“나쁜 사진은 결코 잊히지 않는다.” 전설적인 사진작가 헬무트 뉴턴의 작품에서 여성은 분명히 핵심적인 위치에 있다. 까뜨린느 드뇌브, 그레이스 존스부터 샬롯 램플링, 이사벨라 로셀리니까지. 그가 남긴 아이코닉한 작품 속의 스타들이 마침내 이 논쟁적인 천재에 대해서 자신들의 해석을 내놓는다. 묘사된 자들의 묘사인 셈이다. 도발적이고 틀을 깨뜨리며 파괴적인 그의 여성 묘사는 여전히 의문을 불러일으킨다. 그 여성들은 주체였을까, 대상이었을까?
“나쁜 사진은 결코 잊히지 않는다.” 전설적인 사진작가 헬무트 뉴턴의 작품에서 여성은 분명히 핵심적인 위치에 있다. 까뜨린느 드뇌브, 그레이스 존스부터 샬롯 램플링, 이사벨라 로셀리니까지. 그가 남긴 아이코닉한 작품 속의 스타들이 마침내 이 논쟁적인 천재에 대해서 자신들의 해석을 내놓는다. 묘사된 자들의 묘사인 셈이다. 도발적이고 틀을 깨뜨리며 파괴적인 그의 여성 묘사는 여전히 의문을 불러일으킨다. 그 여성들은 주체였을까, 대상이었을까?
This is the turbulent life story of Farah Diba Pahlavi, who became the first and only Empress in the history of Persia. The history and culture of this country, which dates back over millennia, is as much the theme of this film as is the life of the Empress, a role model to all women in Iran.
This is the turbulent life story of Farah Diba Pahlavi, who became the first and only Empress in the history of Persia. The history and culture of this country, which dates back over millennia, is as much the theme of this film as is the life of the Empress, a role model to all women in Iran.
The US writer Henry Miller (1891-1980), scandalous and nonconformist creator, hated by the most recalcitrant puritans, was a vilified genius, considered a threat, accused of being a sexist, of consciously pursuing the destruction of every civic principle; but he was also someone venerated as a saint, as a sex guru; and today as one of the most important characters of the twentieth century.
The documentary shows the personality of Peter Lindbergh, who is the only German photographer belonging to a select company of worldwide successful ace photographers. His high in contrast black-and-white picture stories have got a great recognition value but only a few people know his name.
His new film "The White Ribbon" received the Palme d'or at Cannes this year. Felix and Gero von Boehm have accompanied the German and French film director for several months and were able for the first time watch him exclusively in work and in private. An interesting insight into one of the worlds most notable modern directors.