Russell Bell

참여 작품

Merry Ex-Mas
Director of Photography
When misleading photos are published of security company chief Jessie Rogers purportedly caught in a love nest with his rock star client, his humiliated wife, Noëlle, swiftly files for divorce. Unable to convince her of his innocence, Jessie fights in vain to win Noëlle back when a Christmastime blizzard snowbounds the family.
더 라스트: 지구 최후의 날
10년째 비가 한 방울도 오지 않은 오리건 주! 메마른 대지에서 물은 돈보다 귀하다. 악당들은 물을 독차지 하기 위한 학살을 시작한다. 이제 켄달은 생존자들과 함께 학살자들을 응징하고 어떻게든 오리건 주를 탈출해야만 한다.
Defending Santa
Director of Photography
Kris Kringle, aka Santa Claus, goes on trial for mental competency in Small Town U.S.A.
Beautifully Esther
Director of Photography
Esther's lifeless daily routine is interrupted when her husband suddenly collapses. Confronted with her husband's unwillingness to change, Esther must decide how she wants to spend the rest of her days.