Before there was Disneyland, there was Coney Island. By the turn of the century, this tiny piece of New York real estate was internationally famous. On summer Sundays, three great pleasure domes--Steeplechase, Luna Park and Dreamland--competed for the patronage of a half-million people. By day it was the world's most amazing amusement park, by night, an electric "Eden".
1976년 텍사스의 댈러스 카운티에서 경찰관 살인 사건이 일어난다. 외지인이었던 랜덜 애덤스는 범인으로 지목되어 사형선고를 받는다. 영화는 경찰관을 죽인 살해범으로 부당하게 기소된 사람의 무고함을 강력하게 입증해낸다. 사건의 진짜 살해범으로 추정되는 10대 소년 데이비드 해리스는 당시 무죄로 방면되어 이후에 계속 범죄를 저지르고 다녔다. 초기 수사는 제대로 이루어지지 않았고 관계자들은 자신의 이해관계에 따라 증언을 했다. 사법당국은 권위주의로 일관했으며 사건을 바라보던 사람들은 자신들의 고정관념에 따라 사건을 예단했다. 결국 사건 당일 애덤스와 함께 있었던 데이비드 해리스가 자백에 가까운 발언을 하게 되고 사건의 실체는 서서히 드러난다.
A series of interviews are conducted concerning people's beliefs towards the possibility of an afterlife. The interviews are filmed against a set of strange backdrops, and are intercut with clips from classic films and a variety of stock footage.
For more than 100 years, the Statue of Liberty has been a symbol of hope and refuge for generations of immigrants. In this lyrical, compelling and provocative portrait of the statue, Ken Burns explores both the history of America’s premier symbol and the meaning of liberty itself. Featuring rare archival photographs, paintings and drawings, readings from actual diaries, letters and newspapers of the day, the fascinating story of this universally admired monument is told. In interviews with Americans from all walks of life, including former New York governor Mario Cuomo, the late congresswoman Barbara Jordan and the late writers James Baldwin and Jerzy Kosinski, The Statue of Liberty examines the nature of liberty and the significance of the statue to American life. Nominated for both the Academy Award ® and the Emmy Award ®, The Statue of Liberty received the prestigious CINE Golden Eagle, the Christopher Award and the Blue Ribbon at the American Film Festival.