Yuki Kubota

Yuki Kubota

출생 : 1981-06-15, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

프로필 사진

Yuki Kubota

참여 작품

하치오지 좀비
Takashi Habuki (Kenjiro Yamashita) aspired to become a dancer, but he kept failing auditions. He gave up on that dream. To think carefully about his life, Takashi Habuki decides to visit Kibo Temple, which is located deep in the mountain. A rule exists, that when nightfall comes, people should not visit the abandoned temple in the back of the Kibo Temple. Rumors exits about the abandoned temple. One night, Takashi Habuki, who is unable to let go of his dream of becoming a dancer, goes to the abandoned temple and begins to dance. 8 handsome zombies appears in front of him.
무대 『가면라이더 잔게츠』 - 가이무 외전 -
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu
잔게츠를 주인공으로 한 가면라이더 시리즈 첫 연극 작품. 2019년 3월 9일-24일 도쿄 일본청년관 홀, 2019년 3월 28일-31일 교토부 교토 극장에서 공연.
블랙폭스 - 폭렬닌자시대
Shigetsugu Toda
‘여우’로 불리는 닌자 일족의 후예 ‘릿카’에게 신비한 능력의 소녀 ‘미야’가 찾아와 아버지의 복수를 부탁한다. 하지만 ‘미야’의 강력한 능력을 노리는 ‘네고로슈’ 일당이 그녀의 뒤를 쫓으며 이들은 위기에 처한다. ‘릿카’는 아버지를 잃었다는 동질감에 ‘미야’를 돕기로 결심하지만 그들을 노리는 적은 ‘네고로슈’뿐만이 아닌데…
Tokyo Wine Party People
Shino Sakuragi is an OL. She attends a wine party recommended by her boss, even though she isn't comfortable at such a fancy get together. There, Sakuragi meets Kazushi Oda. He is knowledgeable about wine and he doesn't show off his success as a businessman. She becomes attracted to him, but Oda gets arrested for accounting fraud later. Sakuragi is confused by the situation, but she keeps attending the wine parties and becomes hooked on wine.
Liar! Uncover the Truth
Kagami Kazumi
Men and women gather together to find mates, Kana attends one such event that is imagined as a party, but nonetheless is designed to introduce men to women and women to men. The goal is for single people to find love, romance and marriage. She is approached by ten different men of different looks, personalities and backgrounds. There is a catch. Kana is tipped that nine of the ten men are not as they appear. Can she find the one true love?
무사도 검술대회: 고젠 - 순연의 검
막부에 대항하여 역모를 계획하는 후게츠의 영주 '카이노쇼'. 이를 눈치 챈 감찰관 '린노스케'는 첩자로서 후게츠에 잠입하고 그곳에서 운명의 상대 '야에'를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 한편, '카이노쇼'가 실력 있는 무사들을 선발하여 검술대회를 개최하자 '린노스케'는 예선에 참가해 역모의 계획이 담긴 서신을 훔쳐오려 한다. 대회 당일, 시합장을 빠져나와 서신을 찾아다니는 '린노스케'. 하지만 누군가가 그의 뒤를 몰래 미행하고 '린노스케'는 첩자임이 들킬 절체절명의 위기에 처하는데...
Meiji Tokyo Renka
Fujita Goro
Set after the drama series "Meiji Tokyo Renka." High school student Mei Ayazuki (Rikka Ihara) has travelled back in time to Tokyo in the Meiji period. She meets various historical figures from that time period. The identity of mysterious magician Chari (Yutaka Kobayashi) is revealed. (via Asianwiki)
Does the 30th Woman Have a Romantic Dream?
Nana is on the verge of her 30th birthday and has been feeling anxious about her love life and job. When she returns home one day, Nana is suddenly taken captive by three masked bank robbers who are on the run. Nana determines her life is over, but notices there is something odd about this band of thieves.
우주전대 큐레인저 Episode of 스팅거
직각자자리의 행성 슬리피에서 해방작전을 진행하던 도중, 적의 습격에 당해 절벽으로 떨어진 스팅거와 챔프는 둘만의 잊을 수 없는 기억을 떠올리고 있었다. 반년 전, 스콜피오를 찾기 위해 여행을 떠난 스팅거와 챔프는 한 마을에서 수수께끼의 여자가 마을 사람들을 습격하는 것을 목격하였다. 맞서는 스팅거와 챔프였지만, 그녀의 말 한마디에 무언가를 느낀 스팅거는 공격을 주저하였고, 그 틈에 그녀는 도주하였다. "나는 힘을 원하고 있다. 단지 그것 뿐." 그녀의 이름은 미카 레츠. 그녀는 오른팔이 이형이라는 이유로 마을 사람들에게 박해받아, 복수심을 품고 있었다. 쟈크 매터의 일원이 되는 것을 꿈꾸는 그녀에게서 형을 겹쳐본 스팅거는 그녀를 슬픔에서 구해주고 싶다고 바라게 되는데...
