Production Manager
Georg, who is happy with his job as a scientist, with his loving wife and with his three children, hears one day that an accident has happened in a chemical plant nearby. All of a sudden, he finds himself face to face with one of the victims. The man, whose face has been eaten away by the sour gas that escaped from the plant, is staring at him in despair. Does Georg really see the man or is this a mere hallucination? Is he becoming insane or is he more alert to the dangers of the world than the common man?
Production Manager
1993년 크리스마스 전날 뚜렷한 이유도 없이 열아홉살 대학생이 은행에 들어가 총을 난사한다. 영화는 이 대학생과 조우하게 되는 평범한 사람들의 삶 속으로 들어가 그들을 오랜 시간 관찰한다. 이들이 비극을 맞이해야 할 이유는 어디에도 없다. 등장인물들의 일상 사이사이에 유고 내전, 소말리아 내전 등 비극의 현장을 전하는 뉴스 릴이 자꾸 끼어든다.
Production Manager
An unknown disease has annihilated the human race. Sand - just a tiny heap of white sand is all that is left of a human being. When Ruth and Sylvester meet, they are the only survivors. They are immune against the deadly disease; on the brink of madness, they find themselves incapable of shifting the burden of responsibility for mankind, which fate has placed upon them. Could they do anything but start from scratch?
Production Manager
For the first time two antagonists meet in a countryside disco: one is a farmer's son, the other a drug addict singer from Vienna. And then there is her. The fight between the two men for the girl begins in in the city.
Franz Holl, 6 years old, is sent off by his mother and stepfather to live on his father's farm. His father turns out to be a mischievous man who won't grant him any chance in life.
The roles are played by amateur actors from Carinthia.