Nicholas Cooper

Nicholas Cooper

출생 : , Queensland, Australia


Nicholas G. Cooper was born in Queensland, Australia. As the son from a long line of bricklayers, Nicholas played rugby football in Sydney for a while. During his time with the National Rugby League (NRL), his first minor piece of work in acting was for a romance promotional. Although the agency kept his name on their books, it ultimately did not yield any future results. Afterwards, he moved to Brisbane where he revealed to a friend's girlfriend his desire to pursue acting. The girlfriend who was a model, introduced him to her agency where he was recommended to audition for several acting schools. After completing his training in Brisbane, he worked in Sydney for two years, only auditioning 3 times for work in commercials. He set up a production company back in Queensland doing street theatre to support himself as well as to create original work. Later on, Nicholas's production company was approached with the project of making a new Star Trek exhibit in Valencia, Spain. The project showed the process that went behind bringing the Star Trek series to life, and he described this as his first solid breakthrough and a great experience. Its first exhibit showing later called for Nicholas and his company to bring it to Film Park in Babelsberg Germany. Nicholas's screen-work first started in 2005 and has balanced out across a range of film shorts, feature-length films and television appearances. His more notable feature film appearances include the television horror/thriller feature Malibu Shark Attack (2009) (TV) in which he played a survivor of a catastrophic tsunami that floods the entire Malibu beach area, infesting it with prehistoric goblin sharks. The year after, Nicholas played a minor nobleman Duke Henry in the fantasy retelling of Beauty and the Beast (2010). He also made episodic appearances on the 2011 Sci-Fi adventure series Terra Nova (TV). Nicholas still keeps busy with family and his production company.

프로필 사진

Nicholas Cooper

참여 작품

Greg Crowden
On Anzac Day 2006 the Beaconsfield mine collapsed, trapping Russell, Webb and fellow miner Larry Knight one kilometre underground. When it was revealed that two of the men were alive, Australia prayed and the world waited in hope that the miners would make it out alive. But the rescue was far more complex than anyone ever imagined. Beaconsfield recounts this riveting story of mental and physical fortitude and two very different men who were trapped together for 14 days under rubble in a cramped, pitch-black metal basket no bigger than a dog kennel.
미녀와 야수
Duke Henry
벨은 세탁부의 딸로 아름답고 영리한 아가씨이다. 벨이 사는 나라의 국왕 맥시밀리언 13세는 임종을 앞두고 있지만 자식이 없어 귀족 친척들 간에 왕위 계승 문제를 두고 치열한 암투가 벌어질 조짐이 보인다. 그중에서도 비열하고 무자비한 루돌프 백작은 왕위에 오르기 위해 사촌을 죽이는 등 잔인한 짓을 서슴지 않는데, 어느 날 루돌프 백작 앞에 마녀 헬렌이 나타나 왕위에 오르도록 도와줄 테니 자신을 왕비로 삼으라는 제안을 한다. 한편, 벨은 숲 속에서 야수를 만나 도망치다 루돌프 백작을 만난다. 루돌프 백작은 야수를 잡아 백성들로부터 왕으로 추대되리라는 야망을 품고 야수를 뒤쫓는다. 그러던 어느 날 깜짝 놀랄만한 야수의 정체가 밝혀지고. 루돌프 백작과 마녀 헬렌은 야수를 없애고 왕위에 오르기 위한 무시무시한 계획을 세우는데...
말리부 샤크 어택
바닷가에서 한 커플이 상어에게 습격을 당한다. 우연히 보트의 잔해를 발견한 한센은 파편에 박힌 상어의 이빨이 자신의 아내를 죽인 상어의 것과 같다는 사실을 알고 상어연구소에 찾아간다. 하지만, 이 상어는 10만년전 멸종한 종류이며, 현존 가능성이 없다는 것을 확인한다. 이 사실을 믿기 힘든 주인공은 해양경찰대에게 해변 폐쇄를 요구하지만, 경찰들은 이를 무시한다.