친구게임 극장판 파이널
Ren Tojo
부과된 게임을 클리어하고 자신들을 끌어 들인 자가 미사카(야마다 유키)라는 것을 밝혀낸 유이치(요시자와 료)와 일행. 유이치는 위험한 게임을 비즈니스로 하고 있는 운영 측을 부수기 위해서는 스스로 마지막 게임 우정 숨바꼭질에 도전, 미사카도 같은 길을 선택한다. 2명의 팀에 수수께끼의 여성 · 미나세(우에노 유카)가 더해져 유이치와 미사카는 서로를 믿고 상대 팀과 대결하게 된다.
러브 포 세일
내 이름은 스즈키 료코, 29세. AV배우였다가 신문사 기자를 거쳐, 지금은 도쿄대 대학원에 재학 중이다. 능력을 인정받으며 기자 생활을 했지만 오히려 내 인생의 전성기는 AV배우였던 20대 초반같다. 왜 그럴까? 난 이 모순된 상황 속에서 나의 진심을 들여다보기 위한 연구를 시작하기로 했다.
친구게임 극장판
Ren Tojo
학급의 전원 수학 여행비 2,000만엔이 도난되고 갑자기 친구게임(토모다치게임)에 참가하게 된 친한 고교생 5명. 그들 중 누군가가 2,000만엔의 빚을 지고있어 갚기 위해 친구를 끌어들여 게임에 참여했다. 게임을 클리어하면 빚은 없던 일이 되지만, 성공하지 못하면 혼자서 400만엔 씩 빚을 부담해야 한다. 서로의 우정을 시험하는 두뇌 싸움이 시작되는데 ...
신주쿠 스완 2
스카우트 회사인 신주쿠 버스트가 요코하마에 세력을 확장하기 위해, 에이스 격의 시라토리 타츠히코가 그 임무를 명받는다. 그러나, 요코하마에는 위저드의 타키가 군림하고 있다. 경찰과 야쿠자와도 커넥션이 있는 타키의 공작으로 신주쿠 버스트는 위기를 맞이한다. 타츠히코는, 가부키초를 지키기 위해 일어서는데···
Bros. Maxman
Several years later after movie “Mr. Max Man”. Hideo is the younger brother of Masayoshi and he works at the same broadcasting station as a rookie AD. Hideo likes Rina who works as a announcer there. Meanwhile, Hideo becomes a righteous hero and fights for justice.
Ryu Ishiwatari
카메라맨인 미야코노죠 시즈카는, 예전에는 여러 전설적인 특종 기사를 썼지만, 지금은 예능 스캔들 전문의 중년 파파라치로서, 빚과 술 투성이의 타락한 생활을 하고 있다. 그러던 어느날, 어쩌다가 사진주간지의 신인기자 나메카와 노비와 콤비가 되어, 일본 전역이 주목하는 대사건에 휘말리게 된다.
절벽 위의 트럼펫
심장 수술 후 회복을 위해 오키나와에 잠시 머물게 된 ‘아오이’는 섬의 길목에서 절벽 위 트럼펫을 부는 소년 ‘지오’를 만난다. 꿈과 사랑, 모든 것을 포기하고 떠나온 ‘아오이’와 돌아가신 부모님이 남긴 트럼펫만을 가족이라 여기는 ‘지오’. 우연한 만남 이후 두 사람은 강한 끌림을 느끼게 되고, 서로를 통해 가슴 두근거리는 설렘과 삶의 의미를 되찾게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, ‘지오’와 ‘아오이’는 함께 돌고래를 보러 가기로 약속하지만, 두 사람 앞에 예상치 못한 시간이 기다리고 있는데…
가이무 외전 가면라이더 듀크/가면라이더 너클
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu
이그드라실 멤버들의 만남, 그리고 게네시스 드라이버의 개발비화가 밝혀진다! 팀 바론의 유대, 그리고 팀의 창단 비화가 밝혀진다!
Mr. Max Man
Takatoshi Kanda
Masayoshi is a young announcer who has worked at a broadcasting station for 3 years. He is the secondary presenter for a morning information program, but he always makes mistakes. Masayoshi also has a crush on co-worker Yuko, whom he has known since he was a child, but he can't seem to get any closer to her. Masayoshi then puts on a pair of glasses that he finds at work. He realizes the glasses gives him superhuman powers. Masayoshi decides to become a righteous hero.
