Jeffrey A. Cunningham

참여 작품

Funeral Day
Director of Photography
Scott, a neurotic young man, thinks he found a lump and might be dying, so he skips his friend's funeral in an attempt to start living life to the fullest.
반란의 계곡
Director of Photography
캘리포니아주에 위치한 요세미티 산맥은 한 해 300만 명이 넘는 관광객이 찾는 미국의 대표적인 국립공원이다. 하지만 세계에서 가장 큰 암석인 앨카피탄과 3,000미터가 넘는 암벽이 즐비한 이곳은 동시에 미국 등반가들의 성지이기도 하다. 1950년대부터 지금까지 무허가로 암벽을 오르는 등반가들은 한가로이 자연 경관을 바라보며 느긋한 휴가를 즐기려는 중산층 시민들과 경찰당국에겐 늘 눈엣가시였으며 아직도 그렇다. 50년대에 처음 이곳에 둥지를 튼 최초의 등반가들은 소비주의에 매몰된 사회에 반항하는 비트족이자 등반을 통해 대항문화공동체를 이뤄나간 반체제주의자들이었으며, 이런 전통은 아직도 후배 등반가들을 통해 지속되고 있다. 아카이브 영상을 발랄하고 자유자재로 편집한 장면들은 시종일관 웃음을 자아낸다. 최근 요세미티에서 베이스점프 중 사망해 많은 등반가들의 안타까움을 자아낸 전설적 등반가 딘 포터의 모습을 볼 수 있는 마지막 영화이기도 하다. [2016년 울주세계산악영화제]
어나더 하비스트 문
Another Harvest Moon is a tender drama about four elderly Americans coping with life in a nursing home. FRANK, ELLA, ALICE and JUNE gather each morning for a game of cards. They have become a family to one another, offering unyielding support, constant bickering and strong opinions about life, death and everything in between.
Journey to Hell's Gate Enduro
The brainchild of international Enduro champion Fabio Fasola, 100 riders compete in a 2-stage torture test that starts in the morning and ends at night. It's a journey through jagged rocks, dark forests, steep hillclimbs and nasty waterfalls - making the riders beg for mercy. This film documents the godfather of Freestyle Motocross, Mike Metzger and the young extreme Enduro superstar Taddy Blazusiak, as they compete in what is considered one of the top 5 hardest motocross races in the world.
Women of K2
On some peaks in 2003, the statistics are impressive. For the K2 dubbed "wild mountain" or "ruthless mountain", only 240 reached the summit and more than 60 perished in the ascent. An unimaginable rate of one death in four to survive. And these statistics are even worse At the start of the 2004 climbing season, only five talented and determined women had reached the 8,616-meter summit of K2, but only two made it out alive. , they too perished while climbing other peaks of 8000 meters, these five women all disappeared in the mountains.
Women of K2
On some peaks in 2003, the statistics are impressive. For the K2 dubbed "wild mountain" or "ruthless mountain", only 240 reached the summit and more than 60 perished in the ascent. An unimaginable rate of one death in four to survive. And these statistics are even worse At the start of the 2004 climbing season, only five talented and determined women had reached the 8,616-meter summit of K2, but only two made it out alive. , they too perished while climbing other peaks of 8000 meters, these five women all disappeared in the mountains.