"Running Away With Blackie" takes a complex and thought-provoking look into the lonely and desperate life of Jetty. Jetty, having a history of drug abuse and denial, now must confront his own personal demons in order to move forward in his life. Along with his best and only friend; his dog Blackie, he encounters some strange characters during his travels who serve as a constant reminder of what he has been trying to run away from. Jetty finally wakes up and has an epiphany when he encounters a Goblin-Like Figure (Camden Toy) who reminds him that he is the only one who can help himself, and cannot hide from himself any longer.
When a devastating boat crash shipwrecks a group of friends in the jungles of an uncharted island, they are savagely picked off one-by-one by a cannibalistic enemy that evolution forgot.
크리스틴의 아버지는 소방소의 캡틴으로서 정년퇴임을 맞기 바로전에 사고을 당한다. 아버지의 사망에 대한 책임을 지고 크리스틴은 퇴직을 하게 되는데 그녀는 자신의 결백을 증명하기 위해 노력한다. 여자 소방관이라는 약점을 안고 싸우지만 소방팀 중에서도 가장 어려운 Smokejumpers팀에 합류하기 위해 4주간의 험난한 과정을 거치게 된다. (씨네프)
Following a tragic plane crash, newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder happens upon a hastily-written note that was from one of the passengers onboard. She makes it her mission to deliver it to its intended recipient by Christmas, bringing her readers along for the ride.
On a secret military base a group of scientists have made a discovery unequaled since the invention of the A-bomb; code-named Eruptor, it's a device that supercharges Dark Matter and uses it to change the molecular structure of its target, thereby eradicating it. But when the Eruptor malfunctions and a leading scientist on the project is blasted with Dark Matter, he receives incredible abilities
전단지의 위대한 날이 가까와지면서 Great Valley의 날아 다니는 젊은이들은 연례 전시회에 참가하여 기술을 자랑합니다. 누구나, 자유로운 정신을 지닌 익룡 피 트리를 제외하고, 개인주의는 형성에 머물러있을 때 문제를 일으킨다. 리틀 풋 (Littlefoot), 세라 (Cera), 스파이크 (Spike), 덕키 (Ducky) 등의 공룡 친구를 입력하십시오. 그는 Petrie가 자신의 독창성을 받아 들일 것을 권장합니다.