KIRI – Profession: Assassin
Kiri was trained as a professional assassin. She carries out missions given by her boss. She has Rui whom she adores like a real younger sister. Rui was also trained as a professional assassin with Kiri. A horrific incident leads to the death of Kiri's mother and Rui losing her voice and right hand. Kiri swears to exact revenge.
신주쿠 스완
일본 최고의 유흥가인 신주쿠 거리를 배회하던 타츠히코는 불량배와 시비가 붙어 얻어 맞던 중 마코의 도움을 받게 되고 그로부터 스카우터(유흥업에 종사할 여자종업원 모집책)일을 제안 받는다. 갈 곳도 없고 수중에 가진 돈조차 없던 타츠히코는 제안을 받아들여 스카우터 일을 시작하게 되는데.....
가이무 외전 가면라이더 잔게츠/가면라이더 바론
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu
Brought on by popularity for the series, this DVD Special feats. two half-hour side stories that take place during the events of the show. Both stories appear to take place just after episode 20, the first episode of the Helheim Saga. The Kamen Rider Zangetsu side story begins with Takatora telling Kota about the truth behind Helheim. While a childhood friend pays Takatora a visit, a mysterious Kamen Rider that has control over cracks begins to hunt down Yggdrasill’s forces. The Kamen Rider Baron side story begins with Kaito seeking out the Overlords for Professor Ryoma. A prince visits Zawame and when he finds out that Kaito looks exactly like him, he decides to forcefully switch lives, resulting in conflict.
Kamen Rider Gaim: Final Stage
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin
Those who have died - Hase, Sid, Yoko, Kaito, the Professor and Over Lords - are gathered together by a mysterious being known as Maja, who seeks to take over the world. He brainwashes them to do his bidding. Kamen Rider Maja once was a presence that witnessed the erosion of the Earth brought on by Helheim and Sagara, and now he takes action to claim the Earth for himself. Gaim attempts to rush in to stop Maja, but has his memory and combat ability taken away. He came to Zawame and met with Jonouchi and the others, having forgotten everything. With the invasion of Maja in progress, Gaim has to regain his memory and confront Maja…
가면라이더X가면라이더 드라이브&가이무 MOVIE 대전 풀 스로틀
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu / Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin
메가헥스는 사이버로이드 ZZZ의 보디와 융합하는 것으로, '궁극의 기계생명체 ZZZ 메가 헥스'가 되었다. 지구가 융합 되어가는 도중, 드라이브와 아머드 라이더가 합류한다. 하지만 ZZZ 메가 헥스는 그들의 앞에 의외의 존재를 출현시켰다. 마침내 시작되는 인류의 미래를 건 최종결전. 그 무대는 놀랍게도 우주! 형사 라이더와 과일 라이더가 힘을 합치는 순간, 기적의 빛이 은하를 비춘다-!!
Making of KAMEN RIDER GAIM : Soccer Grand Final! Golden Fruit Contest! Hero Japan's National Team Summer
Making-of DVD for a film of tokusatsu series "Kamen Rider Gaim" starting to be shown at theaters from July 2014. Includes a documentary of the shooting scenery and interviews with staff and cast. Was included as a Bonus disc with Blu-ray version of the film. Complete recording of the filming site of the movie that you can't miss!/Full recording of the filming site of "Theatrical version Kamen Rider Gaim Soccer Great Decisive Battle! Golden Fruit Scramble!" released in July 2014! and interviews with guest cast members such as Masafumi Nakayama and Ainosuke Kataoka!! / Release the making video that will definitely make the movie more interesting than anywhere else!
노예구 나와 23인의 노예
Brother and sister are drawn into a thrilling game of survival, in which they use a bizarre device called SCM to turn others into their slaves.
극장판 가면라이더 가이무 사커 대결전! 황금의 열매 쟁탈배!
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin
가면라이더 가이무의 극장판. 2014 FIFA 월드컵 브라질을 기념하려는 건지 축구 요소를 집어넣었으며 장소배경 역시 자와메 시의 평행세계에 해당되는 '사커 자와메시'. 그 기념으로 13일에는 극장판 세계관과 콜라보되는 번외 에피소드를 방영하기도 했다.
