 무협영화의 볼거리와 궁중사극의 긴박감을 적절하게 조화시키고 있다. 몽고족은 송나라를 무너뜨리고 대원제국을 수립한다. 망국의 우승상 문성주는 군대를 이끌고 끝까지 저항했으나 결국 체포되어 옥에 갇힌다. 그러나 송나라인들은 문성주를 구하여 송나라를 재건코자 동지를 규합한다. 이에 처녀의 몸인 영아도 문성주를 구하려 앞장서게되며 방랑의 검객 이호주, 역시 영아와 송나라를 위하여 원군과 투쟁하게 된다. 한편 원군 총수인 백안은 이들을 체포하여 공을 세우려하지만 번번이 실패하고 만다. 마침내 이들 우국지사들은 옥을 습격, 성주를 찾아내나 성주는 이미 죽어있고 영아만이 살아남아 망국하에 몸부림친다.
The Silent Love
Ah Man
Ivy Ling Po gives a startling performance as an abused wife who suffers through all his adulterous and treacherous ways in The Silent Love, which became an allegorical, tragic love story that reflected the unspoken truths inherent in Chinese society. Lead actor Chin Feng received the 1971 Golden Horse Outstanding Performance award for his portrayal as The Mute, a man that secretly loves Ivy and does all he can to make her life better, except that it backfires on him.
Shum Yi Xia
마경정(전풍), 향독보(위홍), 금량(나열)은 몽고에 빼앗긴 나라를 수복하자는 대의로 의형제를 맺고 납치된 친왕 사로위목의 딸, 군주 사패란의 구출을 기회삼아 원 조정에 거짓투항을 하게 된다. 하지만 출세욕에 눈이 먼 마경정이 애초의 약속과는 달리 권세를 앞세워 도리어 백성들을 핍박하자 이에 실망한 금량은 그를 떠날 결심을 하고 그 와중에 향독보는 마경정의 암수에 죽임을 당하고 만다. 이에 금량은 학대호와 복수를 위해 장군부를 습격하나, 학대호를 잃고 만전천심을 연성하는데...
The Bride & I
A comical look at the preparations and anxiety associated with marriage. As a young man searches for his ideal mate, he reflects upon this madness and has second thoughts about matrimony.
Since Your Departure
A paratrooper Kiyohio (played by Ke Junxiong) meets a beautiful tour guide Shumei (played by Bai Lan). The two hit it off and fall in love, but she'd already promised engagement to a childhood friend off at war.