열차전대 토큐저 VS 가면라이더 가이무 봄방학 합체 스페셜
Takatora Kureshima
The ToQGers stop at a station in Zawame City, where there is no Shadow Line activity. However, they come across Kamen Rider Gaim and are brought into a fight with the Underground Empire known as Badan. As the ToQGers and the Armored Riders work together to discover Badan’s true intentions, a mysterious Rider calling himself Fifteen appears…
극장판 가면라이더 슈퍼히어로 대전 : 또 하나의 세계
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu Shin
The Underground Empire Badan makes its move, intending to invert the world. Kouta and Mai are pulled through one of these inversions where the discover a boy named Shu, who also holds the power to invert the world. As the Riders fight to protect Shu, Fifteen appears again, seeking Shu. As Kouta flees, past Riders gather and fight one another, split between the Showa and Heisei era Riders. But, the truth of Badan is not as it seems…
Kamen Rider Gaim: Fresh Orange Arms is Born! You Can Seize It Too! The Power of Fresh
Kamen Rider Zangetsu (voice)
Kouta and Kaito learn their Lockseeds rusted as they and Mai are visited by the mysterious girl who cryptically tells them the best way to restore the Lockseeds is to make them "fresh." From cleaning the Team Gaim garage to Kaito making a fruit tart and then Mai setting up a fashion show, future Mai explains the final step is a fresh smile. Though Kouta succeeds with his Lockseed transformed into a Fresh Orange Lockseed, Kaito is disillusioned and decides to go Hellheim Forest. Found by Kamen Riders Zangetsu and Ryugen, who respectively equip the Mango and Pine Lockseeds, Kaito becomes Kamen Rider Baron Kiwi Arms to call out Kouta as he transforms into the shiny Kamen Rider Gaim Fresh Orange Arms.
가면라이더×가면라이더 가이무&위자드 승패를 판가름하는 전국무비대합전
Takatora Kureshima / Kamen Rider Zangetsu
The story is divided in three portions. The Kamen Rider Wizard portion, Kamen Rider Wizard: The Promised Place, taking place after the finale and defeating Amadum. The Kamen Rider Gaim's portion of the film is titled Kamen Rider Gaim: Sengoku Battle Royale!. A battle royale is being held exclusively for the Armored Riders in Zawame City. In the final portion of the film, titled Sengoku Movie Battle, Kamen Riders Wizard and Beast join Kamen Rider Gaim in the alternate world to stop Kamen Rider Bujin Gaim from acquiring the "ultimate power" he seeks.
Hadaka No Itoko
A love story directed by Otsuru Gitan, an actor, novelist, and film director, who directed all screens in Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture. A business man who has everything, including money, a woman, and fame, falls into the abyss and carries a large amount of debt. A man who felt in danger died and eventually moved to Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture, which was affected by the earthquake. A man who decided to live quietly as a reconstruction volunteer, staying at his aunt's house, but seeing the people around him who live without suffering the difficult reality, his desire begins to tingle again. Inspired by my aunt's daughter who gave me a mysterious atmosphere, he was a man who vowed to come back. Starring Sasaki Kokone of “Hello, My Dolly Girlfriend”.
요코하마 이야기
Yuya Tanabe
25-year-old Nanami is managing an amateur band. She is broke, cannot pay her rent, and the singer has run off. Yoshinori is 65. His wife dies the day before his retirement. Having suddenly lost everything, he becomes desperate. After the two accidentally meet, Nanami moves into Yoshinori's place and invites a few other people to become their flatmates – the beginning of an extraordinary life together.
가로 더 무비: 창곡의 마룡
GARO 마계섬기에서의 가쟈리와의 계약으로 인해 마계섬기 중에 일어난 모든 사건을 정리한 후 약속의 땅으로 향한 코우가의 이야기
Kirin Point of No Return
An interpersonal drama adapted from popular motorcycle manga "Kirin". It portrays the life of a biker who only feels alive in the world of speed. Its battle race between a motorbike and a Porsche on a public road is a thrilling highlight. Its director is Otsuru Gitan, who is also active as an actor. Kirin (Maki Kurodo), a legendary ex-bike racer, now leads an ordinary life as a company employee. However, one day he discovers the beloved bike he used to ride at a motorcycle store, and decides to take on the Porsche he raced in the past once again.
An Assassin
Ryo Hanaki was raised to be a professional assassin. One day he was defeated by some accident in the mission. Here he meets Rio, an attractive high school girl. He spent days as a heartless assassin, but his life starting changes after he helps Rio. By a twist of fate, Rio who was a complete unknown became an assassin target overnight. A single mistake from his decision to save Rio decided the destiny of the masses...
High School Wars: Throwdown!
At Asuka Nishi High School the mantra is survival of the fittest. The leaders of rival classes constantly fight for school territory supremacy. When a mysterious newcomer, Saeki, tips the balance of power at Asuka High, the biggest all out war in school history is lurking in the shadows. Get ready for hot-blooded street fights and high-octane drift battles!
A youth drama based on the first Yankee novel by Fuyuki Shindo, starring Hiromi Sakimoto, who is popular as a member of the Hexagon family. Aiming to be the strongest in the school, the passionate life of high school students who are quarreling is depicted.
Beautiful Girls From Outer Space SOLDIER COP Ami & Reimi
Beautiful Girls From Outer Space, Ami and Reimi. This Stylish rare Tokusatsu Features a group of femme fatales.